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Runr6730 last won the day on September 18 2023

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Crew Dawg

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  1. Am I missing something? How is this guy remotely qualified to be SECDEF?
  2. KC-46 boom severed, hoist cable snapped during AR with F-15 over CA causing the KC-46 to land with half its boom in trail at Travis AFB and F-15 to divert.
  3. Hoping one of you fine aviators can help me with our squadron’s Heritage Room. We’re looking to renovate it and make it relevant again. The JAG and others throughout the wing have historically scoffed at us having our own “bar”, even though the bar is just one piece of what this area means to the unit. I’m looking to help justify its existence and keep the “Bobs” at bay, and having some AF-level guidance would certainly help in that endeavor. Does anyone know of an AFI, MFR, or other guidance that speaks directly to a unit’s heritage facilities and what the requirements are to allow alcohol consumption in said facility?
  4. If you believe this new narrative that a spy balloon was “turned off and didn’t collect or transmit any intelligence” while flying over multiple military installations then I have a new 100% effective vaccine booster to offer you
  5. This. The loudest voices on the mil meme sites are all echoing the same negative sentiments…”AD sucks, if you stay past your AD commitment you’re an idiot.” The truth is YMMV. Personally, when I came up for the bonus I was loving USAF life. I’d just spent 4 years overseas (a unique opportunity AD affords) and was on staff doing a job I found very fulfilling. We’ve lived all over the world, flown some amazing missions, met some amazing lifelong friends, and ultimately found where we wanted to settle down in a place I never would’ve imagined living otherwise. Is AD perfect? Absolutely not, but in general it’s provided me and my family a life filled with adventure. Don’t make a decision on the bonus or getting out based on what the loudest voices on the internet are espousing…do what you think is best for you and your family.
  6. My take (not that anyone asked)… 1) Do what makes you happy…it’s your body to do with it as you please. 2) I won’t actively go out of my way to offend you, but don’t jump down society’s throat if you’re misgendered or misunderstood.
  7. Don’t do it. You’ll have to get your own ATIS
  8. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-65344370 Oopsies…the Russians bombed one of their own towns near the border
  9. In the KC-46 you must take the first action to reject the takeoff by V1. All field length calculations assume 1 second to recognize any malfunction and initiate the stopping action.
  10. What are the odds this was supposed to be addressed only to NAF and Wg/CCs and was never meant to be sent to AMC/All? I, for one, like hearing what my commanders are thinking straight from the horse’s mouth vs whatever watered-down version I get once it’s been through 6-9 levels of middle management.
  11. With the airlines starting to pull out all the stops to hire retiring/separating military pilots, does anyone know if there’s talk of waiving or making a military competency exam (like they do for the commercial certificate) for an ATP certificate?
  12. https://www.amc.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/3223946/kc-46a-flies-36-hour-record-breaking-endurance-mission/
  13. Correct. Currently there are active associate units at both Pease and Seymour.
  14. Amen! Dodged a 30mm bullet with those two.
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