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TacAirCoug last won the day on August 13 2015

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About TacAirCoug

  • Birthday 08/18/1977

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    Chasing the sun

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  1. Multiple news outlets are reporting those exact details, minus the tail number.
  2. Yep, no issues so far on my iPad mini. Well done.
  3. Ditto. We were in Q row same time. The guys living in Q-3 weren't too excited about it, not sure why...
  4. Hahaha! You must be new here....
  5. F-16 pilot seems to have ejected safely, fingers crossed for survivors from the Cessna.
  6. I have a 737 type. Interviewed with multiple airlines...hired by one of them to fly something other than a 737. I've never been asked about my 737 type in any interview. Once again, listen to Huggy.
  7. Aviation Week
  8. Ha! Haha! Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
  9. God, I hope I get to interview this guy someday.
  10. Obviously, you are assuming I'm one of the people the Air Force cast aside...you know what happens when you assume?
  11. Jesus, Chang. You're like my dog that keeps shitting on the kitchen floor and then looks at me like he has no idea why I'm so pissed. Again. The Guard thanks you for cutting all those "underperformers." Many of them are finding homes where their hard work is actually valued.
  12. That rumor has been floating around so long it qualifies for Social Security.
  13. Another picture posted on FireAviation.com:
  14. Brilliant. Nice work! Posted from the NEW Baseops.net Time Sucker!
  15. Tahoe Mountain Brewing Co.'s Double Nut Brown. Smooth, dark, with a little hazelnut flavor. Magnificent.
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