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Everything posted by silverwolf0911

  1. Is there a way to APPLY for OPEX versus just randomly getting it?
  2. Congrats.. there's only 16 of ya across rotc this year.
  3. Isn't Vandenburg (sp?) up in northern CA?
  4. Hm... so everyone but southwest huh. We're always last for everything.... Guess all we can do is keep on waiting. If anyone hears word of the "fixed" information coming out (after the S&M slot problems are resolved) post so we can all go and but our NCOs about it.
  5. Stretch, What region are you from? It might be a region thing.
  6. So heard from our NCO. It was released today then recalled for some reason. So they aren't supposed to tell us yet... Anyone have the "unofficial" information? (an excel maybe?)
  7. Our NCOs told us 25 Apr is the release date. And he told us not to bug him until after 25 Apr.
  8. Check out this petition to support Seneator DeMint's act https://www.aclj.org/Petition/Default.aspx?sc=3320&ac=1,
  9. Would the 16X career fields be more suited for your interests? More international affairs type work for you. https://usmilitary.about.com/od/officerjobs/a/16xx.htm
  10. I have a friend who got really wasted one night and used marijuana one time during our freshmen year. He is a scholarship cadet majoring in AE (if that matters). He's been really freaking out about it because he doesn't want to tell them straight up, but he doesn't want to lie either. And now, we just got sent our security clearance paperwork and it's asking some questions that he doesn't want to answer. Any tips? Should he put it on the paperwork? Is one use of marijuana during freshmen year (and during AFROTC) going to end his career right there and then? Thanks in advance for any responses.
  11. The current firsties actually were the last class to go through it. My buddy at the academy has been talking about this for a while. Apparently it sounds like a couple of days of intense abusive hazing. But my buddy is looking forward to it. Kinda weird huh?
  12. BEE officers are considered nonline and medical officers? I never knew that. WHat about aeronautical nad astronautical engineers? The 62 AFSCs..
  13. How do they fail Rangers? I thought to be called a Ranger, one has to already have jump wings?
  14. Sleepy, something similiar happened to my family before. Some guy kept asking everyone in my family (grandparents, uncles, aunts, dad, mom, brothers etc etc) for info about one of my uncles. A very rude and annoying man. Called everyday..left messages.. bothered me and my father when we were at work. Somehow got our cell numbers and called us at very bad times. To this day, I still don't know what he as up to... And no, my uncle (the one being asked about) was not in the military or apply for any clearances..
  15. Aren't they generally the same each year? At least the rated slots are.
  16. Brabus, I did't know the AF was running low on engineers. I think they need electrical engineers really badly but I'm an aerospace engineering major. So I don't know if that goes for me as well. To get selected for an engineering slot, what factors are looked at? And do the det commanders have a big say in this? (ie, does commander's ranking have a huge percentage in my future slot allotment?) Reading around here got me all knowledgeable about getting pilot/nav slots, but not much for future engineers like me. Is there perhaps a better or more engineering-oriented forum/site I should be looking at?
  17. Whoa..I see. What if my goal isn't to be rated? I had my eyes on an engineering career. Develomental Engineer. How's the selection process for that work out?
  18. Wow. This gives me hope. Would cadre look down on me because of that? Like would I seem uncommitted to the det and the AF? Oh well. When I get to the det in September I'll inquire more about it then. Thanks for the help everyone.
  19. Hmm.. interesting stuff. Thanks for the input, guys. Reading around here makes me feel so young and ignorant of so many things that I think I should know. If I was interested in doing an exchange program at my school for a quarter...would the cadre allow that? Exchange quarter meaning that I will be taking courses for one quarter out of country. Could I still take the AS class via correspondence? Or I just can't do the exchange program?
  20. Sounds interesting. I don't understand something though. Some cadets don't go to some events? Isn't everything mandatory? I mean if it is all optional, then flaky people can screw over the entire event... What kind of jobs/positions are available for POC cadets?
  21. Question for you. For people who are cross town, how does that work out? Is it hard to devote that much time and effort into the det? My school is aprox. half an hour away. Are the crosstown cadets at more a disadvantage than the cadets who attend the school the det is at? Thanks.
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