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Everything posted by FourFans

  1. Dusting off an old threat to highlight some journalism excellence. https://www.foxnews.com/tech/2018/06/25/massive-overhaul-to-keep-air-force-c-130-flying-for-80-years-into-2030s.html My favorite: Apparently C-17 engines are vulnerable to flying debris and uneven terrain, which highlights why C-130's are good at low level and propellers are somehow good at FOD reduction. Someone get that guy a Pulitzer. Outstanding journalism aside. It's good to see the H's get a solid upgrade.
  2. Clearly you haven't met the USAF acquisitions process.
  3. BQZip's....sister?
  4. Urgent medevac. Nothing clarifies your purpose like saving a life. It can leave you wholly spent because giving anything less than perfection is not an option, but is worth it. ...formation combat airdrop and down range dirt LZs are a close second.
  5. ...they just re-labeled a box of high grit sand for that purpose...
  6. Do not take the bonus.
  7. Standby for stop loss when this fails.
  8. Cannot be overstated. It's sad but true. We should want to be joint in how we fight. We need to be. USAF management makes it a career killer for almost every billet that might be useful for a joint fight.
  9. If you have to ask, you're clearly not HPO material.
  10. Little known fact: this is also a force multiplier... ...for Delta.
  11. ...so it's high time we invade Afghanistan!
  12. The Stig does not approve of being associate with those clowns.
  13. C-17 level...which I've heard is just sub-AWACS...
  14. Heaven help the commander who tries to promote someone on subjective "good leadership" qualities that might not translate well onto a PRF.
  15. Depends: is he a HPO?
  16. Cuz I haven't seen it said recently here: Don't take the bonus. The USAF cannot be trusted.
  17. Don't jump the gun. Ops and MX have to get full on married again, consummate the union, and buy a dog before we get to the complaining about needs not being met and getting divorced again.
  18. Duck, you clearly took that Green Dot training to heart.
  19. But uh, back to the lecture at hand... At face value, no. In reality, it depends... It depends on your WG/CC and how he racks and stacks you. If you get a DP from the boss, you're golden, regardless what the push is. If you get a solid strat coupled to that push, you should be ok. If there's no strat, no DP, no "super P" a la "if I had one more DP to give", and the push is "Sq/CC next"...it's up to the board to decide where they want you. As I said before, a 10/20 strat sometimes isn't enough when it's balanced against a weak command push, or visa versa. Take 5 DPs out of the that pool of 20 and the 10/20 is really 5/15, which is a clean kill, right? But a weak command push can sink that ship. Likewise, a dude that's a functional alcoholic or has multiple Q-3s and gets no strat, but gets a strong "command now" push because he's personally liked for what he's done recently for leadership, and gets promoted. Unfortunately, it all depends on what the current flavor of the week. It could be that all the WG/CC's decided to go with "Ready for command now!" and one outlier went with "Sq/CC next" and the board decides to weigh at it different. It's opaque and impossible to read the middle of the pack unless you actually sit in the board. That's why they never tell anyone who was on the board or why the decided the way they did. (instead, a poor civilian gets to apologize to the runners up and take an educated stab at why they didn't make it) Perhaps that's just what integrity first looks like in an "I'm as good as you" society. ...Perfection is perfected, so I'ma let 'em understand...
  20. “What I want to fix your attention on is the vast, overall movement towards the discrediting, and finally the elimination, of every kind of human excellence – moral, cultural, social, or intellectual. And is it not pretty to notice how “democracy” (in the incantatory sense) is now doing for us the work that was once done by the most ancient Dictatorships, and by the same methods? You remember how one of the Greek Dictators (they called them “tyrants” then) sent an envoy to another Dictator to ask his advice about the principles of government. The second Dictator led the envoy into a field of grain, and there he snicked off with his cane the top of every stalk that rose an inch or so above the general level. The moral was plain. Allow no preeminence among your subjects. Let no man live who is wiser or better or more famous or even handsomer than the mass.” - C.S. Lewis, Screwtape proposes a toast P.S. This is a thread about a silly uniform, but I’d say the moral shines through regardless.
  21. More people need to realize this earlier in the career path. Chess, not checkers.
  22. Army Sergeant Majors already do this at Hurbie
  23. Disclaimer: Each promotion board gets new guidance, and that specific guidance, nor the actual decision making process in the board is never transparently communicated afterwards. In short, you’ll never know why you did or did not make it. The “if I had one more DP to give” is the best ‘super P’ For the P’s, in recent boards, if the verbal DP is tied with a strong command push like “should command now” or “ready for command immediately” that can put you in the high portion of the P’s. Conversely, if tied with a medium command push like “on track to command”, that verbal DP becomes less powerful. It’s a tough code to crack...especially when you involve strats. My IPZ PRF had a straight #10/20 senior rater strat, but an “on track for command” and no verbal DP, with a “P” checked. Sounds cut and dry: exactly middle of the total pack, should be high P area with an overall 75% promotion rate. Passed over. Even colonels who’ve sat on boards looked at it and said WTF. Even the civilian passed over counselor (I think she’s the only one, or one of a very few, so she has a good feel for the system) was a bit baffled. Our awesome opaque process at work. Honestly, after talking to a marine and some army guys I work with, I think the USAF promotion system is terrible and horridly riddled with unknowns. By comparison, the marines get a list of exactly who’s on the board beforehand. Ours sucks. Don’t put any value on it. Bottom line, once it’s sign, let it go and decide what kind of officer and man YOU want to be. The ink representing some “leader’s” opaque opinion of your career DOES NOT define the impact you make. Only you do that. Don’t let the output of a broken system limit your contribution. If you’ve got a lot of combat hours, chances are good that you have a lot to teach young kids, and a lot to pass on to your community. I know that doesn’t make the process any easier to endure, and you will likely still want to throat punch a “leader” or two if you get passed over. But know that regardless of rank and what the broken system decides, your inputs and experience are truly valuable to the LTs whose lives your experience and instruction can save.
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