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Everything posted by Techsan

  1. Damn, I'm in trouble. Not only do I not have all my boxes checked, I grow a beard like a 15 yr old kid.
  2. I ended up going with AMU & a Military Studies degree. I figured if I had to get an easy, lame, box check degree with minimal effort, I'd prefer reading and writing about military history. With most professors @ AMU, as long as you turn in assignments on time and it looks & smells like a paper, you usually will get an A. For others, you'll get a B. As an added bonus, if you're a Major or a select, you can transfer over 12 credits from ACSC correspondence, of which I think 6 credits are applied directly to your degree. I never went to SOS, so I can't tell you if those will transfer, but I imagine they do.
  3. I doubt he cares---he has bigger things to worry about now, like the length of the line @ the pharmacy, catching that hop to Hawaii as. Cat VI, and not standing in the middle of the aisle @ the commissary.
  4. The sand here is very shallow, so no, my head is not that deep in the sand. I guess I still can't wrap my head around squadron commanders getting shit canned for something as stupid as a fitness test. I can see being fired for about a hundred other things, however the fitness test should not be one of them. Oh, and when will people realize that if you get hurt for whatever reason during your test, you should immediately stop the test. Or, if some over eager test proctor wants to play God with your career and attempt to give you a failure that is questionable, to not sign your damn scoresheet. Once you sign that piece of paper, it makes the commander's job that much harder to fight off the failure.
  5. There had to have been other contributors. Left coast or right?
  6. Can't believe I watched all of it. Those Chinese had to have been smoking something good when they made that.
  7. Some of my favorites: AETC 2 Wine Glasses AETC 1 Beer Sign AETC 1 'Pimp Cup' AETC 1 Rubber dog feces (because dog poop is so offensive) AFGSC 2 Esquire and Cosmopolitan Magazines Women's bathroom (eww) AMC 1 GQ Magazine advertisements with women in their underwear AMC 1 Viagra clock AMC 3 R-Rated Movies AMC Sticker 'Romney, Believe in America' AMC 1 "Don't be a dick" sticker PACAF 2 Fitness Magazines (no wonder why the AF has so many fatties) PACAF Non AF Screen Saver (so very offensive!) PACAF Hula girl doll PACAF Approx 20 "Men's Health," "Men's Fitness," "Runners," "Running World," "Bicycling" and "Tri-Athlete" magazines with a male, a female, or a male and female cover photo. PACAF 1 Kangaroo Scrotum Bottle Opener PACAF 1 Photo of two people in MOPP gear, one behind the other in a potentially compromising position
  8. That checks.
  9. I'll take it. (so to speak)
  10. Just saw Zero Dark Thirty...very well done. Highly recommend! It was a little long, however it did a great job of giving background on the hunt for UBL---less on the actual raid.
  11. Very true. I've had the pleasure of flying Gen Welsh a few times already, and he is hands down the most sincere, and personable GOs I have ever met. In talking with him, you can honestly sense that he truly does care about Airmen. I also really like how his letters & emails to the masses are in normal speak. I'm a believer & am excited to see what he can do for the Air Force.
  12. Your brother CAN be on the aircraft...as long as he's not being 'assigned to airborne duty' (I.e on orders) on the same aircraft. You can fly your family (minus spouse) all you want if they are riding as self loading cargo via the pax terminal. Although I think there does say something about not being able to fly your spouse in any capacity.
  13. Prolly a guy about to retire...his way of giving everyone the middle finger as he's walking out the door.
  14. I guess sarcasm is hard to express on the interwebs.
  15. I flew C-21s in the Springs a few years ago---it totally blew. Trust me, you want nothing to do with the 200th. Not that I would ever try to get hired there, but are they hiring?
  16. 3.8% increase my ass! Mine decreased almost exactly 3.8% percent here in DC.
  17. We were issued a metal whiz wheel, along with our Casio G Shock & Randolph Aviators. I used mine for my Nav check in T-1s, and for doing a fix to fix. But I guess students now use PFPS for their form 70s & fix to fixes aren't taught anymore.
  18. That looks familiar. Oh, that's right...it was already posted. Nice try though.
  19. That is a bargain. Especially seeing that she'd probably take out her teeth before going to work.
  20. https://www.airforcetimes.com/mobile/news/2012/12/af-eglin-eod-tech-charged-rape-burglary-120712w Even more fuel to the flame. I guess you know you're busted when they find your wallet, which has your DL & CAC @ the crime scene. Kind of hard to explain that. I'm sure he was looking @ UPT patches that said "We fly for Bush" & decided to rape. It's unfortunate.
  21. Porn is one thing, but destroying heritage just because it might have the appearance to offend someone or create an atmosphere conducive to committing rape is asinine. This shit seriously needs to stop!
  22. Pretty stellar reporting right thurr.
  23. I really hope the Squadron Bar Daily Pic & Video thread doesn't get inserted into her report as more evidence of sex-crazed fighter pilots. I'm just glad I'm a heavy pilot, where we celebrate women.
  24. Maybe not GLOC, but falling asleep after eating a hot pizza out of the oven, while orbiting in the anchor...or while watching movies while in orbit. That shit can kill you!
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