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    North Little Rock, Arkansas

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  1. News reporting says she was on the list being passed around to congressional leaders…
  2. Air Force Lt Gen Jennifer Short, Senior Military Assistant to SecDef, also reportedly fired by SecDef.
  3. Are you willing to share more? I've heard anecdotes in the hallway over the years, but nothing with greater context.
  4. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2024-06-30/national-guard-commander-misconduct A lot to unpack here.
  5. https://taskandpurpose.com/news/arkansas-abortion-commander-resigns/ In this case, looks like this CC resigned from wing command on his own accord.
  6. Definitely doable. Some units are more engaged with exercises, MRA trips, etc than others. YMMV.
  7. THREAD REVIVAL PART DEUX: Looking to speak to someone via PM who considers themselves to be relatively smart on SGLI/life insurance situations. Please lmk--thanks. BR
  8. **THREAD REVIVAL** Looking for someone knowledgeable about ins and outs of SGLI, especially as I near active-duty retirement (and carry quite a bit of term insurance from private companies). Please PM me.
  9. I offer this without comment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPzbQejlAcM
  10. Need some assistance with folks with ANG/AFRC experience who understand the VA disability claims process. Here's my story--happy to elaborate via PM. History of active duty, guard reserves. Was on a set of T32 AGR orders and wasn't sure if they would be extended. Within 90 days of my T32 AGR orders ending, submitted a fully developed claim through my VSO. Lots of time at VA hospitals for x rays, C&P exams, etc. Ended up getting 40% rating. In the midst of the claims process, I was given a new set of T32 AGR orders. As soon as I received my first disability check from VA, I filed to withhold VA disability compensation, paid back the $ and said I'd contact the VA when my orders were done or I retired to restart payment. Fast forward a few months and the VA is now trying to sever (not suspend) service connection and propose that I go through the ENTIRE process again (because I was on orders at the time, even within the 90 days of orders potentially being stopped). Just need some help whether or not this is a battle worth fighting. For the few months after I filed to withhold compensation, my records reflected my 40% rating with $0 monthly payment. Why the change? Thanks in advance.
  11. In the ANG, PRFs are required for ROPMA to O-5 (pretty sure for ROPMA to O-4 as well).
  12. Looking to talk to a savvy investor about relationships with an advisor and wrap fees. Please PM if willing. Thanks in advance.
  13. So, wrt Gen Hyten and what he's currently going through, curious to hear your thoughts. Met him several times and always seemed like a solid guy. USAF's (seemingly comprehensive) investigation couldn't find anything inappropriate but it seems that his accuser is willing to testify before congress...
  14. Has anyone seen the '18 ANG O-5 promotion results yet? IIRC, public release is tomorrow...
  15. Does anyone have the real story of this so-called mishap (the F-16 one, not the WC-130)? I've heard the version that they crashed an F-16 in the ocean and didn't tell anyone about it until years later during an ORI or some other inspection, but I get the feeling there is some hyperbole weaved into that telling...
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