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  1. Hey I am at AMS and am worried about the first PT...ive never failed before and have flown throw past tests, but i strained a stomach muscle during a workout a coupel days ago and am worried i may fail sit ups....is there a way to disclose this information with out getting kicked otu or will they fail me out of AMS immediatly?
  2. haha that won't work for us :) I think outside of my 4 month flight school I will be able to head down to del rio once a month.....just wishin it would come and go
  3. im lookin for a roomate in laughlin august
  4. My husband and I met in the military, so the lifestyle is not new to us. He is leaving for UPT in January and I will be leaving for 4 months of flight nursing training this summer. I am stressed and worried about what the next couple years will hold for us. I am choosing not to live with him and stay in Fort Worth, I cannot leave my civillian job. Any suggestions on how to keep a stable relationship when both spouses are engaging in training, deployments, and life? How do I make this two years fly by? p.s. activities in Del Rio?
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