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  1. Hit it right on the head here. Hop on the AFOQT scoring website and see what kind of PCSM you will have with increased flying experience (it goes up in tiers, ie. above 10 hours, above 50 hours, etc.). Also, if you dont think you can get any more hours in prior to submitting your package to the board, you could always try and take the AFOQT again (i know this sucks) to bring up your Quantitative score. From my experience, the PCSM is what counts the most and this is greatly affected by how many flying hours you have.
  2. Is this still happening? I thought you couldn't drop RPA out of UPT anymore? OP your scores aren't bad, just keep working towards your goals.
  3. FWIW ive seen 2 dudes recently get picked up for OTS at 28yo and change. Havent witnessed anyone older than that but im still a noob so im sure some others will chime in with some more information. You could also try and get ETP but pretty sure that isnt too likely. If this is something you really want then I would try my hardest to push for this. Good luck!
  4. Gotta love good ol Peter O'Knight. I was doing preflight at KTPF when this bad boy landed. Should have seen the faces on some of the people.
  5. On the link with pictures near the bottom someone posted the KC135 was from MacDill out in tampa (unconfirmed). Its for sure a sad day. Thoughts and prayers go out to the familys affected.
  6. ^ did they say you were good to go at your FC1? Although nothing can be certain, you should be fine. My eyes tested just a tad worse than yours and my FC1 was approved wtih waiver for myopia. Usually takes 3-5 weeks to hear anything back. Contact recruiter if you havent heard by that point. Best of luck. Also, having a -2.5 refraction error is closer to 20/150 I would think, not 20/80. As long as it doesnt exceed 20/200 and is correctable to 20/20 I believe your fine.
  7. Wonder if the CFI put his seatbelt after he recovered the plane. If you ask me this plane has bad luck written all over it.
  8. ^this https://www.nbcnews.com/technology/technolog/dont-call-em-drones-wide-world-unmanned-flying-machines-1C8857699
  9. Thoughts and prayers.
  10. ^ I apologize for putting this in the GD. I just figured it was a topic worth discussing. There were a couple threads in the "What are my chances" section which detailed more how to obtain your PCSM and what you need to do, but I figured it could go in here since its a discussion topic. Anyways, mods feel free to move this if need be.
  11. Whats everyones take on the new scoring system going into effect February 13th? https://access.afpc.af.mil/pcsmdmz/faq2_0.html#THREE I am curious to see how everyones scores will be affected.
  12. Hey guys. Quick question for you. I recently had my FCI at WPAFB back on Dec 3rd - 7th. Everything went great. I was informed by the staff that it would take roughly 30-45 days for my physical to be sent to HQ, stamped, and approved. I was wondering since this time has past how I can find out if everything went through ok. I contacted both my unit and recruiter and haven't heard anything back yet. Thanks in advance!
  13. I was in a simlar situation. I landed two interviews in two different parts of the country. I went and intervied with the first unit and was waiting to hear back from them for a couple of weeks. During this couple of weeks the other unit invited me to interview with them and I told them I would interview with them. Long story short, the original unit gave me the slot the day before I was suppose to go interview with the second unit. I called the second unit and let them know I would not be attending their interview board. They wished me well and told me its no surprise another unit picked me up.
  14. Thought the E6B was considered a "Computer"? Thats what I was told back when I got my private but I could never actually confirm it because I couldnt find the power cord.
  15. Thanks man! I appreciate it.
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