Heres just like a general overview. Warrants are the main pilots in the ARMY. They get the most hours and have other responsibilities but not near as many as Officers. Officers get to fly but not near as. Warrants dont get paid as much is maybe the only downfall. One sucky thing is you can have 15 years in and a 2nd LT is higher rank than you and when you fly you have alot more knowledge its prob just a little weird teachin higher ranks how to fly and them outranking you. ARMY pilots have been deployed alot lately, as well as the rest of the Armed Forces. It all depends where you are stationed. Like dad for like 14 years didnt have to go anywhere overseas except for the first Gulf War. Then in the last 5 years went to Korea, Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan for 6 month- 1 year tours so it all depends. Right now were down in Mother Rucker. Not exactly if that covered youre questions or not, just let me know.