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Everything posted by NUKE

  1. What is the average percentage of school selects for the majors board? Nominally 20%?
  2. Most dudes in my Sq picked up leather jackets from Black Horse Leather in Osan, just down the road from Mr. Lims. Great quality, soft leather, and only $195. Included were the sewn in blood chit, plus zip in liner. You can give him your crappy issue leather jacket and get a discount as well.
  3. I think I remember having this meal on Sundays.... Every Sunday for 4 months...
  4. This guy was one of my instructors at Pcola and I'd definetely say I never knew anything about him being gay. The pics are him sitting in the front seat of a bird in the Pensacola Museum.
  5. A quick question, does the AT-38's used at IFF have radar?
  6. 3000 pph on the mighty T-39N on a low level, about 2200 pph at altitude
  7. Nice post chucklehead, got a little man complex? Each program has the own difficulties but rippin on UNT to make yourself feel superior is pretty pathetic...
  8. I was issued green
  9. We were told about 12% here in Pcola. We have the same basic 3 ride deal, slightly different, but along the same lines.
  10. NUKE


    Nav school at Randolph is only 9 months long? Holy crap, what do they teach you, how to use a whiz wheel, a chart, and thats it?
  11. Update: Still no Spec Ops -130s dropped out of Pcola, supposedly coming sometime soon, 2-3 months? BUFFS have been given out, but nothing too widespread. Last year the break down was 50 F-15E's, 35 B-1B, but those numbers might be off.
  12. Hey dude, take your Whiting slot and run. The wait isnt that bad and plus a few down weeks is a hell of a lot better when you live next to the beach, then say gettin a casual assignment at CAFB or the such. Quitin *****in and get ready to have some fun at the beach.
  13. Exactly what Dude said, I got to Pcola in June of 05, did NIFTy for 2 months and had no wait time to get in to API, some others had 2-3 weeks. After API, you go into C pool for 1-3 months to get classed up into either VT-4 or -10. For some reason the Squadrons are backed up, yet the instructors keep complaining on how few students are in the pipeline right now... Go figure? If you have any questions, PM me, im about halfway thru the WSO program down here.
  14. Supposedly in FY07 (ME!) they will dropping more strikefighter slots than strike (35/30 mix)out of here. Saw this info on the production breakdown spread sheet off AF HQ website? Where ever it was, it was official, but no telling if the higher ups will modify this...
  15. NUKE

    T-6 Cockpit

    Is he talking about the flaps selector?
  16. Supposedly once in a blue moon a prowler slot drops to VT-86 here in Pcola, but im not too sure about it.
  17. Hopefully they will send some to Pcola to replace the old tired T-39G models.
  18. Hoser, let us pray together that they wont either!
  19. The way I have heard the gouge is that the BUFFs and AC130 will come from the strike pipeline here in Pcola. We will still select Strike or Strikefighter, the strikefighter guys going only to F-15Es. THe strike guys do the rest of the course, and then get their airframe the night of winging. This is what I have heard in the SQ ready room. My question is how many extra strike slots will there be now? How many strikefighter slots? This is the question!
  20. NO please give back the BUFFs to Randolph...
  21. When I went thru, Jun 04, they failed probably 70 people out the first day with the PFT. As was said before, too many people, not enough slots. It wasnt too hard to pass, you just had to have perfect form so the Blackhats wouldnt screw with you... And trust me, they just love us AF types...
  22. Now what exactly is the Four Horsemen?
  23. I am a Navy student down in pcola now, so I spend most of my time in NAS Pensacola. I have seveal Whiting guys that live in my Apt complex, ( NE Pcola) but most of the are single, although we do have a few married folks. We also have a good bit of other service folks that live here. Its nice to live in NE Pcola, we have a lot of stuff to do, and all stores, resturaunts, ect are real close. The drive to NASP is about 30 min, to Whiting its about 35, so its right in the middle. As for moving somewhere close in Pcola, and then moving to Milton, dont do it, API is 6 weeks, plus 2-3 inprocessing. Its not worth moving twice and some places wont give you your deposit back, military clause or not, since you didnt stay over 6 months. If you have any questions hit me up!
  24. Ok guys, I have a couple questions. Im currently in Pcola for Strike/Fighter training. I will be starting API in a few weeks, so all of my training is still ahead of me. Our only two airframes are Bones and F-15Es. I know we have some Bone guys and Strike Eagle guys on here, my question to you, is what are your pros and cons of your airframes? How many Eagle or Bones slots come through, possibly more E slots? How long is the IFF course? FTU for Strike Eagles is 7 months I believe, how long is it for the Bone? Deployments? Basically my flightmates and I dont have too much info as of now, im sure we will get more later, but just some basic info from the crews who know whats going on.
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