Seems like a lot of folks here know Dash, so check this out:
The site will grow, so check back. There's a lot of photos his friends are going to put on there.
Story: we had a change of command about a year ago. Big, outdoor CoC. Dash is scheduled to fly that day high, i.e. in the space suit. After a U-2 pilot gets suited up, they put him in the big bread van with 2 lazy boy chairs in the back, and transport him to the U-2. Well, Dash decides HE can drive the van, and convinces the airmen to let him do it.
So, in full space suit, on his portable O2 system, he goes driving to his jet. On the flightline, he drives right by the Wing CC, CV, OG/CC, et. al... They look up and see a guy driving a GOV, on the flightline, in a space suit. CV looks at OG and says something to the effect of "is this the new standard?". Needless to say, after the CoC, Dash got his ass chewed by the OG/CC. Can't remember the repercussions, but they went away with time.