If so, it's probably an SR route.
Agreed. All of the effort it takes to get the requests, brief the leadership on details worthy of a nuclear strike,... and then be 1000' above the tallest stadium light,... which puts the aircraft about 1300'+ above the field, in a level pass...
It's just lame and embarrassing. Especially when my civilian friends see me and say "why were y'all so high up?".
And the guys that decide to fly it at 300'-500' will do it one time. And it may well end up being their fini flight.
It was only a few years ago when we had a guy to a flyby over a Sacramento AAA baseball game. A 4-star was the guest of honor and on the mic. Said flyover pilot was low, doing about 450+, at night, and when he arrived he pulled it into the vertical with the cans lit up. Needless to say, the crowd went nuts... and the 4-star loved it. Nothing was said. No repercussions.
Those days are gone.