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Everything posted by HuggyU2

  1. East Palo Alto, actually. Palo Alto itself is actually very nice, and is where Stanford University is located.
  2. A buddy of mine was flying over Iraq years back in a Viper as the wingman. Diarrhea ensued. He decides to whip out his trusty blade and cut off the underwear. In the ensuing surgery, he manages to lay open his hand. Now, bleeding like a stuck pig in a shit-sty, he informs #1 he needs to go back. Same thing when he landed: got everyone away, then skulked into the shelters to tend to his issues.
  3. Nope. You eat what you want. You're an adult, and you should know what your body deals with. I know it's shocking, but this is one area the USAF has not regulated yet.
  4. Steve, They will keep the suit, but have to replace the liner. Depending on how solid it was (or wasn't), it can do even more damage. The number floating around in PSD for a strato-shit event is about $20,000 these days. If it's pretty solid and the underwear contains all of it, I don't believe they change that liner. Spoo,... "sort of"?? It's really not so bad, though... just imagine sitting down on a warm pumpkin pie.
  5. Exactly how I felt when I saw the "Gold Bond Powder" video.
  6. Yes, I'll grab some of the classified stuff from the vault and post it next week. As for RQ-4, look up the phrase "Nunn-McCurdy Breach". Of course, that phrase got me in a bit of trouble,... didn't it Spoo? For your paper, just remember that the U-2 is the best. And the RQ-4 is not really "unmanned".
  7. No what you're saying Napolean is that EVERYONE should be SENSITIVE to YOUR needs. After all if YOU don't want to hear it, it shouldn't be spoken. Do I have this right? By the way, see the flight surgeon on Tuesday: your skin is so thin there's a high probability you'll bleed to death. Grow up.
  8. When a Guard/Reserve unit at these joint bases won't service your jet (the norm), will AETC let you go?
  9. Oh, look at the big brain on Spoo. I swear, send a gunship-killer-turned-pressure-suit-pressure-breathing-prima-donna to school, and he ends up in a velvet smoking jacket with a pipe in his mouth, explaining Greek literature to me. YGBSM. And, the Greek letter Chi (X) is, well,... Greek. According to my Greek speaking concubine, Christ in Greek is Χριστός. I'm not going to argue with you, as my knuckle-dragging IQ has no knowledge of such things. X or XP is obviously a crude abbreviation on the word. But an X and a P have little in common with Chi and Rho. Because we speak English here. And in English, X is a rating given to various movies, and XP is a rating given to orientation flyers that jump into the back of my jet. I've never read the Bible in Greek (I'm guessing you have, so you can discuss it with your Bohemian buddies at the local Chai Tea shop?), but I'm willing to bet that the New Testament Greeks said nothing about movies and jet sorties. Therefore, I revert back to my first supposition: the writter is lazy, despite his exhuberant letter on SNAPs. Additionally, I know of no neckless, sloping-forehead (yes, I said "head",... get over it) fighter/attack/recce pilot that would piece together your X=Christ connection. Most military pilots on this site don't even know that the Greeks make baklava, have fuzzy balls on their military shoes, or fly F-16's,... much less that they wrote portions of the Bible in that language. So Spoo, what's next?? Will you educate us in the finer points of Aramaic? And to think you've become this. I weep.
  10. Write "X-Mas" because he's - lazy (probable correct answer, despite the fact he just typed 1000 words), - is a politically correct pussification of what a military pilot used to be, - is an Al-Qaeda-esqe, communist/atheist, non-God fearing entity who needs targeting (with some help from an ISR platform).
  11. Is that you standing next to Tony Bevacqua!!?? I keed, I keed!!
  12. Years ago, I had "practicable" removed from our boldface. Webster's Dictionary said that practicable meant something was possible. The example in the dictionary was "it is 'practicable' to transport children to school via hot air balloon, but it is not 'practical'".
  13. I don't agree... at least for the first time you pull hard on the pole. I haven't been through the High G physiology course in a few years, but unless they've debunked it, I remember being taught the G-X initiates a physiological response (I think it was called the "cardiac response"), and it causes your physiology to kick in and give you a higher G tolerance, compared with what you will sustain on your first moderate-to-high G maneuver... which should be that G-X.
  14. Just a reminder that we'll be a Columbus Career Day this Friday and Saturday. Friday: we'll be around the assignment drop. Feel free to come ask questions or just chat. Saturday: we're giving the "10 min" presentation like everyone else. However, after the last speaker, we will show more video and stick around to discuss the U-2 program. I understand Saturday is "mandatory fun" for the students,... but if you're an IP who's interested, swing by near the end to catch our Q&A.
  15. Is the U-2 good for your health? Probably not. If you're concerned about it, I'd recommend you stay away from a U-2 assignment. That said, I'll be at the Columbus AFB career day on Saturday, 7 Nov. Although I'm limited to something like 10 minutes for the presentation, once the other MWS guys give their presentation and it's over, I'll stay and show video and answer questions as long as there are folks there. Yes, UPT students can't apply yet, but come by and look at what you COULD be doing in 3-4 years from now. If you're a CBM IP, come by and chat. Four of us will be there,... very different backgrounds, which is typical: F-16 and Test Pilot Grad; B-1 pilot; Marine Cobra pilot, T-34, T-6 (1st pilot to get 1000 hours in the T-6, BTW); T-38 FAIP and PIT IP. You can probably find us in the bar on Friday. I hear there's an assignment drop.
  16. Hail Dragons!
  17. More specifically, I believe he's referring to nametags, not squadron patches.
  18. I read the full report last week. It looks pretty complete. If you fly/flew the T-38, you should read it. Any my apologies for not posting that today was the burial. I hope you noted it on the website.
  19. Good idea, but never heard of it. Actually, the solo numbers only got figured out about 5-7 years ago, when one of the ex-pilots researched the previous 50+ years. The "underwear number" was a number we used to use (and still do), however it includes SR-71 crews, and probably WB-57, and a few others. It was used by the folks that maintain the pressure suits, to keep track of whose stuff was whose.
  20. The year that is on the tail number is not the year the jet was built.
  21. Minor point, but didn't the first T-6's get delivered in 2000?
  22. So,... which 3- or 4-star will get the last flight in the last Tweet? Has this food fight been settled yet??
  23. The only tattoo I've considered is pilot wings on my chest. And I don't intend on asking if folks on baseops.net would like them or not, as it doesn't really matter. Tattoos of skull and cross bones, chicks in lingerie, tribal art, grim reaper, multi-colored-whatevers, you name it,... have never interested me.
  24. "The Road to Wings",... or as it was nicknamed "The Road to Toast". ... the proverbial coffee blowing through my nose.
  25. Who's Stanley Cup?
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