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Everything posted by ViperStud

  1. Bashi, take Trump’s dick out of your mouth for 5 seconds and look at the world around you.
  2. People are mad about more than one thing - mandates, wasteful spending intended to buy votes, pushing a questionable vaccine and virtue signaling via mask/jab/lockdown/etc. You act like there can only be one chief complaint about the Covid overreaction - if people are complaining about C19 stimulus #3 then they can’t be mad about mask or vaccine mandates. They’re actually ALL problematic. Correct, this eventually became tribe warfare as one side aligned with mandates and printing money, the other with “conspiracy theories” and refusal follow guidelines…cuz ‘Murica! Thank our asshat politicians for the virtue signaling. I will say this - three years later, the arguments of one side aged disproportionately better. 2020 conspiracy theories (possibility of lab leak, questioning vaccine efficacy numbers, questioning vaccine side-effects) are now mainstream concerns. Belief that the vaccine would actually be 99% effective, claims that your shitty cloth alma mater mask actually did any good, pushing a booster shot every few months…yeah, those didn’t age well. Needless to say, they’re still the morons masking up outside or alone in their cars. We know who the lemmings are.
  3. Valid but I don’t think DM is really a good example of this problem. If the A-10 evaporated tomorrow, there are still EC-130s and plenty or rescue iron there. DM also houses an ACA Det, the 214th RG, an AOC, border patrol and this little thing called the boneyard - which has expanded its scope to essentially become a full-up maintenance depot. The town is also 1.3M+ and growing, tough comparison to some ~40K sh!thole remote NM dustbowl. Taking our busiest operators and cramming them into Clovis was always a big FU to them and their families, and the perfect example of your point.
  4. Good on Ukraine if they played a hand in destroying the pipeline. Russia invaded their country for a second time, so they cut off a major economic lifeline to the Kremlin. This only increases my desire to see the Ukrainians succeed.
  5. 1 - We, the officers of the USAF who choose to post on BODN, aren’t defeating anyone. Our country, the one you swore allegiance to, has collectively chosen to stand up to a strategic enemy as they fail. You should support that if your allegiance is to the USA rather than to some failed politician. 2 - the results of AFG and Iraq don’t rest on our shoulders. Bush, Obama and their secretaries aren’t posting here. You know damn well that if we had a say the policies involved in prosecuting those wars would have been different. 3 - Everything you argue for amounts to appeasement. Read a Fvcking book about the first half of the 20th century. Educate yourself.
  6. I’ll shoot you a DM with more details. Bottom line, there is no real guidance for how you handle a dude curtailing orders and working/flying somewhere else over a long period of leave at the end. The onus is on us to prove to the bobs it isn’t illegal, and the CCs have a lot of wiggle room to decide what they’re comfortable with. Across different units I’ve heard anything from “it’s their leave, they’ve earned it and can use it as they see fit” to “dudes can only use leave on any set of orders if it was earned on that set of orders.” How each individual airline looks at it, that’s another story entirely.
  7. I did the same thing about a year ago, curtailed AGR orders and burned a bunch of leave at the tail end while I started airline training. I just called it terminal, told the airline I’d continue on as an DSG and no one blinked an eye. The unit did want me to fill out an AF3902 for off-duty employment during that leave, in which I stated that I’d be doing classes and sims during that terminal leave. That form is signed by JAG. Airline asked for a DD214 a few times. I reminded them I’d have it at the end of the leave and sent it when I got it. Everyone was content in the end.
  8. Reason 5: No passenger terminals. The jet is typically under a few hundred feet from the car that takes me to/from the hotel. Reason 6: Typically fewer legs per day, and if I am flying twice it’s almost always just chilling on the jet while they unload/load freight. No huffing it 69 gates at DFW to a flight that’s late and waiting on you.
  9. It’s better to go guard, get into an AGR position (fairly easy as a Maj), sign a bonus for the same amount and remain a free agent - if you curtail your orders you only owe money back if you didn’t serve it out. All the benefit, none of the ADSC. AD bonus is for those who were staying anyway…and complete suckers.
  10. This is capitulation to Putin, not a situation where both sides can claim victory. If Ukraine officially gives up any land, which they seriously need to consider WRT at least Crimea, they should officially be welcomed to NATO while the ink is still wet on that agreement. UKR is starting to turn the fight back on Russia in some areas of the country, and they’ve shed a lot of blood to get there. Brokering a deal where they give up lots of land AND and get banned from NATO permanently - that’s a slap to the face of a lot of UKR heroes.
  11. WTF? Is this “process” standardized at all? This was back in Jan, but when I had the covids I never even went DNIF. I showed up to work after symptoms plus 10 days and threw the JFS switch. Smell took months to come back. If they’d have put a peppermint candle in one hand and BQZip’s mom in the other, I’d have never passed the test. Is the smell test a required part of getting off DNIF?!?
  12. Aaannnndddd…the inevitable pivot to conspiracy theories. You had some of them going for a while there on the religious bullshit. There are no fetal cells in Gatorade (I think you need to learn to read; that wiki page doesn’t reveal what you think it does). Still holding onto Comet Pizza and 1871 as well?
  13. Might wanna check this math. 3500% of $44.5K means a median home value upwards of $1.5M.
  14. I thought the carryover was for FY 2020-2021 and whatever your number was it’s set til 2023. Did they send a new letter allowing to add even more beyond 60 this year?
  15. Use/lose leave question. I’ll have 2 days of use/lose to burn by Sep 30th. If I take leave 29 Sep through 3 Oct, over the FY turnover, is the CPTS software able to figure out the transaction? If I return from leave in the new FY, I can see them deleting the 2 days of use/lose and charging me an additional 5. Anyone have experience with a term of leave like that - zeroing out use/lose while taking a longer stint of leave over two FYs? I get that 1-2 Oct is a weekend and that breaks the cardinal rule of avoiding weekends - I’m an AGR and that’s drill so it actually makes sense for me.
  16. Dude, going balls deep into the positives and negatives of the vaccine is pissing in the wind at this point. If you eliminate politics and conspiracy theories alone, 69% of the arguments vanish. Pawnman deserves some shade here. His recent comments reek of careerism and puffing out his chest (dropping articles on people, “the joke’s on you I made APZ”). I’ve met careerists before that are good people, they simply value rank highly while being good peeps. Thing is, they’re rare. These recent exchanges haven’t been a good look for him.
  17. Wait, so is pawnman actually a nav (WSO, ABM, whatever)? That would put soooooo much of the recent posts here into perspective.
  18. You can carry over leave from AD to ARC. I separated to become a DSG and transferred about 40 days. It took 3 months for a CMS case to go through. The leave just hangs there in the ether until you have a long set of orders to attach it to. Save that final LES! The bigger issue in the future is going to be using it. If you become a long-term AGR, no big deal. As a part-timer: most units aren’t going to give two months of orders to burn 2-3 weeks of leave that was earned on AD. It’s absolutely an earned entitlement, but in practice what I’ve seen is an attitude of - use it where you earned it. Also, takes the same ~3 months for said leave to show up on any set of orders (same CMS case process), so if you’re on a 31-day stint of orders that leave isn’t even really available to you.
  19. Cowards. That is all
  20. Just one data point but I’m A+ and I’ve had both covid and the Moderna vaccine - covid was a breeze, three days of very mild sinus congestion with the standard loss of smell (for two months and counting). Dose 1 gave me a sore arm for a few days. Dose 2 gave me an overnight wake-up with chills and fatigue that lasted 8 hours...then I was fine. There’s a lot more to it than just blood type.
  21. Spang Viper Drivers, can anyone confirm this is real? If so, looks like we’re in for another round of PC retardation from above.
  22. Vaccine on Monday, then popped positive Tuesday with congestion, headache and loss of smell. It turns out someone I was exposed to the week prior had it and gave me the bug. So, both covid and the Moderna vaccine had a cage match in my body this last week - all things considered, the experience was pretty tame.
  23. Oops. He was VLPAD. I meant VLPAD.
  24. Do your homework on VRRAD. A buddy from my guard unit has < 3 years TAFMS left and got a line number, then had a VRRAD gig lined up to get his AGR/AD pension. He was in touch with the VRRAD program manager, was matched to a specific position and just waiting on funding. All of FY20 he has been in a holding pattern, waiting for more VRRAD funds to materialize. It’s not a slam dunk, and might actually be borderline impossible. According to him, VRRAD was abused early on to get a bunch of people into cush gigs at Peterson and a few other bases. Once a bunch of billets were filled and someone did the math, the VRRAD program office realized they were out of funding. They stopped bringing more people back and new applicants are all in limbo.
  25. Amen. I’m a Guard AGR and I’m not too worried about the endgame - there are ways to give me some days off and meet the spirit of the reg while simultaneously helping me out more than MPLP would by making me take 21 straight. Fortunately I’ve got a solid OG who gets it. That said, I’m a big believer of going to the boss with a solution - not just a problem. One of the cleanest solutions is just pushing this chunk of leave to the right when things are back to “normal” and using it for a vacation or to decompress. That ain’t happening in the next two months (her bday), cuz...COVID. It’s just - no one seems to know who to ask. Finance is always in everyone’s shit about leave but God forbid you have a question about leave...then you get crickets.
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