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Everything posted by HuggyU2

  1. I worked a few shows with the T-6 Demo Team. Small footprint, low cost, and good publicity for the AF. Overall, it was a real good idea... which of course means they killed it. There are not enough demo teams to meet the demand for them, and an AF T-6 Demo would be a welcome addition to the airshow circuit... and would give the AF the ROI it wants. I met the Demo pilot at the airshow parties. IIRC, he went on to leave the AF and work as a Textron T-6 Demo pilot, with some sort of involvement in AT-6 program. I also recall that Patty Wagstaff did the T-6 Demo for a short period of time. I remember a story floating around that she ran that T-6 pretty hard in her routine. Like real hard.
  2. I'm amazed that in this day and age, someone would think this is ok to do outside of a Demo Team. I'd be equally surprised if other airshow performers there didn't question it after they saw it. Any word what happened to the pilot?
  3. Relax... we simply are finding it funny. Yes, she doesn't speak aviation. Yes, I would have made the call on the guy's phone myself... even if I was in shock from the ejection. Don't worry: no one is writing her hate letters. We just find it humorous.
  4. I'm sure the 911 operator worked in AF Finance or MPF in a previous job. Please, Lord... when the day comes that I need 911, don't let this be the operator that answers. Amen.
  5. That dude looks like he needs to cut back on the jelly donuts.
  6. I don't know if it applies to this situation... but during my AF career, I observed that dealing with our own internal organizations was incredibly painful and bureaucratic... and the results often didn't meet the expected outcome. In so many cases, it was better to go with an outside source.
  7. Last Reno Air Races start today. Weather looks great and it will be packed.
  8. And what was that?
  9. That's a quotable quote. 👍
  10. I have no idea how this works... but my friends that seem savvy like you say just the opposite about newest rates. FWIW, I hope you are right and they are wrong.
  11. I wrote their "newspaper" editors. No reply.
  12. Opinion: Does Age 67 have anything to do with it?
  13. They are offering incentives for 167 senior pilots to leave by November. That's about 4.9% of their 3,401 pilots. Not insignificant.
  14. So... UPS voluntary RIF?
  15. Well... so much for my reading comprehension. Thanks for the map link! 😁
  16. It's San Fran: Had he not been ex-military, he would have been released... and charges dropped within 72 hours of getting to DA's office.
  17. Friday night, Beale had a Skillet, Hoobastank and Dirty Hooks concert on the flightline. Skillet was headliner and the performance, lights, stage effect, etc... was fantastic. They told me they were going to Travis (last night), Vanderburg, Edwards, Cannon, Dyess, and Laughlin. I don't think the word got out like it should have... but if you're at any of those bases, don't miss it. Great show! They apparently enjoy doing these military tours. Cory B, who has well over 1,000 U-2 sorties, landed while I was running the band around Friday afternoon, and we got a good shot with him and them.
  18. Cowards.
  19. I've worn mine 3 times in the past 12 months. UPT Graduation, formal military banquet, wedding (saber line). Re: Brabus' comment on scarves... when the "no morale shirt" guidance came out a few months ago, a number of us dug through our stuff and found our old scarves. The pilots quit wearing them after 9/11, but a number of us continue to wear them again. And some of the newer pilots seem to be joining in.
  20. Guilty. For example, I'll never buy a "steak" from the commissary.
  21. That's a level of detail that I don't have.
  22. Sort of. AFPC is still waiting for OPM to finalize a decision. If they elect to approve it, the advertising and selection process will begin again. I wouldn't expect to hear anything until 2024.
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