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Everything posted by HuggyU2

  1. I did 6 years on two different assignments in “white jets”. Bad deal? Not for me. I got a shitload of flying and instructing, and became a WAY better pilot as a result.
  2. That's a lot of overkill, potentially. Why that over the CJ-3+, or even the Citation M2?
  3. FIFY. Your bonus options are probably better than they are for the 11R types.
  5. You cheap-ass bastage! If it weren't for the fact I know you're a Nav/CSO, I'd swear you are an airline pilot.
  6. Your mom had better rock tastes than you give her credit for. Manson sucks!
  7. At least the 11R retention rate will be fantabulous. But The Air Staff apparently knew that already.
  8. Most of us aren't "triggered", booze. Just disappointed and disgusted... and a bit saddened too... with much of this sort of thing. If you find it powerful and cool and relevant, so be it. I guess you're "triggered" in a happy way.
  9. Glad Nike wasn’t involved... not that I’ll ever buy another Nike-branded product again. How long before someone gets whacked by someone stealing those shoes?
  10. I'm sure the USAF paid extra for that "feature".
  11. There are certainly instances of this... there always will be. But by and large, I didn’t see it during my T-38 FAIP days. Most pilots that got cut in -38s were for single-ship things. We had one in my class and he ended up being an F-4 WSO. It’s been a long time but the ones I remember were mainly T-38 Contact washouts. But it didn’t happen much: we lost 21 people in my UPT class and only the one guy was in the T-38. I do recall one in another Flight that was washed out on his Nav check. I kid you not. Late in the Formation phase, we got notified if we were going to the FAR or TTB track. That was where the syllabus split and the TTB track did more out-and back Nav events. Overall, I liked “the old way” and if I were King, I’d send everyone to the T-38/T-7, dump the T-1, and dust off the old syllabus. Certainly, there are ways to do it better than we did... but there is no doubt in my mind that the T-7 would be a great platform for all USAF UPT graduates.
  12. I cannot log in on my laptop. I’m getting a message saying the forum log in page is no longer secure. I’ve tried on both Chrome and Safari. Ideas?
  13. A U-2 bud just started a couple of months ago. I’ll ask him about it.
  14. As someone who ran the hiring of a volunteer-only USAF flying unit, I would like to recommend to you that questions that are this important to the success of your application be asked directly to the officers that are the Gatekeepers. I can think of a few additional things you should do... but just start there for now.
  15. Or maybe the 1st Amendment.
  16. Thanks. However I don’t participate in the book of faces.
  17. Greta rocks!!
  18. I've never been. If you have experience recently there, any advice on getting there? - TPA and MCO are the best bet for flying in commercial? I found a hotel about 4 miles from the airport. Better suggestions? Anything else of note?
  19. What's the take home pay after taxes on $15,000... $11,500? Based on working an 8-hour day, that is a a $5.53 per hour raise. Based on working a 10-hour day, that is a $4.42 per hour raise.
  20. If you can’t afford the aircraft without doing this, then don’t buy an aircraft. If you actually can afford it, have a good lawyer and don’t mind unexpected headaches, you might look into buying an aircraft and using it for dual instruction. Having never owned an aircraft, I’ll defer to those here that have.
  21. Really? I had that conversation with my children. More than once too.
  22. What is Lt Col Kennedy's background... other than a Patch? https://www.spangdahlem.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1895410/480th-fighter-squadron-change-of-command/ And this was somewhat interesting... https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/your-air-force/2020/01/16/spangdahlem-group-commander-disciplined-for-inappropriately-touching-squadron-commanders-wife/
  23. We've got a few guys in the squadron that own 4-place aircraft... and they actually fill all 4 seats on a regular basis. But I think they are generally the exception. Another guy in the squadron just got rid of his Bonanza and bought an RV-8 that is almost done. He said he seldom flies with more than 1 pax.
  24. What a mistake by the Corps. Their "leadership" is either unaware... or simply has become a den of bureaucrats.
  25. I'm brand new to the 777, and the F/O on this flight out of Denver was on both of my international IOE trips a while back. Absolutely stellar airline pilot and a good shit. I hope he gets the accolades he deserves.
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