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  1. Just a quick questions to the 17 folks who've had a couple assignments under their belts. What are the odds of being able to go to the air drop side of things after an assignment on the air land side (specifically those coming from a base where air drop was not an option)? I'd assume it isn't particularly common, and being late to rate is probably even more of restriction, but I'm curious. Thanks.
  2. Just my humble opinion...this ceremony (as it stands today) and as I understood it when I've taken part in it, wasn't for the families, and definitely wasn't for the press. It was members of the military saying goodbye to those who'd made the ultimate sacrifice. Not having press, or anyone else there for that matter, wasn't about hiding the true cost of the war, it was about respect. I know that might not be the reason why the "no press" policy was originally put into effect by those higher in pay-grade then myself, but I think that's how those who've been involved in the dignified transfer ceremonies viewed it. If they want to take pictures of the coffins, do it someplace else. NR
  3. My turn to jump in. It's simple, Herc's are for folks who think jumping in front of a moving horse is a good idea...Four Fans I'm looking in your direction. Other than that, they both have their positives, and their negatives. You'll love either one if you get to fly them. I'll spend my energy figuring out why leadership via reflective belts and power point has replaced flying and beer lights. I was promised I left that type of leadership behind in the research labs.
  4. Well, the most annoying part is that no one has been told what criteria is being used. Some have made sense, ie, send the FAIPs and cross flows from other airframes since they will upgrade to AC sooner, and we could definitely use more ACs. However, some have made me go "huh?". Not enough info is getting passed to the masses, other than "sorry we chose this person instead, but we'll roll everyone into the selection pool for the next one." There are FPs with more experience getting passed over for brand new FPs (no prior pilot experience) just in-processing the squadron, so there is some bitterness starting to surface among the peasants. I don't think it would matter so much if we were getting missions, but they just aren't flowing down the pipe, so deploying is the only way to get any hours. Plus we've been told that we will be sending about 15 FPs to Preds within a year.
  5. It all depends on the base...I'm at Dover, with 8 (soon to be 9) tails, and 69 FPs, a squadron that isn't on the books to deploy until 2010, and leadership that has "creative" ways of picking who gets to go on 60 deployments with other squadrons. I fly (if i'm lucky) 1 mission (usually a 2-4 day banner mission) a month and a local. It blows. Plus, now we are getting UAV non-vols for FPs. I love the jet, and there are lots of cool folks in the 3d, but it's frustrating to say the least.
  6. Wish the drop from Moody was good... 2 T-38s 2 T-44s 5 T-1s Our #3 guy got his third choice...so much for a class being rewarded for flying well and doing well in academics.
  7. Help! My wife, two dogs and I are moving to Moody next Friday. We've found a place to stay, but it won't be available for us to move into for an additional week. We will be staying in the TLFs until then, so we can't have the dogs with us. Does anyone have any recommendations of good kennels or ones to stear clear of? Thanks!
  8. I'm getting ready to head off to UPT at Moody, class 07-13, and I've got a question. In some of the pre-arrival info I received from the registrar, it recommended having flight-suit nametags before showing up. They gave their specs for what they require, black leather, name, rank. However, in the picture and accompanying description, nothing was mentioned about having your jump wings on them or not. Does anyone know for sure if I can have them? Thanks in advance.
  9. Mambo, The brothers Wright traveled to NC to land on the soft sand and use the ocean wind, but they are the darlin' sons of Dayton Ohio (motto, "if it aint fried, we don't eat it" or "at least we don't live in Kentucky") Future, I'm currently at WPAFB, awaiting pilot training (Moody/July 06). I work in the Research Labs (I'm not here casual, just got picked up for the AD board) The area isn't too bad, some decent appartments/base housing is decent if your married. If you've got any specific questions PM me and I'll let you know. Take care/Good Luck!
  10. I'm another story of losing a flight slot right before commisioning. Thankfully, my story has a happy ending as I just got picked up for the AD board. I also had PRK, and you do have to weigh the risks vs. the possible rewards. For me, I was Nav waiverable, so I went for the chance to be in charge. I had some complications (long story PM if you want to hear it) but I did it. IF you chose PRK, understand you MUST wait 1 year from surgery date before they will evaluate you for a waiver (that's right PRK automatically DISQUALIFIED me from flying until my waiver was approved). Keep that in mind when you think about time deadlines for active duty boards. First, fight as hard as you can BEFORE you commision, the game completely changes after you pin on those butter bars, and if you can get things fixed, earlier is better. Failing that, make sure you get your medical stuff taken care of and go and be a sharp troop. Let your chain know your intentions to go for a UPT slot, but don't just sit there waiting for them to hand it to you, do your current job well. You don't have to be God's gifts to CGOs (just look at me) but don't piss off your commander. Be the troop people want to help out, and enjoy the highlights that every job in the AF has. (It might not be flying, but there is ALWAYS some positive in what you are doing in life). Something to consider, does the career field you are going into have a service commitment? I don't know, but be careful for things such as AFIT that will keep you from cross-training. Well, there is my slightly more then .02. If I've got anything in here wrong or outdated, I apologize. This is the way the rules were for me. Remember the AF has one constant, change. Good luck and keep trying!
  11. Is the FACT something you want to max out, or is passing all that really matters?
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