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Everything posted by EnriquePallazo

  1. The Omni is right by sixth street and normally has good deals for military as I remember.
  2. Yea your right it was an H not a U.
  3. Todays drop for 08-24 that wings next friday: C-130Js Ramstein x 2 MC-130H Hurlbert C-130 Yokota x 2 C-130 Little Rock x 2 C-130 Pope C-130 Dyess x 2 AC-130U Cannon
  4. I haven't heard of any U-28s lately, but they did drop a J model to Ramstein the class before last I believe.
  5. No, mine got pushed back about four weeks, it depends on how soon you start school once you get here.
  6. They've dropped them out of T-1s and T-38s.
  7. XL 08-13 Track: T-38: 6 (2 International) T-44: 5 (1 ANG) UH-1: 2 T-1: 11
  8. I also hear that is a great place to work out of, lots of stuff to do in the airport while you are waiting to fly...
  9. I'm in too, well, as soon as I'm done with Bury Us Upside Down (if no one else has already written one on it.) Also has anyone read "American Patriot: The Life and Wars of Colonel Bud Day" by Robert Coram? Looks like it came out earlier this month.
  10. The pineapples are required, you have a glass or two then start eating those things that have been soaking in the bottom; it will put you in a great place...
  11. I'm casual at tinker right now, and another casual is living on base with his family. The housing isnt the best and because the property off base is cheap here so most folks live on base. If you want to live on base it shouldnt be a problem. As far as apts there are several right off base, PM for details if you want.
  12. 1. Smithwicks 2. Anything that isnt 3.2, I hate Oklahoma
  13. I've got an 05 I-6 manual and I love it. The only thing about a soft top is that it can get a bit loud on long trips but thats the only real downside. As far as security i have trunk that you bolt to the floor behind the back seat that can only be accessed by unlocking the tailgate. Also I tend to leave mine unlocked, cause I'd rather have some one steal the crap thats in my car thats not that valuble by opening the door than stealing everything by cutting open my $800 roof...
  14. This is a dark day for the cyberspace warrior...
  15. A guy from my det did it two years ago, as I remember he finished up the AFROTC program while attending Army LLAB and their PT then commissioned into the Army and went to whatever training schools they normally go through. That was FY 05.
  16. https://www.cnn.com/2006/WORLD/asiapcf/09/0...n.ap/index.html The locals say she wasn't kidnapped but offer nothing else, sounds bad.
  17. Well that makes me glad for "don't ask don't tell" if we ever go to war with Hizbollah. [ 25. August 2006, 00:42: Message edited by: EnriquePallazo ]
  18. Does anyone else get the idea that the uniform board is a lot like that scene in Patton when he describes the Tank-Crew uniform to be topped off with a golden football helmet?
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