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Everything posted by ecugringo
What would it take to push Russia out of UK completely? How many lives? How much $$$? does UK have the personnel to do this? Does the EU have the will to spend and support? The war is basically a stalemate with Russia slowly grinding forward. The effort to push Russia out is too great. i think making a deal for peace and resources is in the best interest ok the Ukraine ppl. the current involvement will drag this on for another 3 yrs. We’ll spend billions, uk will lose another couple hundred thousand men and Russia will gain 15% more land. also we only really know what we’ve been told. Lots of questions to be answered.
The US has completely mismanaged the forest. That is very obvious. the Marshall fires in co were from dry grasslands. But there was a 3 yr period where everything in co was on fire. After the Marshall fires my wife wanted to leave the state. It was the final nail after all the bs in that state. Many suspect It was eco terrorism to push the global warming agenda but you’re right…..we are allowing ppl to live in high danger areas then expecting insurance to cover it. i agree with an above post that insurance will dictate building codes to help mitigate loss. I just read about the architecture of a home that survived in palisades. The material and design all made the home survive. But what do u do when nobody wants to live in states like Ohio.
I lived next to superior CO in 2021 when the Marshall fires raged through that area. It’s near boulder. we had sustained winds over 60 with gusts over 100 mph. The front range was drier than Death Valley that year. this fire was only a day but torched over 1k homes. Not saying there shouldn’t be criticism but fires like this you really can’t stop. It’s really hard to explain just how fast they move. Imo they could have had 10x the fire trucks but it wouldn’t have done much good. Everything still would have burned.
Apparently the pos that Murdered the uga student was here illegally from Venezuela. His brother was arrested with a fake green card. saw a FB post from my old hood I’m CO. Mom was asking for donations for a Venezuelan family she was taking in with her own family….I see where her heart is but wow.
Russian pilot that defected murdered in spain https://www.yahoo.com/news/russian-pilot-defected-ukraine-mi-225126196.html
Biden declined a Super Bowl Sunday interview. Back to back now for Brandon.
Neighboring town of Lakewood has asked Denver how they can assist w the issue. Meaning the problem will now spread to the burbs. that state is so far gone….no chance they ever gravitate to the R. A good chunk of ppl like myself used Covid to cash out. douglas isn’t that red…..it’s almost 50/50. The rate of development will push it further left.
Neighboring town of Lakewood has asked Denver how they can assist w the issue. Meaning the problem will now spread to the burbs. that state is so far gone….no chance they ever gravitate to the R. A good chunk of ppl like myself used Covid to cash out.
Not to derail this but if trump is getting 55% of the primary votes in states…,what will the other 45% vote for if they are anti trump? SC will be interesting to see how Haley does but I’d guess a sizeable amount don’t vote for trump and we have weekend at bidens to deal with again.
I read trump made the houthis a terror org. Biden early on took them off but is now adding them back to the list.
And Tim Scott endorsed trump….I’d say she has no shot in sc at this point…..strange times
Interesting take on Sabans impact on the economic impact on the univ. football program valued at over $1b enrollment went from 25k to 40k students. Huge influx of out of state students. https://www.al.com/news/2024/01/what-economic-impact-has-nick-saban-had-on-alabama-he-was-worth-more-than-1-billion.html?outputType=amp
My company went remote so we cashed out and moved back to the south east on acerage. Its CA 2.0. We have young kids and Denver wasnt a good place to take them to explore so we avoided that pre covid. Post covid parts looked like a refugee camp. Just a bad vibe. I read something like 60% of office space is vacant in Denver. We lived in a massive sub division in the burbs and there were far more rainbow/BLM flags than US flags on pples homes. I travel to CA often for work and its really sad. I usually would stay near a beach and do a morning run....not sure if I will anymore. My last trip in the fall was pretty sketchy.
Lol castle pines! dougco could easily go blue with the influx of ppl moving there.
Lol I was in jeffco…worked in boulder. while Douglas is more conservative it won’t always be that way.
I lived next to Broomfield for 10 yrs. It’s sad what CO policies allow. If you bring up anything about illegals you get cast as a racist. I don’t miss living there.
I agree. Bo Nix knew Auburn would suck and bailed to Oregon. He was a top qb there. He would have struggled in auburn. manziel was a dbag but he put a&m back in the map and brought in millions. Got them in the sec and a new stadium. michigan had a top ranked tight end jake butt. Projected 1st round. Blew his knee out in a bowl game and dropped to a late round and never recovered. I love college football. But the bowl system was always stupid. Schools make way too much $$$$ for the players not to get paid and have a say in their career.
Now you gave a team playing where their coach was suspended 2x this season and still under investigation by the ncaa. not a huge bama fan but should UM been allowed in?
I’d rather see the players make some $$ and have a choice in their destiny. manziel exposed how messed up of a system it is..he puts a&m back on the map, they get millions in rev and donations, new stadium…but he can’t sign footballs? Oh but he got a free degree….. I enjoy the entertainment aspect of college football, but I’m not going to pretend it’s a sacred institution with the student athletes best interest. It’s a wired form of minor leagues.
Top players were always getting paid. Bama pulls more revenue for tv and ncaa.
Avg age of the Ukrainian soldier is now 43. https://www.yahoo.com/news/average-age-ukrainian-soldier-older-013736697.html
I agree
Arent Ukrainian Males in forced conscription? So yeah they kinda are forced to fight. The war goes back to 2014 with the Maiden uprising. Losing the pro Russia govt is what pushed Putin. The question is how involved was the US in those uprisings? State Dept was there. Not saying this is just cause for Putin but an expansion eastward of Western influence put him in a defensive position. A question to ask is if/when western support dries up in Ukraine and Russia eventually wins...will that loss of life be worth it for Ukraine? Did we just help delay the inevitable and cause more death and destruction for a goal of making Putin's military weaker. I dont think Putin is stupid. I think a lot of things going on now are all related.
You currently have: Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Gaza, Armenia, and Serbia massing on the Kosovo border. one side is western influenced the other is in the Russia sphere along with Iran…fun times!
From what I understand on the Palestinians is that nobody wants them...Egypt, Jordan, Syria etc....They are all happy to keep then where they are and finance them to be assholes with Israel. I read the original idea of Gaza was to make it a mid east version of Singapore. Small micro country with the best coastal tourist spots and be a vibrant micro nation....They apparently weren't interested in that and somewhere along the line became more interested in the destruction of Israel. I do believe Russia is involved with this to make a distraction from Ukraine. An interesting play for the US would be to salvage Israel/Saudi relations...Sell arms to Saudi and turn a blind eye to what they do in Yeman vs the Iranian backed rebels. I do find the pro Palestinian demonstration across the world very disturbing. Even if you dont like the Israeli state....celebrating this is pretty disgusting.