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Shut up 'n color

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Everything posted by Shut up 'n color

  1. Why's that so harsh? I have seen much worse, oh well maybe you're right. I did offer a very valuable link however, hopefully Mark, it'll help you in answering your questions...it did for me...take care
  2. Reading about 90% of the topics on here for starters...shall we count how many times the search function advice is given for this one? For example: DOING WELL IN UPT!
  3. Since living on base at Vance is mandatory and I also think I'd also prefer it while training. I was curious in whether or not there is a policy for overnight guests, ie: G/F, fiance, etc While at UPT there were times where I hope to have my G/F come visit, some times as long as a week or 2 straight. For those who have gone to Vance, has that ever been an issue for anyone?
  4. I figured this could fit in this thread as well as the Timeline after UPT one, but this one seemed more fitting for the topic.... For those who have done it all can you let me know if there is any control over our schedule after UPT. I plan to get married after UPT but the last thing I would want to do is conflict dates with the wedding, leave that I take before and after, etc. How can I ensure that the dates I get assigned for survival, H2O, etc don't conflict with the dates I choose for my wedding, etc. Also, when the wedding planning starts I'm going to need to set those dates early according to my schedule, probably in the beginning of UPT. How do I go about that? I would like to get married after UPT but before going to my specialized training?? How does it work in taking leave after UPT as well. Is it pretty laid back since you really can't take it during?
  5. I am in the same situation as well. I will be leaving for UPT soon and my GF and I may be engaged before I take off. I know she can handle the lifestyle and although will be tough, the long distance thing will work. UPT will be very busy and very stressful so you will be dealing with that. Just make sure that your fiancé has something to do be busy with while you're gone, school, job, planning a wedding etc. IE: mine is getting her masters in education while I'm gone. I have also warned her that I will be doing the bare minimum for the planning since I will not have time for that. Get that point made clear early to make sure there is no confusion when you get a call at 2300 about the color of napkins for the wedding. I am under the impression that if you live on base you can still have visitors. Please someone correct me if I am wrong, but I don't think it's a problem b/c I do plan to live on base for UPT and do plan to have my future fiancé come to visit.
  6. Go World Champs!!!!! Although if only we had the pitching (including the injured ones) of the Cubbies....
  7. great post....these are hilarious
  8. I was in the same type of situation. HORRIBLE AFOQT scores, but good GPA and PFT. My CC rating was also what really help me as well, CC rating is HUGE!!!! Make sure that commander knows who you are and what you have accomplished For those reading this who still need to apply for the board...know your weaknesses and strengths and do you best on both, but if you know one is a lost cause, aim to do better on your strengths.
  10. What exactly does "GONE ALL THE TIME" mean??? like 20 days of very month....or 10? 4 or 5 months straight at a time??
  11. I think any Cadre will choose to have a keg party over the hazzing of not bringing food on an FTX...if anyone found out about that...ur det would be screwed. Non-affiliated??? We do them as fun-rasiers... obviously jk!!!
  12. KEG PARTIES!!!!! jk We do the usual. AEF/FTX weekend (camping, nav, survival, capture the flag, etc.) rifle range, paintball, ropes course.
  13. Yes...there is a stamp talkin' about a wavier for some medical condition I really dont understand, but maybe it's not ocular hypertension....something about increased disc to cup ratio...either way i had to go for extra Eye pressure tests while @ Brooks...so i assumed the waiver was for that.
  14. OUCH, RT that sucks.....sorry about that... Well according to my FC1 results High Eye pressure is not rare....i have never heard of it until i got to Brooks and had to do additional testing. Apparently i got a waiver for it and am go....i'd be VERY pissed if i got DQed for something not even relating to vision...BTW my vision is 20/15...so to be DQed would be very ironic
  15. @ Det 370 we have parking Nazis too. In fact, the head of the Parking Service is married to the owner of the local towing company...use your imagination!!! it sucks. anyways, these civil involvements will hurt you when it comes time to measure you against your peers. work hard in other areas and show the cadre the you will be a good officer despite these events. Are you a POC or GMC? If you are a POC, then i would imgaine one more and you will most likely not be around. GMC, at least you will have time to improve if you are allowed to stick around. STOP GETTIN TICKETS. I just bought a $300 radar dectector to ensure i don't screw up the 2 months i have left b4 commissioning by getting my first and only ticket!!!! good luck
  16. sounds like some good advice going on here. So the general consensus is that the AF will pay, and it doesnt' have to do with your AFSC. Now, if i'm a pilot, then when i decide to go for my masters, will i take time off from flying and just attend classes....or fly and go to night classes??
  17. What exactly is the Dash -1??? Can the Dash-1 be purchased online, or at any base? Or only UPT bases?
  18. I was wondering where I could get my hands on a copy of T-6 or T-37 boldface/ops limit/flight manuals? I want to start studying early and be prepared during casual status. Is this something I can only get at a UPT base? Or any base? Can I purchase a copy online somehow? Or are the manuals something I have to wait to actually be IN UPT?? Any advice or tips would be great.
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