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Everything posted by norskman

  1. Gotta disagree with you on this one brother. Sure there's a few (1 or 2 that I have heard) weaker swimmers from the Army in Rescue, but the USAF -60 community specifically makes things more complicated than it needs to be operationally speaking. Molehills are often morphed into mountains in Rescue. CSAR is a time based problem. When we integrate with the CAF, it prolongs the availible solutions. IMHO Being ACC has conditioned us negatively in many ways. I digress..... Back on topic, You gotta remember that a large portion of the early WIC community were prior Warrants and some are still in key leadership positions. I currently fly with 5 prior Army bubbas, 3 being prior warrants. All great pilots/dudes and are all very grounded and compotent. I do agree with you that we should train in the T-6 for a multitude of other reasons, foremost being the commonality of foundational airmanship with our FW bros.
  2. This, dude totally agree. 3 class A mishaps in the last four years. 2 being CFITs. Basic airmanship is lacking. Not going to get better any time soon. It doesn’t help when we think a flight lead is super experienced when he has a whopping 500 total hours and throw him in the IPUG syllabus only becuase he’s next in line. Contract only UPT will only continue to inflict pain on the ops squadrons. Basic Instrument proficiency will suck without T-6 interface. Cross flow opportunities for the new pups from the proposed syllabus will dwindle. I fear for the road ahead. Where’s some good news for the USAF RW community?
  3. SHACK. AGAIN, SHACK. Bottom line, this decision should boil down to one question and that is what is the best way to accomplish mission of CSAR? As a -60 dude, it pains me to agree with you about aircraft capes, but you're absolutely correct with regard to the V-22. Additionally, the way AFSOC does business with regard to force structuring will be a plus in the long term (in the near term it will suck for the dudes that are currently on the fast track though...sorry bros). Overall, I'm hoping for the AFSCOC transition to occur.
  4. How long have you been away from the RQS squadron for? Life is significantly different post-OEF....
  5. THIS. We (HH-60s) have dudes going through IPUG with only 600 hrs in the machine, time will only tell concerning the health of my community in ~5 years.
  6. We were briefed this is the new COA being implemented at our ops unit. What's the consensus at the 23rd? I assume more iron and flesh? AD or contractors bearing the brunt?
  7. For any helo bros out there, is there any official word on UPT-H (UHT) coming back and timeline in place? Thanks
  8. Fake news https://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/us_58965b8ce4b0c1284f26473f?utm_hp_ref=donald-trump
  9. Slow your roll. Tracking 38s in UPT doesn't give you automatic tactical credibility. You begin to learn the necessary skills and attitude in your first ops unit as a young pup picking the brains of the old dudes whenever you can.
  10. 1. Ops Tempo/Deployment 2. Lifestyle/ Family Stability 3. Community morale 4. Advancements & Future of the airframe 5. Preferred PCS locations HHH-60Gs 11. Depends on the squadron. Currently deployed to a few locations worldwide. 22. Depends on the base, deployment tasking, etc... Certain bases have better travel opportunities due to their locations, (Kadena and Lakenheath) 3. The Hawk is getting old, thus she flies less and breaks more. The young pups are flying less and less every year and it's not getting better. It's really killing morale at the bro level when the copilots fly ~4-8 hrs a month when there in dire need of experience. The mission is rewarding overall, yet Big Blue seems to still not know the proper use of its rotary-wing assets, which is frustrating considering it has employed helicopters for 50+ years. Lot of hurry up-and-wait, with knee jerk reactions in the midst. 4. We are supposed to get the HH-60W (modified MH-60M) in FY19, I'll believe it when I see her rotors turning on a ramp somewhere. 5. Lakenheath, Kadena, Tuscon, Nellis, Moody (in that order). 3
  11. Bump; Any SA out there on the crossflow between Rescue assignments? i.e. Going to HC-130s from a helo? thanks
  12. No, you can faip at rucker though in the TH-1
  13. I have to agree. The saving grace is those dudes who develop the desire to live the helo low life during phase 2, and I speak from experience. A corrective action would be to add additional low level sorties to the phase 2 syllabus, 2 is not enough. It is appropriate considering the amount of airframes that fly low operationally.
  14. With the rapid increase of popularity for helos in UPT, an argument could be made for the option of a "straight-in" to Rucker similar to the UHT program that existed in the 80's. Yes, much basic airmanship and general aviation knowledge (more specifically, instruments and formation) was attained in the T-6, but nothing the 23rd couldn't compensate for with an extended program in the TH. But like everything else, I'm sure 11Hs will be an afterthought in the UPT planning process.
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