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Everything posted by busdriver

  1. Bendy, do you have a link to that study?
  2. I think he's saying he's ok with Friday patches, not with morale patches.
  3. Yep, the AF can still screw it away. This gets us a couple DT birds and maybe a quarter of the money needed to do the development. I wouldn't count out anything at this point, other than it seems there is congressional support to keep a dedicated Rescue mission in the Air Force.
  4. I just got back, didn't see anything too bad, but I stayed in my compund most of the time (on alert) but in general dont' give the morons ammo and you'll be fine. The OG there is one of the best.
  5. The fight over how to spend money will always exist, the only thing that will change is the level that makes the decision. All the arguments about the future of warfare are based on speculation of civilian pundits who read a couple books and project their biases without an attempt to hide or recogize them and zero critical thought applied. This conversation is beyond retarded when conducted in the open forum with uninformed pundits.
  6. I have no words. Rest easy my friends, we've got the alert.
  7. Terrible article lacking all evidence of a coherent argument. Van Crevald does a much better job of presenting an argument about the age of Airpower being over. Even if his sentence structure is incredibly hard to read.
  8. Practice bleeding should end at all levels of PME. IDE should change so that AAD is masked at the major board, if you are not a select you are eligible to start the correspondance course, selects go in residence, both are masters degree programs. The first half of correspondance earns you IDE credit, the second year gets you the degree, AAD is unmasked at your 0-5 board. Either way, guys are de-incentivized from working on an AAD at an inappropriate time in their career, and given time to complete it for when it actually starts to matter. Plus it gives the AF a bit of control of the type of masters guys get, the bright and shinny types can appy for all types of gucci degrees/programs at the in-residence level, your average types will be handed a correspondance degree producing program that gives them a multi-year flexibility to make O-5, because let's face it, we aren't gonna be below the zone guys anyway.
  9. 5-hundos? What are you 12 years old? Of course he's not serious. It does look odd though, not quite scaled composites odd but still not quite right. The internal bay thing is interesting however.
  10. Much like the rest of the DoD, the current fight in Afghanistan doesn't look at all like what AF Rescue exists to do. Big blue doesn't pay to keep us around to pick up people in a permissive environment with FOBs every ten feet. We exist to do long range CSAR into an IADS type threat environment, and since we are the air component's doctrinally required PR capability that means we pick up fighter pilots. The GSAB has a downed aircrew extraction mission too, it plays last fiddle on their METL, with VIP support being number one. TF Gabriel made good strides in OIF 1 but then disbanded.
  11. Come on, you know. "Look at us, we're all inclusive now." You can get as mad about it as you want, won't change a damn thing.
  12. The safety folks are worried about protecting/ keeping privilege. A decent fix would be hosting the videos/presentations on afsas via streaming, without requiring short term tab access. There's got to be a way to do that securely right?
  13. Still smells like a jock strap don't it?
  14. Those traditions are in civilian politicians' sights. Generals can fall on their swords to your heart's desire, it won't change anything. Doesn't mean you can't have fun or hang at the bar. I don't disagree that it won't fix the true problem. I also resent being lumped in with a bunch of assholes as if my actions create would be rapists.
  15. I always figured that place was Alabama's version of Kijong-dong.
  16. If "they" start a CDI after a SIB outbrief, there's only one reason.
  17. Why does everyone confuse/mix accuracy and dispersion? It's annoying.
  18. Hyperbole much? As a fellow slow kid at play, I'm as big an A-10 fan as anyone but entire wars won't hinge on its existence.
  19. Agree, life imprison makes him a rally cry for the rest of his life.
  20. Agreed, who gives a shit what he thinks. The question is how would his execution be perceived in the Muslim world? "Martyrdom" might inspire more would be assholes, but then again imprisonment might become a rallying cry. Do Judges have access to cultural specialists?
  21. Either way just ignore and he'll either go away or reveal his back ground eventually.
  22. I'm pretty sure joe1234 takes perverse pleasure in riling everyone up by not telling his back ground.
  23. UH-1Y doesn't get you guys anything over a Blackhawk except an entirely new supply chain. I've heard prior Huey guys go on about how easily maintained the UH-1 is, blah blah blah. The Yankee is an entirely new aircraft that just happens to look like a Huey. That said at least all the developmental work is done, and if more guys than not end up thinking like Liquid it's a moot point as Rescue will go the way of the Osprey.
  24. No argument that cancelling a new start would save some money, it just seems like maintenance costs for an Osprey are crazy high compared to a 60. Does Big blue plan to buy full up CVs? My understanding was that big blue(FP-4) pays for MV-22s and SOCOM (MFP-11) pays for the CV modifications. 7.62 is dumb, and the fact that we still keep it around annoys me. .50 cal actually punches above it's weight class with the correct ammo, ball/ap/api ain't the correct ammo. I should have clarified wrt to contested objective, I really meant the terminal area. Without a doubt it has more advanced systems to deal with a more advanced enroute threat. But if AFSOC is looking at legit forward firing standoff weapons for the CV, that's pretty cool, I'd be curious about the EM performance however and ability to balance weight gain and power available to actually land. I could see three ship tactics make a come back. AFSOC logistics is much better than the CAF. Don't get too wrapped around the axle with mission statements, the 60 can in fact survive in a high threat environment, but I'll admit the CV-22 is better suited. However, requiring attack escort is a ORM measure not something that is truly "required." Ever been "escorted" by OH-58s? They're not any more capable than you were in the 60. It's a training issue not a capability issue. Based on what Liquid has posted (I now assume he's an AFSOC guy) and what the then acting AFSEC said, I'll buy that AFSOC is being an honest broker, rather than grabbing for money and iron. But I think you're right, we'd be naive to think they'd be offering this up if it didn't benefit them in some way. Whether this will benefit the "rescue triad" in the long term, I think only time will tell if this goes through.
  25. This annoys me, I agree with Joe1234.... Deployment count does not equal tactical prowess. That said, if you're gonna be a strategic badass you need to at least grasp the tactical level.
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