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  1. Concerns the Navy, but how long until the Air Force needs it? The Navy restored the Aviation Command Retention Bonus...a bonus Navy Commanders receive once they assume command. Looks like 36K for agreeing to serve a set period of time, or at least until they are fired. Is the Navy losing too many O5 command potential/promotable officers, or is command just that undesirable that the Navy has to shell out the dollars to get some interested? Not a good sign to have to compel/pay officers to serve in a command position. Don't get me wrong, I am all for bonuses in attempt to shape the force and keep critical skills (pilot, enlisted specialities), but command has always been held as a "pinnacle", and to need money to motivate or keep eligible (not necessarily capable) individuals around to assume command authorities is unnerving.
  2. Seems to be fact...UFB. What's next for this slippery slope of treating all Airman as uncontrollable children that need close control 24 hours a day? https://www.airforcetimes.com/article/20140703/NEWS/307030062/Commander-puts-30-day-ban-alcohol-incoming-airmen-Korea
  3. 99.8% of responsible Airman "grounded" in Korea due to the actions of the .2%. While international affairs is a consideration, restricting all 7AF personnel is not the answer. You, the one that wants to enjoy a bottle of wine over a nice dinner with your wife, or have a scotch with a cigar...not yours. https://www.stripes.com/news/pacific/airmen-in-korea-banned-from-drinking-this-weekend-1.289830
  4. Only wish I could give back my box-checking bullshiat degree in order to use TA for the real degree I am now pursuing. Oh well, it's something I actually want so paying for it is worth it.
  5. Trifecta complete. https://bigstory.ap.org/article/head-fort-campbell-harassment-program-arrested
  6. Think I would rather have a FE than an ABM...I've known exactly zero ABMs that could/should do more than comm relay while "acting" as SOF.
  7. Not good at all. “The bottom line is, I have no tolerance for this,” Obama told reporters after he was asked about several recent military scandals, including the weekend arrest of the Air Force’s chief for sexual assault prevention on charges that he groped and attacked a woman in Northern Virginia. “If we find out somebody’s engaging in this stuff, they’ve got to be held accountable, prosecuted, stripped of their positions, court-martialed, fired, dishonorably discharged — period.”
  8. With as much negative publicty the Lt Col has brought the AF from military leaders, Congress and national media...I expect his future to be about as bright as this little critter. It's simple...don't try to touch/grap something or someone that you shouldn't.
  9. While this was the act of an individual...as an institution Big Blue just showed its ass...I don't think feminists are needed to pressure Congress into action, they will likely do it by themselves, especially considering all the other sexual assault issues recently. Sad we can't keep our shit out of the street due to individuals f'ing it up.
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