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Everything posted by HuggyU2

  1. I broke mine at graduation. I then had a "UPT aviation themed" print that I found framed, with my class' scraf and patch in it. At the top, I have the broken wings, with the pieces separated by about 1/4 inch. Makes for a nice conversation piece. [ 17. February 2006, 02:23: Message edited by: Huggyu2 ]
  2. In the U-2, when "on the road", most of us fly with 3-4 handhelds. Sounds like overkill, but each serves a specific purpose. The one we use for "normal ops", and just plain navigatin' and SA is a Garmin 196. We've got some new ones, and I think they are Garmin 96C (I haven't used them). Locally, I fly with a Garmin GPS III; old, but very effective. Our unit bought a few, and we sign them out when needed. We will put them in with the trainees when they go solo, and then download the plot when they return, allowing us (the IP's) to see exactly how their flight progressed. Yes, you can bust a ride based on your HHGPS plot. They're great in the T-38, especially when VFR. Keep your destination's range in the HHGPS, and you can constantly work your Bingo and maximize your playtime. [ 17. February 2006, 02:17: Message edited by: Huggyu2 ]
  3. Can I get an "Amen" to that, brothers!!!
  4. Someone has to be willing to step up and take a bullet. If the SQ/CC doesn't, then how about The Mayor? Start singing the songs and call the potential bluff. Don't like that?: make a HUGE announcement that he's received notice that the Wing CC is offended, and that these songs are off-limits. Very embarrassing for said-WingCC. The Mayor won't do it? Then YOU stir things up. And it sometimes means taking a bullet. You've got to decide if it's worth it. For me, it's fun, I've got little to lose, and "they" usually back off. Guys, I'm with you. It's getting ridiculous everywhere. But the most shocking post is the one about the ANG shutting pilot bars. Tell me that's just one ANG unit, not all of them. It's got to be a mistake. STOP THE MADNESS!! [ 25. January 2006, 09:43: Message edited by: Huggyu2 ]
  5. Hacker, Did the high time guy retire or PCS? Who is it? The 7400 hour pilot is Frank Lerquin (sp?). However, getting those kind of T-38 hours is a thing of the past, since "career trainers" and the ACE program are gone. Most of those high time guys bounced back and forth from ACE, PIT, and UPT. I figure there must be some 3000 hour pilots at PIT, but haven't heard for sure.
  6. I heard that there is/was a Moody pilot with 1000+ hours in the T-38A, 1000+ in the AT-38B, and is getting close to 1000 hours in the T-38C. True statement? Also, other than this Moody pilot, is there anyone currently flying the T-38 for the USAF with over 3000 hours in the Talon?
  7. I guess there is a reason that my Wings sit ABOVE my ribbons.
  8. Checking in, sir,.... at FL700+
  9. Judge each job/slot on its own merit. There a some very small military pilot units out there that can (or would) benefit from having a GS-13 or contractor pilot flying for them. It may not fit an F-15 or C-17 unit, but it very beneficial in other places.
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