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Everything posted by sky_king

  1. I guess he really let the cat out of the bag. <does 50 pushups as a penalty for using a pun>
  2. I did the training... water... it's helpful... a lot... today...
  3. From what I've seen in my tour here, follow these steps and you'll be ok... even if you suck at flying. 1) Study your ass off 2) Work your ass off 3) Help your bros 4) Don't be a DOUCHEBAG
  4. I could use some help. What is the airplane in these pictures?
  5. I've always heard porn in the FE's lunch box works well.
  6. I don't know guys. The government did $787B on a stimulus package. This could be real.
  7. Maybe log the hours on facebook etc and use that stat for force shaping purposes. How much time are you willing to spend?
  8. Opportunity Costs. That reminds me. I have a damn masters paper to write.
  9. You are abso-fucking-lutly correct.
  10. Proficiency Advance this man
  11. Aileron pushrod failure or pilot error?
  12. "Banked"???
  13. vote - recast
  14. shit piss fuck ass... wow, that is fun
  15. What is required for "Bachelors Plus" and is that even still a thing? I'm in my 4th class at TUniversityIUniversity and about ready to vStrangle my vProfessor because my vMasters is vRetarded real world retarded.
  16. <sarcasm> No, it's inapropriate and offensive. </sarcasm>
  17. Ha! If you have enough time and SA to yell out the window to some guy you might hit while dead sticking in an airplane on a beach, it'd be a lot easier to turn the nose of the airplane 1 degree left.
  18. This reminded my of this thread. https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/clips/weekend-getaway-prius-commercial/1208877/
  19. Wow... 9-19-43 Fireman killed in explosion 9-20-43 B-17 Crash, no survivors 9-23-43 Mechanic accidentally killed 9-24-43 "Short Sterling" crash 9-26-43 2 B-17s shot down on training mission 9-28-43 Mid-air between two B-17s, both crash 10-4-43 Mission with 2 B-17s shot down Interesting first two weeks!
  20. The AF funds this but they can't drop a cool million dollars to fund it's free webmail "gimail" that you can get at home and at work?
  21. Is that the Russian version of Rick Rolling?
  22. I'd but it if it sounded like this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWX-ub3thjE&feature=related
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