I was spotter in the RSU one day. We had only 1 aircraft in the pattern, an initial solo Saudi student. We has making his way around the pattern for the first time and hits initial.
SAUDI: "Small XX, Initial"
10 sec later
obviously, no response, so another 10 sec later
SAUDI: In a very angry voice "I SAID, SMALL XX, INITIAL!"
RSU Controller: "ROGER SMALL 31, go ahead and make this a full stop."
On departure from Memphis in a T-6:
Departure: "Rattr XX, I'm going to need you to expedite your climb for traffic, continue current climb rate and accelerate to 250"
Us: "Uh, unable to get 250"
Departure: "How fast can you get at current climb rate?"
Us: "160"
Departure: "**Sigh**"