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Everything posted by Vandal

  1. Vandal

    Super car

    I've driven the SS Cobalt. My 1993 Ford Taurus SHO is a better car with 176k on the odometer. IDK what kind of V-8s you drive but it sure as hell doesn't have the torque of one. The last car to properly wear the SS badging was the last generation of Camaro, not the new ones that already have a recall and come standard with a Mullet wig and Billy Bob teeth. You can buy a TrailBlazer SS, Cobalt SS, HHR SS and there is some cross-over with a SS badge. Chevy has bastardized the name, just like everything else. I think there is much better uses for the cash dropped on the "Super Cars" than to take a Mustang and Challenger and screw them up that badly. The USAF is constantly running low on money and they decide to spend some on that crap?
  2. As this is a FAC thread, there is a great book out there titled "Naked in DaNang" I can't remember the author off the top of my head but do recall he flew in Cessna MixMasters.
  3. Here is the link with his interview. linky It is under the video links on the right side of the main image.
  4. Since the LtCol in question is stationed out of my local AFB, one of our local news statons talked to him. He said that he was content to basically go away quietly but figured he could work to get the law changed. He also stated that he was outed by a civilian and only recently came out to his family. I will post up the link to the interview as soon as its posted. Personally, I think that gays should be allowed to serve openly in the military. There are two gay guys in my fraternity and they are some of the coolest guys I have met. One is flamingly gay and the other is very normal, you wouldn't know he is gay unless you knew already. I had to check myself when we rushed them and do some serious personal reflection about it, this included taking time to talk with both of them about their sexuality. I still struggle with acceptance of gays, however as long as they don't push it on me, I could care less. There is no reason that gays should not be able to openly serve if they have the desire to sign up and put their lives on the line like so many other Americans just because they like dudes or chicks.
  5. I never saw any person with good grades and no real problems get turned down for a slot. I have also seen a lot of douche bags get pilot slots. I am thinking you can't see others as douche bags because you are coming across as one right now. Nice to see you ragging on those of us who chose to have degrees in stuff other than being an engineer. I just got mine in General Studies, was in a frat and had one helluva social life. I am out of ROTC and the military now and I am off to pursue the career of my dreams, cop. From reading your entire post I am happy to know you see me as below you. Here is a plug for General Studies, Political Science, or Criminal Justice. For the OP, find something you are interested in and will enjoy. If you hate your degree, your grades will suffer and you lessen your shot as becoming a pilot candidate. Remember, college is supposed to be the best 4 or 5 years you kind of remember.
  6. Vandal

    Gun Talk

    I was at my local Big 5 looking for a Mosin and found that they actually had .45ACP in stock!! Of course it was a 50 round box of Remington UMC and the cost was just shy of $50. I walked out with no Mosin and no ammo. The hunt continues.
  7. Isn't that the damn truth. I did 4 years of AFROTC, got kicked out for some BS reasons, went to BMT and got medically discharged. I graduate in 6 days with a degree in General Studies and am now trying to find a job as a cop. Things don't always pan out the way you have planned. With make ROTC plan A but have plans B, C, and D ready to go. When searching for a job, they don't really care about majors, just that you have the piece of paper in your hand. The exception is if the employer is looking for a professional type with a certain degree. For a degree, pick a subject you will enjoy and not for a scholarship and pay attention to the classes you are required to take that are outside of your major. For example Criminal Justice has a lot of psych and anthropology classes to take. It's not all just about corrections and policing. I have seen cadets select a major for the scholarship and they usually end up changing majors and losing their free ride. I chose Political Science originally because I love the politics of Global Conflict and American Foreign Policy. I am now General Studies because I wanted to take classes outside of Poli Sci that I liked. For the love of God have fun in school and choose a major that allows you to do that. There are a lot hot girls to chase and gallons of beer to drink over your four years. Finally, and I am surprised this hasn't been said yet, don't let ROTC run your life in college. You will be miserable and without friends on the outside who will keep you sane. I very highly recommend joining a fraternity to help maintain this balance and as a support network. The guys in my House and Pledge Class are some of my best friends and will be my friends for life. The kept me normal while I was in ROTC and gave me a supplier for booze and a steady stream of girls coming (sts) through the house.
  8. and rape is bad....
  9. Not all of the non-aircrew types are "nerds who got good grades in high school". Don't let that train of thought stick around in your mind too much. You may not be flying with them but the USAF is very small and you will see those "nerds" again along your time spent in the AF.
  10. That wouldn't be nearly as bad as it is IF, all of that didn't take place where it did. I kind of like looking at the uniforms through time, but to ship them to SW Asia from AK for a AF uniform model show is beyond friggin' ridiculous.
  11. Hit the brakes right there mi amigo. Do NOT take ROTC too seriously. I am not saying not work hard and do your best but ROTC is a game that must be played. For the love of God please have a life outside of ROTC. Join a frat, an outside club, drink beer, chase tail and have fun in college. Don't be that cadet who lives at the Det does every ROTC thing possible. You will burn out fast and hate your life, or be "that guy" whose life and friendships revolve completely around ROTC. If you don't think you are that guy, then you are. The class I was supposed to graduate with started with around 65 cadets in 2004. The last of the class commissions in 2 weeks and the total number after 4 and 5 years who commissioned is about 20. You will lose people for not passing the AFOQT (gay test btw), not being medically qualified, not passing Field Training, personal reasons, failure to adapt to the ROTC world, grades, choosing to enlist, etc. etc. etc.
  12. Oh. My. Fucking. God.
  13. Vandal

    RAF Pilot Slang

    Good catch, I doubt you'll find any hurt feelings over it.
  14. TSU2010, I hereby declare you to be "That Cadet" and if you don't think that you are, then you definitely are "that cadet". For those you are claiming to see at Vandy-land in 2 years, it makes me wonder if you have been to FT yet? If not, make it through that weak-ass summer camp first then get your Space and Missiles job. Also, why will you see them at Space 100, are they all going to wash out or SIE and go to Vandenberg? Doubtful. IFS SIEs also train into other AFSCs like PA, Force Support, SF, take your pick, I know of one person who has trained into each of those from IFS. More on topic: I was set up to be an S&M guy before I got sent to BMT, an awesome experience btw, and I was against bags. They maybe a "utility uniform" for aircrew, but the ABU is the utility uniform for the rest of the USAF. Bags are a aircrew thing designed for a very specific purpose. They have no use in the space and missiles world other than to make people feel better about themselves for being in the S&M world. Rule 1. Never Miss a chance to STFU. Great advice for cadets. Rule 2. Lead by example, good luck getting anyone but shoes to follow you.
  15. Vandal

    RAF Pilot Slang

    M2, everyone knows you can't find good porn on YouTube. Try <deleted> instead. Where the hell do you find some of this stuff, it is amazing. I laughed so hard it hurt.
  16. Who would be sick of those muthafucking pirates on his muthafuckin boat!
  17. Chuck Norris
  18. Vandal

    Gun Talk

    Go over to XDtalk.com and I swear there is at least 2 threads every month about this with a ton of good info in there.
  19. Vandal

    Gun Talk

    I am going to move off the political side for a second and ask for some advice. I have a Kimber Stainless II that I bought as a Election gun on 25 Jan 09. It runs flawlessly and is much more accurate than I am. I take damn good care of my guns so that if need be they will take care of me. Yesterday I was cleaning the pistol and discovered a small spot of rust on my barrel about an inch from the muzzle. It is about one centimeter square in area. The Kimber shares residence with my XD45 in a GunVault with a silica desiccant pack to keep the moisture down even lower. I live in Northern Idaho where humidity is almost non-existent. Do any of you gun nuts out there have any advice on how to get rid of this and prevent it from taking place in the future? My XD of course has no rust at all. Or should I make use of the warranty and send it home for a new barrel? On the political side, CNN is asking people to chime in on whether or not we need stricter gun control in light of the 53 people killed in the last 30 days from gun violence. Of course while asking this they show tape from gun shows and a video of a cop or military guy shooting a Barrett .50 cal rifle. So far only one person has said we need to actually enforce the laws on the books, some lady from FL by way of New York basically said all of us gun owners need to under go psych evals and that guns need to be very hard to acquire. All of these shootings are not helping our side at all. Of course we cannot predict what a man who just got laid off, let the foil hat fall off, or catches his wife with another man is going to do. One day they are responsible gun owners and the next they are killing indiscriminately. It will only get worse as the economy and unemployment continue to tank.
  20. The funny thing is that is what a cadet at Field Training 2 years ago did with a tat on the back of her neck and some others did with tats on their legs.
  21. Don't even mention 341s on here. I bet the Deid has spies trolling around here looking for ways to make your lives at the Deid even more hellish. Soon you will have SNCOs and Maj.s looking for that next leaf handing out 341s for kicking up sand as you walk.
  22. If you haven't let your cadre know, or if they don't know these asshats are going to be in town, you might want to tell them. As far as avoiding conflict, really the best thing to do is ignore them and keep walking. Stay professional and keep your emotions in check. If they see you in uniform, odds are they will say something, those folks will do anything to get a rise or reaction from people. And, I hate to say it, but don't be to surprised if you end up not being in uniform one of those days.
  23. I have my DVR set for this.
  24. Vandal

    Gun Talk

    I picked up my Kimber Custom Stainless II last weekend after having much internal and verbal debate between that and a bi-tone Sig P220. I traded in my POS RIA for the Kimber and am not looking back. Now I just need to add night sights and a ambi-safety. The Cabelas sale M2 mentioned runs through this Sunday. If you want an XD45 and don't want to go through the web, $515 isn't a bad price. That is what I paid out the door almost 2 years ago at Cabelas. They have a bunch of stuff on sale right now, XDs, M&Ps, M9s etc.
  25. Vandal

    Gun Talk

    Hacker, I took some advice you offered my way a few months ago and went out and bought myself a 1911 to celebrate Inauguration Day. I picked up a RIA Tactical from my favorite local gun shop in Coeur d' Alene, ID. I got it to feed the 1911 bug while I save for a SA Operator or Kimber Warrior and to customize as I see fit. I'l get some pics up once I find a pic site I like and can use. I am taking it shooting tomorrow after class and will post my thoughts afterward. So far it seems to be well made. Slide to frame is very tight, made the Kimber on the shelf net to it look like an old AK. No rattles at all. Trigger breaks cleanly at 4.5lbs with minimal creep at the front end of it. Ambi-safety is locked on tight and is very crisp snapping it on and off. The parkerizing is very uniform over all treated parts (everything but the Full Length Guide Rod, to be replaced with a GI style at a later date.) Came with 2 Novak Mags and a locking hard case. Some machining marks on the interior of the slide but are all very smooth. There are only 2 things I don't like about it. The grips suck, they will be replaced with some Aluma-Grips and a Techwell. The sights, Novak Combat sights, are all black and so until I can get some tritium put on there I am painting the back edge of the front sight blade white so I can see the damn thing. This will not replace my well used XD45 as a carry gun but more as range gun and secondary carry piece when I need something slimmer to CC.
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