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Everything posted by Vandal
I did pick it up at my local Big 5. Next week, starting the 11th, they wil be having a sale on 91/30s for $99 each! Too bad I am still saving for that CMP M1 Garand I keep talking about. So, I now have a love/ hate relationship with cosmoline. I love that it kept my rifle in such good shape, bate it because that shit is a PITA to get off. I was able to clean the accessories with hot water and dish soap and while it worked really well, I am wary of using that on my rifle. I am thinking carb cleaner as it is great at removing lube (sts) and gun grease. Any other ideas.
I bought a Izhevsk made M44 yesterday for $140 on sale. That is the cheapest I have seen in a long time so I had to jump on it. M2, I blame you mostly for that purchase, after seeing all of your Soviet rifles I decided I had to have at least one. Once I find some ammo we are going out next week for some shoulder abuse.
Just watch it with the sound off or you will suddenly have an urge for Ecstasy, glow sticks, and to replace all of your lighting with blacklights to rave with.
I will when it happens and will have pics too! Funding is a bit tight right now and I am beginning to work my way through the Army OCS application process. The piston AR is behind a CMP Garand on my list right now. For HD I have my 870 Express Mag with Hornady TAP buckshot and my Kimber and XD45 in the bedside safe.
Primary use, the coming zombie apocalypse/ I do live in Northern Idaho/ trunk gun with paper punching as a secondary use. Thanks for the linky. I will make my way over there after work. This CrackBerry makes killing boredom incredibly easy.
Any thoughts or opinions on the new Ruger SR-556? I am starting to lean to a piston AR and have been looking at the LMT, LWRCI and now Ruger has one.
High School Sophomore in biology class. I stayed at school all day but we didn't do much. Spent a lot of time watching TV.
I will probably get flamed for this, but I see this as a continuation of the "False Warriorization" of the USAF. Everyone is a warrior, everyone is part of the fight, blah, blah, blah. We will call you a "warrior" to make you feel special. It begins by letting cadets in ROTC and the Zoo wear BDUs/ABUs to class and in BMT by letting everyone play with guns and pretend they are the Army for 2 weeks. There are very few actual warriors in the USAF. Finance, MPF, Services, Med Group and the like are not warriors. They are support and have no reason or excuse to wear ABUs during they day; I think they should be in Blues. Logistics, Sec. Forces, Combat Comm and of course the Aircrew, USAF Spec. Ops and PJs who get shot at daily downrange are the warriors of the AF, IMO. I can understand letting those who work, sweat and get dirty for a living wear the ABUs, coveralls, bags but that is a different thread altogether.
I always fight the urge to vomit when I hear Iron Eagle mentioned.
Not everyone on here is a pilot type, I and a civilian and think that all of these gay little military touring bands of degenerate homosexuals (ref. Soft Sandy thread) are a complete waste of my hard earned tax dollars. While the TIB and their ilk are prancing away on stage in front of a captive audience of bored Airmen, there are guys who need the money being dropped on your sheer faggotry. You wasteful use of AF dollars, logistics and aircraft to take your show from base to base needs to be reported to the IG as a Fraud, Waste, and Abuse claim. You TIB types are blowing through money that could be used to get the O-clubs back to being a fun place, giving MWR some cash to make life on base a little better, putting gas in jets or bombs through the front doors of people who need a little explosion to brighten their trip to where-ever the fuck the rag heads go. You obviously have no idea what the Air Force's true mission is and I am not talking about that crap the cadets and Basic Trainees have to memorize. Teamwork escapes you doesn't it? Juan, you are the epitome of the self-centered REMF/ TIB douche. I am in favor of groups like the AF Honor Guard, AF Marching Band, as they have a real purpose and look damn good doing it. TIB is a waste of time and oxygen.
I'm not in anymore but would do my damnedest to find a way to witness that.
It was assumed earlier that she was to be hot to make up for the retardation of the email.
What is going on at Minot? First the BUFF flying with nukes, the NSI failure cause of a cop falling asleep, dumping a booster in 2008 and now this. I realize they were in secure containers in a building surrounded by cops, but really what the hell? And which one of them squealed to get all 3 in trouble? Linky Tuesday , July 14, 2009 BISMARCK, N.D. — The Air Force discharged three North Dakota ballistic missile crew members who fell asleep while holding classified launch code devices, the military announced Tuesday. Officials said the codes were outdated and remained secure at all times. The crew members were discharged last Thursday under orders from Air Force Secretary Michael Donley, said spokeswoman Laurie Arellano. They had been barred from working around nuclear weapons and classified material since the July 12, 2008 incident, she said. The crew members were coming off a shift at a missile alert facility about 70 miles from Minot Air Force Base when they fell asleep in a secure crew rest area, Arellano said. The crew had with them code components — classified devices that allow them to communicate with missiles. Launch codes are part of the components, which were described as large, metal boxes. One of the three crew members notified senior officers that they had fallen asleep, Arellano said. The lapse prompted an investigation by the 91st Missile Wing, codes experts at the 20th Air Force, U.S. Strategic Command and the National Security Agency. The probe found the launch codes were outdated and had remained secure. "A command investigation was immediately initiated and concluded there was no actual compromise of classified information," Arellano said. The incident was one of a series of missteps involving the Minot base, which has been under scrutiny since August 2007 when a B-52 bomber mistakenly armed with six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles flew from there to Barksdale Air Force Base, La. About 65 of the 3,700 airmen at the bomber wing were sanctioned as a result of that incident. The investigation into the sleeping crew members concluded the codes had remained in their containers, which have combination locks that can be opened only by the crew. The containers remained with the crew at all times, and the facility is guarded by armed security forces, Arellano said. Each of the crew members — two first lieutenants and a captain from the Minot Air Force Base's 91st Missile Wing — was given an Article 15, a punishment under military law for "dereliction of duty, unsatisfactory performance and misconduct," Arellano said. "For an officer, an Article 15 is considered to be detrimental to their career standing," she said. In other incidents involving the Minot base, a vehicle carrying a rocket booster for an unarmed Minuteman III ballistic missile overturned July 31, 2008, while being transported from the base to a launch facility in northwestern North Dakota. The military estimated it spent about $5.6 million to recover the rocket from a ditch. And a court-martial is pending for a Minot officer accused of stealing a missile launch control device, allegedly because he wanted a souvenir.
I used to watch Bob Ross when I was hungover. A nice soothing way to come back to the world of the sober. It's right up there with golf announcers.
No pissing match with me, just telling what I know. its all good. I believe it was an Entry Tactical. I do know it was chrome lined and had a few other goodies on it. I love the Ambi-Star selector on it, fvcking amazing. The AK was Romanian and in amazing shape with wood furniture. They do have layaway with 20% down. The problem is, I lack employment right now and the local cops aren't hiring right meow so I couldn't pay for it if I tried. I think when it comes time for me to buy my first AR, I may build it myself. I have always wanted to do that so I can gain better knowledge of my SHTF gun as I build it up and that way I can get exactly what I want; RRA lower and 2-stage trigger group, MagPul CTR stock, MIAD grip and tons of PMags. I am still stuck on an upper or 2. I want a 16in flattop with carry-handle, fixed front sight and a 20 inch flattop with carry-handle and fixed front sight. I have no idea where to start looking for uppers though. The options are pretty overwhelming for someone new to building an AR. Happy 4th BO.net!!
I agree that Bushmaster should be under 1k. I saw a RRA today for under $900. If I was employed it would have gone home with me along with the AK for $380. Tragically I have to spend my cash elsewhere. ETA: They do make rifles for the US Military. One of my Army LT buddies is carrying a Bushmaster M4 in Afghanistan right now along with most of his guys.
Timbonez, I don't mean to be an ass, but part of the reason Colt lost the contract for M16/M4 style rifles to FN and Bushmaster is that their QC was severely lacking. There is much more to it, but that was a primary reason. The only way I would own a Colt anything is if it was given to me. Let's not forget that they are currently recalling their WWI replica 1911, the WWI replica O1918, New Agents, Combat Elites, Defenders, and Talo Night Defenders. ETA: Linky
I hate you so very much right now.
It starts in the commissioning sources.
I love Skype. I talk to my g/f daily via Skype. With her in Japan and me stuck in the states it sounds like a cell phone call. The video can be hit or miss depending on how much bandwidth the Navy is using at that moment. iChat from Apple works pretty well too.
They will make him tie a rope across the gap where the door used to be...
I have 2 holsters for my XD45 that i use regularly. For Open Carry and out in the woods it resides in a Blackhawk SERPA. When it gets concealed I have a Milt Sparks Versa Max II, it was well worth the wait and money. I also have a Galco SkyOps and the orignal XD gear POS. I am of the opinion that you do get what you pay for with holsters and I have very little issue dropping good money on a quality holster. I have never been impressed with anything Uncle Mike's has made as it all seems to be very generic and inferior to a lot of what is out there.
When in doubt, call Springfield. Their Customer Service is possibly the best out there and they will gladly answer the most trivial of questions, like when the XDm in 45 be released. If i could find my warranty info I'd get the answer for you but all my stuff is still in boxes from moving.