While I have been the grateful recipient of military spending, made transitioning from AD to the ANG seamless as the orders flowed, I have say that while there is room for some excess military spending to keep the industrial base & force highly capable, we are not a good jobs program.
Military Spending: A Poor Job Creator
By William D. Hartung January 2012
For some towns / areas of the US, an increased military presence as an economic stimulator is acceptable but those are few and far between. The fat we keep around weighs down the organization and detracts resources but that pork is how we get things done in our consensus based democracy. I think our military (mostly our procurement) is a symptom of a problem that we as a nation face, our founding fathers designed our government to need an unusually large amount of consensus to get things done at the large scale, they really meant for state governments and counties to administer the civil needs of the nation as that was the scale of life then. Now fast-forward 200+ years and we live at a totally different scale but fundamentally have the same government system for the big things needing a really large amount of consensus to get the big things done, so in our diverse and sometimes divisive nation, we horse trade with other people's money to get things done, and as we have seen in the military, we get tanks the Army doesn't want and aircraft programs purposely distributed to make them unkillable because everyone has a piece of the action even if it is over budget, underperforming and way behind schedule, reference
Flawed F-35 Fighter Too Big to Kill as Lockheed Hooks 45 States.
This problem translates to the modern military, we have a military designed for a large scale conventional war on multiple fronts but with no incentive to change or reconfigure when circumstances warrant it because the authority is actually so distributed and the laws so Byzantine it is almost impossible to get anything done. And even when the probability of a large scale conventional war is a possibility and increasing as China / Russia strengthen capabilities and probe the resolve of the West, it continues with business as usual.