ShortThrow you will hear this advice spoken many times on this site. When it comes to a major pick something that interests you and then go kick a$$ in it. I am a Political Science major, many of my ROTC buddies who aren't engineers and a few that have changed majors from engineering are Poli Sci or History. Reread brabus' post above your last "Pilot slots come from GPA, PFT, AFOQT, PCSM (BAT test/flight hours), and Commander's ranking." Since I want SF (and there goes any credibility I might have once had) I need to worry about all of that but the PCSM. If you area an engineer and have a 2.2 odds are you will be beat by out for a slot by a guy that has the same numbers everywhere else but is a Criminal Justice major with a 3.5 GPA. That is how it has been explained to my class by our Col.
[ 15. January 2006, 22:55: Message edited by: Vandal905 ]