In tweets at Laughlin we got a cross-country that departed on friday morning/afternoon and returned on monday. Standard is two flights for each day (roughly 1.5-2.0hrs per flight): one night flight, one day VFR and the rest simple IFR flying.
We stayed overnight in Austin, Dallas, and Oklahoma City, then returned back to Laughlin on Monday. I've heard some dudes make it to Vegas. Not a lot of party time, but a lot of flying. We got 25 approaches total.
As for airports, that'll depend on what you're flying, but mostly semi major airports (don't plan on flying home and landing at grandpa's airstrip in his back yard)
Tweet: like Razorback said
T-6: not exactly sure but a smaller runway than a tweet.
I also know (obviously not first hand experience) that the 38 sylabus in standard UPT has a x-country and possibly a solo out-and-back (one day). I'm sure there's a 38 dude here somewhere who can fill in those details