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Everything posted by CrateOfThunder

  1. Ha! Not on purpose... HOTAS error?
  2. Did they "counter offer" or just flat out "no"? Thanks!
  3. Well, I think we've squashed that idea. Thanks for everyone's advice!
  4. Anyone done this recently? If so, 1) Is VRAD USERRA protected? 2) Are VRAD pilots ARP eligible? 3) Pros/cons you have found so far. Thanks!!
  5. I did a quick search and found the question posted, but not really answered... Are VRAD (voluntary return to active duty) 11Fs ACP eligible? Apparently there are some unfilled 3 year orders available, but the VRAD AFI doesn't seem to address it directly. Thanks!
  6. Perfect!!
  7. Hey guys, Lots of info on this, but not exactly what I am looking for... Have a couple of questions on pay and benefits: It seems that ARTs go with the GS scale; is that fixed by my rank or the position itself? What step would I start with? How much pay do most fighter guys get from the reserve side? (Which I understand to be in addition to ART pay.) Flight pay? BAH/BAS? (My research says no, but just checking...) Health Care for the family? Looks like I could purchase for a price. (Should have cared more about Obamacare!) Anything else that I am not considering? Thanks in advance for the help/advice! Crate
  8. Spoke with our assignment guy today and he said to expect assignments by the end of the week...
  9. We had most of our squadron get assignments except for three of us. No AETC assignments that I know of across the community. Pile on: I haven't heard of any AETC assignments being given out in the sense of white jets (IFF, T-38, T-6), but has anyone even gotten a TX assignment to an AETC base (Viper TX, etc.)?
  10. The VML came out recently and a few people didn't get assignments and were told to standby for more words. The story from the rumor mill is that AETC is doing some restructuring and that anyone with a AETC assignment is being told to wait for their assignment. Anyone else seeing this at their base or have any SA on the situation? Crate
  11. Dude, not to start a flame war, but are you even done with the B-Course yet? Have you ever fought a Strike before? A clean viper is without a doubt better than a Strike with CFTs and PODs (our standard config). We don't take off everything to go out and fight BFM/ACM. That being said, I have fought Vipers, Hornets, and C-Models and will be the first to tell you... it is not always just the jet but the pilot that matters. For the original question: Yeah we spend about 1/2 of our time on Air to Air sorties (BFM/ACM/DCA) and about half our time on A/G (SAT/CAS/BSA). Our primary mission right now however is CAS -- and we are good at it. Hawgs and Strikes are what the guys on the ground want. Not Vipers with two bombs, short vul times, and inability to execute Yo-Yo ops. rant//off
  12. Thanks to all who have donated to the River Rat's 529 fund. We are in awe of the response so far. Some of you have been asking about immediate expenses for the wives and families in addition to the 529. For those who would like to contribute to a family "emergency fund," please send your donations directly to the 336th Fighter Squadron: 336th Fighter Squadron c/o Mr. Terry Gainer 1155 Brooks Ave, Suite 100 Seymour Johnson AFB, NC 27531 (919) 722-3050 Please make checks payable to "336th Aircrew Fund" with Pitbull/Lag (or any other specifics) in the memo line. This money will be collected and go directly to the wives of Captains McDowell and Gramith. Thank you for your continued support of the families of Pitbull and Lag during this time of need. The Rockets would also like to thank you for your prayers and support as we continue the fight in Afghanistan. -Ninja justin.goldstein@bgab.centaf.af.mil
  13. All, I want to thank you for the outpouring of support being offered by our community. We, as Rockets are coping as well as can be imagined, continuing to take the fight to the enemy, and devoting 100% of our efforts into honoring our two brothers. I am the Rocket POC for all things Pitbull and Lag related and invite you to contact me at any time. There will be a daily email sent out with updates on projects currently in progress or planned for the future. I have included both my email address and information for contributing to Lag's Daughter's College Funds. A special thanks to the River Rats for their unending support. Again, thank you all for being here for us in the worst of times. Rooster zachary.probst@bgab.afcent.af.mil zachary.probst@bgab.afcent.af.smil.mil On-line credit card donations can be made using the "Give Direct" option at www.AirWarriorCourage.org. When prompted, indicate that the donation is for the "Gramith Family". Donations can also be made by check payable to "AWCF". On the "For" line indicate "Gramith Family". Checks should be mailed to AWCF, PO Box 1553, Front Royal, VA 22630-0033
  14. I have heard several rumors involving funding and timelines for this program. Reading AFI 11-405 makes it seem like you must have already completed med school to apply...this can't be the case. Anyone in the know -- after I finish my first tour, can I then attend med school on the Air Force's dime? If so, can I expect to go back to fighters afterwards? What med schools are options -- only the Air Force run one or any? Do you keep rank and active duty status while at school? AFI 11-405 talks about still being eligible for WIC, is that only if you go back to the same airframe? This sounds like an unbeleivable opportunity and I would love to find out more about it...thanks in advance for any help.
  15. He was simply saying that he loved flying in the gunpig, understood the camaraderie and joking between airframes, and didn't give a shlt about what any SNAPs thought about it. Now he is going to the Eagle, looking forward to kicking a$$ and doesn't care that people not in the know claim it has "no mission". Gunner is a great dude and will be a great asset to the Eagle community!
  16. Dude in my class had a cable he connected from the player to his computer and could save/burn to cd. Ask at Radio Shack probably.
  17. 07-08 VANCE T-38: F-15C F-15E X 2 F-16 X 3
  18. VANCE 07-07 T-38: F-15C F-16 T-38 B-1 B-52
  19. Shoelace Tipper Ice bag bagger candlestick wicker [ 12. September 2006, 17:33: Message edited by: CrateOfThunder ]
  20. FNG, That is correct...verify with Chapter four in NATOPS for any further limitations questions
  21. I have a friend who's brother was a AC-130 driver, then got picked up for U-2s so got his T-38 qual, and now has been told he is eligible for pretty much anything. Though this may have happened before the new rules.
  22. rtst, -3 of the 4 Marines in my API class failed two tests a piece and are now in Primary (good guys...just not test takers I guess) -Both my next door neighbors are Marines and can barely pass the PFT -In college, anyone who got kicked out of the AFROTC program easily got picked up for PLC, where they would be guaranteed Aviation as long as they could complete the program -USMC consistently has the lowest NSS for people getting "JETS" at Whiting, even making some people take jets who wanted helos just b/c they couldn't find enough Marines with over a 52! -I know of at least two studs here who actually failed the program (NSS too low) and MATSG game them a waiver to continue on to advance b/c the USMC is so short on pilots I am not saying that the Marine Corps in not a great service, if there is one thing down here that I have learned, it is to appreciate the other branches (even the coast guard). But, solely based on what I have seen in my wonderful 9 months here, USMC is the easiest service to land a pointy-nose in, just more hoops to jump through! Best of luck, Crate
  23. This is wrong! I played college soccer and just got done with a marathon last week so I know what I am talking about. In your nose, out your mouth will prevent cramping. Try to breath to the beat of your footsteps. Start out with in for two step, out for two steps...then work your way up to three and three, four and four..you get the picture. Set up a schedule for yourself for each week. Run longer distances some of the days and shorter distances others. Pick a long run, like four or five miles (long for you before some Ironman triathlete jumps on my case). Then run as much of it as you can and walk the rest. Each time you do it, try and make it to a further point. This way you are less likely to quit knowing you will still have to walk the rest back home! Combine this with 3/4 days of lifting per week: MON: Full PFT, keep track of progress TUES: 4 mile run as much as possible, walk the rest WED: Intervals (Run a lap, jog a lap) = to three miles THURS: 4 mile run as much as possible, walk the rest FRI: OFF SAT: 6 mile run as much as possible, walk the rest SUN: crosstrain (swim, bike, jump rope) for 45 minutes [ 25. February 2006, 16:09: Message edited by: CrateOfThunder ]
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