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Everything posted by HuggyU2

  1. If so, it's probably an SR route. Agreed. All of the effort it takes to get the requests, brief the leadership on details worthy of a nuclear strike,... and then be 1000' above the tallest stadium light,... which puts the aircraft about 1300'+ above the field, in a level pass... It's just lame and embarrassing. Especially when my civilian friends see me and say "why were y'all so high up?". And the guys that decide to fly it at 300'-500' will do it one time. And it may well end up being their fini flight. It was only a few years ago when we had a guy to a flyby over a Sacramento AAA baseball game. A 4-star was the guest of honor and on the mic. Said flyover pilot was low, doing about 450+, at night, and when he arrived he pulled it into the vertical with the cans lit up. Needless to say, the crowd went nuts... and the 4-star loved it. Nothing was said. No repercussions. Those days are gone.
  2. Who are you talking about?
  3. Swanee, For T-45 ops, how low does the Navy allow you to go on MTR's? And how fast? If you're just flying VFR (not on an MTR), what are the Navy's altitude and speed restrictions? Depending on how restrictive the Navy is, you may be better off just building your own VFR LLNAV leg.
  4. With very few exceptions, those picked for cadet orientation sorties are vetted by their ROTC staff. If you want the ride, first you need to get them to back you. Then you need to find a unit that will fly you. And THAT can be very 'personality' driven. Just because that Wing did it 3 years ago means nothing: new people are there and may not really want to make the effort since they are already working a 10+ hour day trying to keep their nose above the waterline. Bottom line: chances are about 1 in 200 that you will get an ort sortie in a single-seat-type fighter/trainer. Does the AF still do the "ATP" or "3rd Lieutenant Program"? When I went through it, there were some great options... and I flew quite a bit.
  5. The problem isn't their religion. The problem is those that use that religion to pursue an ideology that is violent toward "Western culture".
  6. Masshole, are they speaking Malay? Bad stuff, and I'm glad she was identified.
  7. So, what's the answer to the question?
  8. Good thing "they" didn't declare "Communism" a religion. Had they done that, we'd be falling over ourselves to give rights to the communists.
  9. I'm not sure I looked at the same link as you. At least I hope I didn't.
  10. I don't... it's what we use in both airplanes... thank goodness.
  11. Well,... it seems that since they can afford to get rid of Petty Officers at 15 years, their service would be worth less than the 15 Major.
  12. C'mon Rainman. I figured you of all people would have figured this out. It's ALL about the PT test... duh! Wilson: he's good to go probably. In fact, that 'stache should have filtered >50% of the schmegma coming through his O2 mask. He's low risk. Probably a smoker too... which should increase his resistance to hypoxia, since he trains for it. Gordon, on the other hand, probably has a waist measurement like mine. Sure, he looks like a middle linebacker from his college days, and can probably squat 315+,... but there is no WAY he should be flying the Raptor based on his waist measurement. And that directly leads to this O2 problem. Fact. And sad. Only pilots like pilots. Everyone knows that. Move along.
  13. I take it you probably know the Redman's from Rare Aircraft?
  14. What do you think the Ryan will go for?
  15. Though I wish that were the case,... we have armed guards and line badges to get near the aircraft. Getting near the crews? Not such a big deal. Yeah, yeah... that's not a great analogy. But we've got plenty of SF troops out there that might be required to take a bullet to keep the "asset" safe. Their life, while valuable, is considered ok to put at risk to preserve the asset. And try this litmus test: Go crash four F-22's in a week with four successful ejections. The following week, have four F-22 Captains killed in separate off-duty accidents. Which one will have Congress' attention?
  16. Actually, the Bagram-based MC-12 crew did an impressive job on that event. Maybe the details will get released.
  17. The U-2 and the Sled use LOX... not OBOGS. I don't know much about OBOGS. But I do know the LOX system works well. "Flyaway cost" is what they call it? I call it "misleading". These jets cost at least $330M each.
  18. Well, over hear at Beale, we also have the U-2, T-38, and RQ-4. So... I guess that that's who exactly is involved in safety day hear.
  19. Well you probably should. 1. These are national assets, and vital to our national interests. 2. They cost a ton of money... something we don't have much anymore as a nation. These are not disposable resources. Beale is having theirs this Thursday... except for the MC-12 squadron, since they cannot afford to stop flying.
  20. I feel for you -E model guys. The AF is completely mis-utilizing that aircraft, and running the fleet into early retirement needlessly. Can I assume y'all are seeing a lot more age-of-the-fleet writeups on your jets?
  21. If you cannot fall to your death, you should not be able to get an Air Medal. Simple as that.
  22. I'm sure you will all be much happier when Sharia law starts to pick up around here...
  23. Worse. I'd call it 1st degree felony.
  24. Yep, not aviation related. So post it in the "Squadron Bar", not here.
  25. M'aidez.,... Mayday... May Day,... 1 May... In a farmer's field near Sverdlovst... A toast to to the guys that flew those missions with no GPS, TACAN, astro trackers, data links, etc... And of course to Frank.
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