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Everything posted by motox3005

  1. Did it change to BOT perhaps?
  2. That im not sure of.... I was refering only to his AMS/IFS becasue there is no option to bring your faimily on base, therefore the govt must give you BAH. Sorry I know this does not help you...
  3. How is what possible.... BAH? He's married with dependents... he is BAH eligible.
  4. Yes, you WILL! you'll also get seperation allowance(I belive). you can check how much BAH you'll earn here. Just enter your Zip... https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/site/bahCalc.cfm Im also going to AMS in march, see ya there!
  5. I got my dates a couple months ago 1513 @ Vance... I was told all t-1 slots have been fille EVERYWHERE and therefore I will train on a t-38 eventhough im in a kc-135 unit... You might see if your unit can do this for you as well...?
  6. Thanks for that info, would you recommend studying the hawk, OTSMAN's or anything else prior to arrival?
  7. So , I take it the reason people wash out is they're just not studying/taking it seriously...? Thanks for the info!
  8. Anyone who's gone throught AMS: How hard are the tests? Do they give you enough time to study? Are the test questions pretty straight forward?
  9. Interviewed OCT 12 Hired NOV 12 Enlisted FEB 13 FC1 May 13 AMS March 14 UPT July 14 Prior serivce Army...
  10. In my personal experience no. I am the only prior enlisted out of (4) that got hired last Nov, and I’m the only one who has no dates... Does anyone have any clue as to how NGB processes these packets?
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