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Everything posted by FourFans

  1. I just threw up a little. Champ already said it, but it bears repeating. I like the active duty less and less each day.
  2. Boots are boots. If Belleville goes through all sorts of hoops to make them comfortable and effective, I'm all for it. For the first time in a LONG time, we MIGHT have an effective lowest bidder. Yesterday was the first time in 4 years of owning belleville green boots (and executing no maintenance on them) that I felt moisture inside my boots (thanks to the Korean monsoon). That's use every five-six out of seven days a week for four years. Time for new ones. I'll call that a good track record. Dear Belleville: Beat that! FF
  3. Not that there's anything wrong with that... But if Masshole says it, is it really gay?
  4. Are you kids done crying about uniforms? It's the CSAF change of command. Of course it's going to look different. Who cares?
  5. Baronhazel: Latest news from the C-130 world, expect 6 months on, 12 months off. More to follow as that pans out with all the 10 year commitments coming due. AC, HC, and MC all depend on events as they transpire worldwide. From what I've witnessed friends go through (I'm not in AFSOC) there is no such thing as a "stable" ops tempo for AFSOC. They do try to make it somewhat consistant (60 on 60 off is what I've heard recently)...but they're employment tends to be much more dynamic than AMC and ACC. FF Edit: grammer, and yes, you read that right. 6 on, 12 off.
  6. "...but they are expected to make everyone else better." That's the end goal. Never forget that. It's all about making our squadrons better without worrying about who gets the credit. Not very many people are, at their core, truly ok with improving something without getting some form of credit for the part the played. Be the best you can. See where God leads you. If it's towards the WIC, talk to your WO. FF
  7. God Speed Chief!
  8. 135s airdrop?
  9. Simply brilliant. The last 2000 years that've seen the Bible as the single best surviving and most accurately translated book in the world were simply a fluk. The Quran isn't all that young either. Yeah, that time was clearly confused and chaotic, the next 500 years will show us what's up. I think what you meant to say was that in 500 years people will look at men like Anwar Al-Awlaki and wonder how they managed to mess it up so bad. I hope he's enjoying his 72 virgin dudes. FF
  10. Congrats to your son, you must be proud. Where's he going in Herks?
  11. Back on topic... ...this one slipped by and shouldn't have. Every war. Airmen that think we are a supported service need to wake up. Flat out wrong. And THAT is a main reason our service has gone wrong. No one can deliver airpower better than we can. That does not translate to 'no one can win wars better than the USAF can'. Our job is to deliver airpower as best suits the mission. Airpower is not the mission. Subtle but critical difference. Read a book. FF
  12. Seriously? ::entitlement generation:: "I'm entitled to not salute some people because that's what I'm entitled to do as a flyer." Noted. It's a salute. A sign of respect. If you're not going to salute brothers that have paid their dues longer than you have, what exactly is the purpose of a salute? You people are making it sound like a salute somehow degrades the relationship you have with the person you're saluting. What is this, kindergarden? Haha! Timmy saluted Jonny! Grow up. If you want to be called a professional, you have to act like one first. Once again: WWROD. I'm pretty sure he saluted people that outranked him and didn't give people flak for saluting him. It ain't that tough. FF
  13. And both actually paid attention in SERE refresher. It helps when you do things right...
  14. Indeed a glorious one that was...only to be upstaged by the backlash...
  15. That's because he didn't probably have a uniform board. I guess he learned his lesson! FF
  16. It's closely related to 'the penis mighter' and 'anal bum cover'. Guess we'll have to ask Sean Connery... FF
  17. ...and I thought I was the only one thinking that...
  18. FourFans

    Four Loko

    Four Loko causes chemtrails and attracts bears. I love lamp. FF
  19. It has been AFSO21'd. Hmmmm. Seeing AFSO21 is clearly failing, I wonder how much we would save if we AFSO21'd AFSO21... FF
  20. Decoding for the uninitiated: ASMT = Wooden warrior dashboard display with working computer interface CNI-MU (SCNS) and a couple working displays CPT = Full working flight deck simulator minus a gimbal and vis displays WST = Full-motion FAA certified SIM.
  21. Yeah, it's kinda like saying you're an eagle driver...
  22. Hey herk new kids out there. This applies to you. Dropping under fire and carrying the Bandage callsign are just as important. Get up for it or go home. I'd wear the patch. Not for pride and not as some inside joke. Our service has a long history of "100 mission" patchs, just like they have red stars and swastikas on the canopy rails, and just like we have wings on our chests. That's a part of our history. You can be a part of it, or you can laugh at it, but you can't do both (not in truth at any rate). I'd wear it because I think that what I've done over there matters and has made a difference. If you don't believe that in some way, what are you doing in combat? FF
  23. Well put. I can think of maybe one full bird I've seen actually out leading the fight for real (without a seeing eye IP). FF
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