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Everything posted by Vandal

  1. How will the use of an insanity defense affect her military career?
  2. As long as it is in .45
  3. Right now if you fail the PFT at FT you might as well start packing your shit to turn back in. According to my FTM "You must pass the PFT by TD-14 and not be rated as Unsat or in any preformance factor or recieve and overall score of Unsat or Marginal" Further "Any cadet who does not pass one of the two PFTs offered prior to TD-14 will be removed from the FTU with prejudice and will be rated as unsat on the Physical Fitness PFR on the FTPR." The key words in that are "removed with prejudice". If that happens are you are not ranked number one at your Det you are gone. That happened last year to a friend of mine and he is now in Army ROTC. Good luck to her but short of knowing Col. Kunzweiler she is toast.
  4. I wonder what dad's reaction will be when this comes out as something more than the "abduction" story his psyco daughter has been giving him. If the AF could drive Manhart out for the Playboy thing, can't they find someway to jettison this load too?
  5. This summer I am coaching football at my old high school as part of their summer program. Builds hours and looks great because it looks like you are giving back to a part of the community that has helped to shape you to the person you are today. Ahh nothing better than having the oppotunity to warp.. er.. shape young minds.
  6. The second kind of cadre is like what we have and it is a nice thing. The respect really does go both ways, we treat them respectfully and it is reciprocated. They also will give you enough rope to either get out of the tree or hang yourself. Has anyone suffered through the other type and have any decent stories? We had one guy get 2 MIPs and the Col. pulled a lot of favors in to help him out. Right before his 21 got another and they went back to up to bat for him but not with nearly the furor. He was basically left to swing because this guy fvcked over the Cadre after all the work they put into this guy. He got the boot just before commissioning. BTW he was on scholarship.
  7. there was a guy at NATCON this year who is in limbo right now because of an incident involving alcohol, passing out in the lobby and puking in someone elses room. As of right now he has not commissioned and does not have a job and he was a Cadet Wing IG. The wiggle room is slowly going away.
  8. Vandal

    Jungle Juice

    All of these recipes are giving me flashbacks to parties I don't remember. I'll hunt around then edit this one with my house's not so secret recipe.
  9. The Bellevilles suck on snow, ice, or any combination of the two. I don't know what it is but I never have the same problem with my Marauders, other than I miss the Gore-Tex.
  10. Being a broke frat guy, I usually like what ever is in the keg. Why my stipend comes around I tend to buy Blue Moon, Guinness, Widmer Hefeweisen, and Henry's Private Reserve by the case. I am going to have to try a lot of what is on this list though. I don't know how I will get through FT, first thing I do upon my return is head back up to school and hit the bars.
  11. Vandal

    It is finished!

  12. Vandal


    Who wants to bet that it will be on the board of FTM revisions and additions at all FT Emcampments
  13. Vandal


    Great, more shit to memorize for my 4 week summer camp then forget on the bus ride to the airport. Seriously, our leadership has the time to think up this stuff rather than fight, what is going on up there??
  14. No more wars run by political figures forcing limited war. Ya know let the military do it's job.
  15. I wonder if I can use that reg as a part of my Det's Dining Out???? I am working on memorizing it now.
  16. She was on "The Big Story" on fox news tonight giving her side of the story. There is a 2 minute vid segment the foxnews.com titled "Was it worth it?" No link to post though so you will have to go hunting for it.
  17. I thought it was decided in another thread she was American? Has anyone gone to Snopes on this yet?
  18. rapid accelertion? Wow, I have spun tires through intersections ddowntown and the cops just laughed. Cope are you at MH?
  19. M2, they still do and when I haven't done that in a few years since the little racer wannabes show up en-force in their riced out civics. But when I can get my Dad's Mustang GT down there it is quite a bit of fun. Last time I was on base (4 months ago) they were working on new base housing for Os and Es and the BX was undergoing some changes. Not a bad place all in all but you are in the middle of the desert and temps hit 100 easily in the summer. IIRC the O Club is combined. Quite a few people commute from Boise in as Mtn Home sucks. And M2 is right, if you get bored it is your fault. If you have em bring guns and go shooting, Sun Valley is amazing, McCall is 3 hours out and if you like drag racing there is a strip that does open racing every couple weeks on Friday nights. PM me if you have local area questions, I spent 18 years there and the parents still live there. BTW if you even are contemplating seeing a BSU football game, buy your tickets now.
  20. I grew up in Boise, about 45 minutes away. Good nightlife, blue turf on the football field. Great skiing about 2 hours away. I can help ya with that kinda stuff, as for the base I can field some questions but I am sure there are guys here that know more than me.
  21. in new flashier colors!
  22. Did it cross any minds that maybe they are cutting back on lockers and towels to make the lives of the services warriors easier?? After all that is hard work handing out towels, basketballs, and keeping an eye on the lockers.
  23. Having just recieved my February copy, the spread isn't bad. (duh it's playboy) But there are pics of her in BDUs yelling at people then moves iinto the nude pics. I can now see how the AF would flip over this.
  24. Regardless of the the Borat-stanis say I am thinking that it was a good shoot since it appears to have been swept under the carpet. If the cop was in the wrong they (Big Blue) would be trying to lynch the guy.
  25. From af.mil 12/8/2006 - MANAS AIR BASE, Kyrgyzstan (AFPN) -- The driver of a truck operated by a local fuel company Dec. 6 at approximately 3 p.m. local time was shot and killed by a 376th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron Airman. The driver had stopped at the checkpoint for a routine inspection of his vehicle. Then went into a security tent to wait for his vehicle to be inspected. As the Airman approached the tent, the driver physically threatened him with a knife which was later discovered at the scene. The Airman drew his 9mm weapon and fired in self defense. The driver was shot twice in the chest which in accordance with Air Force security forces training is standard procedure. During close-quarter engagements, and when armed with a hand gun, if a security forces member's life is threatened, they are trained to expend two shots to the upper torso, center mass to ensure the highest opportunity to neutralize the threat. Security forces are taught to act immediately and instinctively based on extensive training. Air Force medics arrived on the scene and began cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the driver and continued life-saving techniques while transporting him to the Manas Air Base hospital. The driver was brought to the emergency room, where a team of doctors tried to revive him. He was later pronounced dead. A Manas airport ambulance arrived in the evening to take the driver's body to the morgue. The Airman has been placed off duty and his weapon was turned in. This is standard procedure in any shooting incident while an investigation is in progress. The Airman remains on base. The Office of Special Investigations is investigating the incident, working jointly with Kyrgyz investigators. One goal of the investigation is to not only determine what happened, but why it happened.
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