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Everything posted by silverwolf0911

  1. Eh, probably not. However, his cousin probably could!
  2. The first test didn't have any kind of review questions or anything. I had to actually read/skim it to pass the test. I don't remember the questions being obscure... Most were pretty common sense. Test 2 and 3 had review questions. I suggest you skip the lessons and go straight for these. And keep refreshing the page because it presents you with new questions... After a few refreshes, you pretty much see all of them. The tests were almost word for word the same questions as these review ones. Posted from the NEW Baseops.net App!
  3. Thanks. I did some searching thru the JFTR and found these: Quote Quote Spoke with my approving official and I think I'm good w/o the non-A slip.
  4. I've got a strange question that may seem a bit unique. I am currently TDY. When I called the base inn to book lodging prior to my trip, I was told they were all full and they'll issue me a non-availability letter. They could only fax it to me since their email was down that day...I was told to come by when I arrive in town to pick it up. So, I go ahead and book an off-base hotel for my stay. On my travel day in (a Sunday), I called the base lodging to ask if I needed to come on base to pick up the non-availability letter BEFORE I check into the off-base hotel. I preferred to just pick up the letter when I come on base the next day (on Mon) when I'll be on base anyways for work. I wasn't sure if the "effective date" or "issue date" or whatever equivalent was based on when it was issued (when I called ahead of time) or when I picked it up (Sunday, my travel day). I also had a ~2hr drive from the airport to the hotel, the base was another 20 mins out, and the wx was going to shit... so I didn't want to drive out to base and back to my hotel in the shitty wx just to pick up a letter. Anyways, the lady on the phone said I could just pick up the non-avail letter whenever because it was already input in their system. So I checked into the off-base hotel and all was well--or so I thought. On Monday, I drove by base lodging and now they said they can't give me the non-availability letter. At this point, due to the shitty wx, they had a lot of cancellations. So now they have rooms available and so she can't issue me the letter. My question is whether the letter was already "issued" when I first called and attempted to book a room? My thought is... if I had a fax machine and they faxed it before I even left for this trip, I would be good to go. But due to that logistical issue (which seems trivial), no letter for me? Ideally, I'd like there to be some rule or something I can show base lodging that will "make" them print me this letter so I can claim my voucher appropriately. Also, I don't mind moving hotels to get on base (even though that's a huge pain in the ass)... I just don't want to be forced to pay for the difference in lodging costs for the days I spent in the off-base hotel. Any thoughts?
  5. You got it. Here's the link with more detailed information for those inclined: https://www.wpafb.af.mil/library/factsheets/factsheet_print.asp?fsID=8080&page=1 Also, on the SPO side (now called AFLCMC), it's extremely top heavy in 14/15s... there are so many of these folks running around. So not *every* 14/15 supervises other folks. Most do, but I wouldn't say it's 100%. On a side note, I saw a GS-13 at work clicking thru ACSC and asked him about it. Apparently, they are being told that to be "promotable" to GS-14, he needs ACSC done. And AWC for for GS-15... PME is bleeding over slowly but surely...
  6. Saw this on af.mil: https://www.af.mil/News/ArticleDisplay/tabid/223/Article/467802/af-to-mandate-organizational-command-climate-on-evaluation-feedback-forms.aspx Does this mean what I think it means? We'll be seeing updated EPR/OPR forms in a few weeks? Mandatory bullets about "healthy organizational climate"
  7. For the 2nd and 3rd courses, the self-review questions were really helpful. I would suggest that you go through those questions, hit refresh, and do it again. Over and over until it seems like you've seen every self-review question in the test bank. Then on test day at the education center, the test questions might look awfully familiar.... even if you didn't do any of the linked readings (just did the html files and the self-review questions).
  8. I've heard about this from leadership where I'm at. My boss is in my career field's DT. And he generally does a "DT ou tbrief" for anyone who wants to come.... sort of his way to teach the young guys what DTs do, how vectors work, etc. In the out brief he gave from the this past summer's DT, he basically said what Liquid said above. I have the brief he gave if anyone's interested (.mil email address). Edit: Note that I'm a 62E (developmental engineer)... so the info I got is geared primarily for us acquisition types. But I'd imagine there would be some similarities.
  9. In fact, we salute all senior officers of any of the SEVEN uniformed services--even the ones that are definitely not considered "military" and or "noncombatant uniformed services" (i.e., PHSCC and NOAA Corps). https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uniformed_services_of_the_United_States Random knowledge. Enjoy the reads! P.S. Wikipedia is your friend.
  10. Saw this link on my Facebook today. https://imgur.com/a/sUrnA Besides the creepiness -- wow, imagine if a bombing of this magnitude can be solved through crowd sourcing. A whole new use for social media...
  11. I was always told to call them "senior." I wouldn't use that casual term in a formal setting like a promotion or during a meeting. And I wouldn't use it with the person's name. It's of a nickname. For example, I'd call a person 'senior' but not 'Senior Snuffy.' I'd say its similar to calling someone "el-tee." You'd never call a guy "El-tee LastName" but you sure call a lot of lieutenants "el-tee." And I'm well aware it is technically against the AFI. But I've just lumped this under the nickname category (like el-tee, callsigns, etc).
  12. How does he know? Was your Wg/CC on the promotion board? Or did the senior leaders get some kind of out brief from the board that gave them the cliff notes of how the board operated?
  13. Does that mean that in in FY15, there would only be ~1500 commissionees? That's going to cause all kinds of long term effects for Big Blue... Earlier this month, I saw the below article from Lt Gen Jones about protecting our "seed corn" so we don't have the "bathtub" effect that could negatively impact the AF for 20 years. I was hoping that meant AFROTC EA and FT slots would be protected even with all the budget woes & sequestration... https://www.homestead.afrc.af.mil/news/story.asp?id=123338441
  14. The article said that these MRAPs were donated by the DoD... so I don't think it cost the DHS anything--except, perhaps, the modifications. Which by the way, I thought the same thing about how dumb it is to to have a MRAP but put the agents on the outside when you roll up on the "enemy."
  15. You mean like in this article: https://www.airforcetimes.com/news/2013/02/air-force-AC130s-020713w
  16. Video of Gen Welsh's speech: https://www.dvidshub....ce#.UF0DpLJlT0c Attached is also the text transcript of the speech. Enjoy! CSAF_AFA_Transcript.pdf
  17. This may be a dumb question from a newb so feel free to delete if I'm just being dumb. What are Special Tactics Officers for if there are gonna be these non-rated C-ALOs? They do the same thing? No?
  18. What I would do is find one of the NCOs there and ask them straight up. I'm sure its written in some AFI or AFROTCI somewhere that they can point you to. Then you can Google that instruction yourself and read up on it. At my school, we generally have about 10 or so AS 250 cadets join us a year. Many of them decide to drop. The ones who stay of their own accord almost always get some kind of scholarship. Keep in mind that after FT, you come back as a POC. You become contracted whether on scholarship or not. That means you get the $900/yr book allowance (non taxable) and the monthly stipend. I think the stipend for AS 300 cadets is $450/month (non taxable). It's $500 for AS 400 cadets (seniors).
  19. AAS and drill teams vary greatly from det to det. So it really depends a lot! Hopefully you get a chance to attend some kind of freshmen orientation where you can meet a bunch of cadets. Look at the senior cadet leadership of the particular det you're going to. Ask around. See what the "successful" cadets are involved with. That is not all answering but hopefully it points you in the direction of success. At my school, AAS was the kickass way of doing things. It gave a chance for GMC cadets (freshmen/sophomore level) to have more hands on leadership and to have projects to do with their name on it. It's hard to do that without an extracurricular org to provide that medium since POCs do most of the leading for the cadet wing. I'm in both AAS and honor guard at my det. I've realized that AAS has more projects that require leadership. Honor guard has lots of drill competitions and events to attend. But I've learned more about leadership and people skills from my AAS experiences. Also, AAS is a national organization. So being an active member allows you to attend area and national conclaves. It's a great way to network and meet cadets (and if you're lucky some of the officer brass in AFROTC.. for ex, I was able to coin Gen Schwartz at the last NATCON. In hindsight, it was probably a dumb move, but I got to talk to the man for several minutes a couple of times). The networking was useful for me when I went to FT and already knew some of my flight/squadron-mates (and some CTAs). Being national, there's lots of other random positions (area and national level) that you can hold. I'm not too much of a fan of the bureaucracy that AAS can become when you go to the area and national levels. But it could be impressive to some people on paper and your resume. That's really up to you and your cadre. Sorry, I'm more biased toward AAS since that's where I'm more active with and more involved with. Feel free to PM me specific questions. I know some schools so if you tell me which school you attend, I might be able to tell you if the AAS unit there is good for you or not.
  20. Found the memo. PSP II is the 2nd cycle of EAs that go out. There are 70 (or 71, I forget) slots that have yet to be given out. More details in the memo below. Ref. SUBJECT: ARMS – AFROTC -09-062 - Field Training (FT) 2009 Assignment Preparation 1. … FT 2009 cadet assignments will be released to detachments on 31 Mar 09. 2. WINGS: WINGS will consider the following factors when assigning cadets with Enrollment Allocations (EAs) to FT 2009: a. Spring 2009 term stop dates and Fall 2009 term start dates b. EAs from FT 2008 that were deferred to FT 2009 c. Contract Status d. DOC/DOG e. Cadet need for a Standard or Extended FTU. 4. Extended FTUs: Cadets who have not completed both semesters of AS 100 and AS 200 prior to Field Training must attend the FT academic sessions scheduled for Maxwell 3 or Maxwell 5. FT academic sessions will be conducted one week prior to Training Day 1. 6. Out of Cycle EAs: On 4 May 09 the Registrar will conduct a second PSP Board to award out of cycle EAs and the board will conclude on 8 May 09. Cadets awarded EAs for this board will be assigned to FTUs NLT COB 11 May 09. AFROTC/DOT will assign these cadets to FTUs based on their school end and start dates. Once the assignments are loaded, detachments may submit trouble tickets in WINGS to request assignment changes. 8. c. … … Note: Universities with a Sept start date may have the majority of their cadets assigned to M6.
  21. Yup. And some new rule says we can't purchase BDU items.. so it's a huge charlie foxtrot trying to get our FTP cadets outfitted properly. So we'll have to send some to FT in ABUs. Regarding camp dates.. I saw a memo that says 31 mar is when the dets find out. and may 2nd? ish is when the PSP Ii boards meet. if i find the memo i'll post.
  22. Imagine these pictures from that long ago https://www.loc.gov/exhibits/empire/
  23. Thanks, Kayla. I'll try looking for some dental clinic's number. Hopefully I talk to someone who knows what they're doing. When I find out I'll post here for others to reference.
  24. I was under the impression that the AF only pays for orthodontic work if you actually medically need it...or if your job requires it for whatever reason. Also, what I'm looking for now is for an official "Air Force" definition of "orthodontic appliance"...
  25. I did a search for Invisalign and it only came up with 1 response that didn't help too much. I'm a cadet in AFROTC and I was hoping to get Invasalign done before I commission. When I checked with my cadre, they quoted this instruction: AFROTCI 36-2011 3.19. Unit Preparation of Cadets for Commissioning Physicals 3.19.2. All active orthodontic treatment must be completed before a cadet can be medically certified for commissioning. Ensure orthodontic appliances are removed prior to cadet's commissioning examination. Here's my question, does Invisalign count as orthodontic? And which AFIs in general should I be searching through to find out more info? (In case I have to "prove" it to my cadre). Out of curiosity, why is there a regulation for this? I've seen active duty officers (my commander for example) have braces...why is it any different for someone just entering? Thanks! Edit: I forgot to mention that I don't plan to go into any rated position (pilot, nav, or ABM). I actually want to be a developmental engineer (62E) if that matters in this case.
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