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  1. Currently in the MC-130J pipeline and I would say there are more 38 guys than T-1 guys. It seems to be that way in the near future too. I would recommend ENJJPT too. Ultimately, It comes down to you. You are in control of your destiny. You seem like you have a good head on your shoulders. I'm personally loving the community so far.
  2. 18-10 3 x F-15E WSO 1 X EC130H EWO 1 x AC130U NAV 1 X MC130J CSO 4 x B-52 WSO 3 x B-52 EWO 2 x C-130 NAV (Guard)
  3. I think this class had quite a few people roll back/ wash out for various reasons
  4. 18-09 1 x F-15E WSO 1 x B-52 WSO 1 x B-52 EWO 1 x MC-130J CSO 1 x E-8 JSTARS Nav 1 x MC-12 Guard (Oklahoma)
  5. 18-08 2 x F-15E WSO 2 x AC-130W Nav Cannon 1 x U-28 CSO Cannon 1 x MC-30H EWO Kadena 1 x EC-130 EWO DM 3 x B-52 WSO 1 x B-52 EWO 1 x C-130 Guard (Ohio)
  6. 18-07 1 x AWACS 1 x EC-130 Nav 1 x MC130J CSO Cannon 3 x B-1B WSO 3 x RC-135 EWO 2 x F-15E WSO 1x C-130 Guard (Missouri)
  7. They were a solid class!
  8. The two bros who dropped the Growler are really sharp! So I'm sure they will be very successful.
  9. 18-05 2 x AWACS Nav 3 x F15E WSO 3 x B-52 WSO 1 x B-52 EWO 1 x U-28 CSO 1 x B-1B WSO 4 x RC-135 EWO 1 x MC130J CSO Mildenhall 1 x MC130H EWO
  10. The most popular airframes (No.1 choice) students want these days are mostly F-15s, RC-135s and EC-130s, with a few AFSOC sprinkled in there. These seem to be the most popular lately. Classes are usually quite evenly split with 50% wanting EWO/Nav type stuff and 50% wanting WSO/AFSOC.
  11. 18-03 3 x F15E WSO 2 x B-1 WSO 1 x AC-130U Nav 1 x EC-130H EWO 1 x HC-130J CSO 4 x B-52 WSO 3 x B-52 EWO 1 x C-130H NAV GUARD 1 x HC-130 J CSO GUARD 7 BUFFS....Wow!
  12. 18-023 x F-15E WSO1 x B-1 WSO2 x E-3 AWACS1 x HC-130J 3 x U-28 1 x MC-130H EWO 1 x EC-130 Nav3 x B-52 WSO 1 x B-52 EWO 1 x E-8 JSTARS1 x MC-12W CSO 3 x C-130H NAV 1 x HC-130 NAV
  13. 18-01 4 x F-15E WSO 2 x B-1 WSO 1 x AC-130J WSO (Yes WSO) Hurlburt 1 x AC-130J CSO Hurlburt 1 x HC-130J DM 2 x U-28 (1 Cannon, 1 Hurburt) 1 x KC-135 McConnell 1 x RC-135 EWO 1 x RC-135 Nav 1 x B-52 WSO 1 x MC-150H EWO Kadena 2 x MC-12W CSO OK Guard 1 x EC-130J Nav PA Guard First drop of 18 was a good one!
  14. Bump. Any updates on recent drops? Thanks
  15. Yes sir, I have flight hours. It is something I love to do. In AFROTC you compete for all 4 rated (Pilot, RPA, CSO, ABM) and manned was actually my first choice, but I got picked up for RPA. I am not complaining by any means. I do appreciate you being the devils advocate though. If I go reserve I plan on being in the corporate world until I've built enough hours to go to the airlines.
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