I just finished up at Corpus. Backseat is right on, go to a T-44 and then pray for a good drop. We had what was considered an ungodly drop for the 9 Air Force guys in my class:
2 England MCs, 1 Ramstein, 1 Yokota (myself), 1 Little Rock, 2 Pope, 2 Dyess.
From what I've seen recently, 2 AFSOC slots is pretty much the max for a drop our size. Having an AC be one of them, given the ratio of MC to AC, is even less likely.
Moral of the story: be number 1 in your class at Corpus. And the key to that is to hit the ground running. Your scoring here kinda works like a GPA in highschool: the farther you get in the program, the more difficult it is to change your average. So start off strong.
Question for Clearedhot: Now that I'm to be a slick guy, what road would I have to take if I want to get into an AC? I've heard that I should turn down slick IP school when/if that ever comes up, but that's about it. Any advice?
[ 11. March 2005, 22:16: Message edited by: FourFans130 ]