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Everything posted by Vandal

  1. The Limits Of Airpower by Mark Clodfelter. Airpower from WWII though the end of Vietnam. Reads like a textbook but the author was a history professor at te Academy. Very well researched.
  2. ShortThrow you will hear this advice spoken many times on this site. When it comes to a major pick something that interests you and then go kick a$$ in it. I am a Political Science major, many of my ROTC buddies who aren't engineers and a few that have changed majors from engineering are Poli Sci or History. Reread brabus' post above your last "Pilot slots come from GPA, PFT, AFOQT, PCSM (BAT test/flight hours), and Commander's ranking." Since I want SF (and there goes any credibility I might have once had) I need to worry about all of that but the PCSM. If you area an engineer and have a 2.2 odds are you will be beat by out for a slot by a guy that has the same numbers everywhere else but is a Criminal Justice major with a 3.5 GPA. That is how it has been explained to my class by our Col. [ 15. January 2006, 22:55: Message edited by: Vandal905 ]
  3. Isn't Toro the one that called her out? I had a good time reading the "Princess" threads. She suckered a ton of people.
  4. Josh, go check your PM
  5. That would be the one.
  6. That is like something I read in a Dale brown novel, but even more creepy.
  7. lmao
  8. Bendy you talk a lot. Shut up and watch some more Futurama.
  9. Don't forget your relfective belt while bellering the new battle yelp.
  10. I love that bite. I have it downloaded on my computer and the guys at my house freakin love it
  11. A sad sight to see
  12. He's lucky that's how. Mine isn't as fun as that but this summer at McGuire on my PDT we got a ride on a C-17. All was going well until I moved from the jump seat behind the co-pilot to the back as we were doing approches into Atlantic City. on the second or third time in things began to move. On the turn to final I got up and "walked" (not too slowly mind you) past the loadmasters and right into the shitter where I proceded to empty my guts for the next 2 approaches. My boots haven't smelled the same since. The joys of heavies, no need to use the barf bags that you made hand puppets out of earlier in the flight.
  13. When I was doing the GA thing I wore the Stardard issue sunglasses and promptly changed to my Oakleys as soon as I hit the car. I never had any pain with the issue glasses, worked great under the headset but If I ever wore my Half Jackets I was in pain for a while after.
  14. Toro. That is freakin great. It is now hanging on my wall. But I have to know did you come up with that by your self or did Rainman help? UPtBound there were students at my high school in Idaho who wore the Thank God for 9/11 shirts and others like them. Myself and some buddies did punch them in the nose. I dedicate one to you.
  15. Under the Patriot Act couldn't these people be considered terrorists? They are inflicting psycological(sp) terror and harm on the families of the soldiers. If that is the case then they should be arrested and charged with commiting acts of terror.
  16. Buy poofy down coats, gloves etc. In summer, bug spray and sunscreen. I have family up in the NE corner of Montana and experiences and stories from up there is where this info came from. You're gonna freeze your balls off.
  17. Spin On WAG PWAG: Precision Wild Ass Guess seen in many places. I first heard it from some PMEL dudes.
  18. Ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Must be a French reaction to HD's post.
  19. Baseball isn't a sport. It is a pasttime. A way to pass the time. But NASCAR isn't a sport either, same with soccer. Now football is a sport. www.soccersucks.org I better run now or I will be arrested for "anti-American comments"
  20. WX, Skinimax and WE (Women's Entertainment). An interesting combination. On the ROTC cadet wearing his uniform on his visit to Bob's house of cash, What's wrong with a little GOOD publicity for a change. The Academy is giving cadets quite a bit of not so good publicity right now.
  21. " If You are going to fight, clash!" Robin Williams, Good Morning Vietnam :D
  22. If it ain't broke don't fix it. Keep what we have and save some money. But when the new ones are issued we'll end up ironing those too. Is it possible to keep something around that works? Oh Wait! This is the Gov't we're dealing with. I'd rather look like a tree in the middle of a city than a misplaced hunk of ocean. There's that Navy connection again.
  23. Naked In Da Nang by Mike Jackson Good on about an O-2 FAC in Vietnam.
  24. If you end up in France, God Forbid, avoid punching out a Frog that tries to place a piece of string on your finger and make you pay 4 euros for it in front a big white Cathedral (can't remember the name of the place). Not that it has ever happened to me. Avoid the absinth, it is bad for piss tests, buddy of mine busted one when applying for a job. Drink the beer, beats the Hell out of American stuff any day. Have fun. [ 06. May 2005, 16:48: Message edited by: Vandal905 ]
  25. Good news to those following the continuing saga of my misadventures on the road. No having to dance in front of the Boss. Rumor has it that he too got pulled over for driving a little briskly. OK he told me before I filled out the paperwork for mine. Also Eluzion, I think I have a picture of you during the game. And ARCON should be interesting this fall. It has been nicknamed "Trailer Park-Con" Why? because we are trying to do it on the cheap. Yippee. We'll have to see how well that works. Rant On ftrWSO, if you don't want to read the posts here go to the General Discussion and find something that interests you and stop wasting OUR time. Rant Off
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