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Everything posted by norskman

  1. Are you a pilot or SMA?
  2. T-6 line IP here, please submit the AGEP surveys (or whatever they're called now...) to actually document the noted deficiencies from UPT grads. Thats the only truth data the Bobs will take at face value to increase the hideously slim amount of actual flight time to earn wings.
  3. I taught Luke at Rucker when he was a stud. I remember one particular NVG flight with him where it was like CT with your bro. He was a tremendous dude with a phenomenal attitude. He worked hard and was super willing to learn. He finished the program really strong. Luke, we will miss you dude.
  4. Locking tailwheel on these rigs. Got a few buddies that fly tractors. They say these things are a breeze to fly. The only difference from tricycle is the variation of pitch on takeoff and landing.
  5. Helo rescue guy turned UPT IP here.... As we continue to watch the "Special Military Operation" unfold in Ukraine and the importance of the armed overwatch execution, it clearer now more than ever the AF gets this right. I can't help but notice the minimal overhead and footprint of all the Ag sprayers (aka crop dusters) in northern Mississippi operating out of dirt strips or even fresh cut hayfields and still be able to do their job everyday covering thousands of acres, all with a just a few guys. I think this starts with the correct hardware. IMHO the 802 has the most intangibles going for it. Most predominately, its ability to launch and recover in pretty nasty runway conditions. As a former helo driver, operating on unprepared surfaces is our bread and butter, why can't we do the same with a FW thats capable of it? spears.....
  6. Get some HH-60 drivers to fly that thing. They’re generally familiar with most SOF mission sets, in particular CSAR,CAS and SCAR. Plus, Rolling landings/takeoffs in a HH-60 are extremely similar to tail dragger pitch pictures and airspeed envelopes and something they train to often. … and obviously austere field ops.
  7. shack....sadly -Helicopter Pilot
  8. 2 PR is a primarily a time-based problem
  9. From that article, I think the goal is just to update current NVD capes with it. Not tracking any update for PR iron (exception being the HH-60W). However, if we're talking off-the-wall airlift solutions, I submit the Murphy Moose. Basically a 75% scaled Dehavilland Beaver. Floats, skis, or boats....it doesn't matter. If it fits in the cabin or even strapped between the floats, it will still fly (probably). https://www.murphyair.com/detail/moose.html
  10. This. Gone are the days of your typical 2000-2500 hr seeing-eye dog line IP in the squadron. Can't speak for the pointy nose dudes, but I know in other parts of the CAF (specifically helos) folks are upgrading to instructor with ~500 hrs. Even a 1000 hr pilot is hard to find and considered super experienced. As others have eluded too, this decay in experience has a multitude of secondary effects and is exposed by certain outcomes.
  11. Yep, ~2 or 3 in PIT right now. Quoted for truth.
  12. What exactly is your question?... it seems like you’re already attempting to answer your own original question.
  13. Refit with boom
  14. Dreaming here.... My vote for a companion trainer would be a tail dragger (ideally a Husky). Certified Day/night VFR/IFR. Airmanship-wise - anybody with any TW time on here can tell you the importance of using your feet for BAC! Still able to enter into your nearest Class B on IFR clearance and on VFR RTB hit a few grass strips to practice STOL. Again, dreaming here...
  15. Absolutely correct. Also, from my understanding, the FWF course at Vance has long since been shut down for RW bubbas. Anyone have data on that?
  16. Yeah, neither do I. Sarcasm here. I can't imagine how cutting a pilot syllabus by 115 hrs (~56%) will make someone better.
  17. Correct. The goal of this program is to make a better pilot though.
  18. UPT-H (Fort Rucker) has a current SGTO executing an ~88 hr syllabus (students have no prior IFT or T-6 time) that was reduced from a little over 100 hrs. The goal in the reduction was to make a better helicopter pilot. https://www.airforcemag.com/helicopter-pilot-training-experiment-skips-fixed-wing-courses/
  19. That does not negate the fact that we have had a heinous May-July '20. We have a trend now. The item in question now is defining the threshold of mishaps before *they* do something to tacitly address it ($/time).
  20. The sad part is that USAF management actually views that as truth data...reference our ACP, the gutting of UPT for helo drivers, the ops tempo, etc.
  21. Great question, I fear that we would be "Plan B" for most dudes in the commissioning pipeline. The default would be UPT, followed by UHT for the vast majority no doubt. Also, this. We have had plenty of dudes in the past couple of years flow back into FW assets.
  22. Airmanship. T-6 training is designed to take a dude with zero flight time and get them to be comfortable in a turbine powered machine flying in close proximity to other aircraft IMC. At Rucker, we take that baseline understanding/knowledge and build on it with a RW perspective (for example, training "wingman consideration" in helo form). Also, the intangibles should not be forgotten. FW training makes our community more understanding when we integrate with assets like HC-130s, A-10s, F-16s, etc. A baseline to integrate upon, if you will. Edit: I.E. FW energy management (sight pictures, stalls/spins considerations, pattern flow), FW limitations, FW advantages (f/ mission command upgrades). Edit #2: Forgot to mention earlier, HH-60 and CV-22 both train ACM and build on fundamentals of aerobatics. We cannot execute any g-related training due to system limitations of the H-1.
  23. Ft Rucker IP here....the entire instructor mafia here thinks it is a terrible idea. Additionally, we have seen a noticeable decrease in student's SA/ task management/airmanship with the change of ~95 hours in the T-6 to the ~75 they get now.
  24. Anyone here on 19AF staff I can PM?
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