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Everything posted by busdriver

  1. The scariest moments of my flying career thus far have had nothing to do with getting shot at, and everything to do with flying in shitty visibility and limited power situations in Afghanistan. I know a bit about some of Rainman's experience in Iraq and from what I've been told, the vis was just as shitty plus they were getting shot at by some nasty stuff. I still think crappy vis and low illum is scarier than the enemy. I guess the difference from my perspective is that when the WX is ass, you have plenty of time to think about it. When you get shot at, you just react and in the end the engagement only gets scary when you have time to look back on it and think(assuming you live). Rainman, does this jive with your experience?
  2. Here's some AF heritage for ya https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Son_tay_raid
  3. While I have no doubt that a modern Ducati is a mechanically sound machine, for the price you pay you can't touch the SV. A naked SV650 costs less than a ~600 monster has more power and will cost less in service costs. The deference only gets more pronounced when you start talking liter type displacement.
  4. EDIT: I'm an idiot and shouldn't post after a couple beers.
  5. The SV is a perfect first road bike for someone with dirt experience. It's quick but not super fast, it handles great (very light feel) and always gives you a grin. Once you put a pipe on it the sound is to die for. I like to think of the SV series as the thinking man's Ducati.
  6. Whenever we talk about a pilot who has been killed in a flying accident, we should all keep one thing in mind. He called upon the sum of all his knowledge and made a judgment. He believed in it so strongly that he knowingly bet his life on it. That his judgment was faulty is a tragedy, not stupidity. Every instructor, supervisor, and contemporary who ever spoke to him had an opportunity to influence his judgment, so a little bit of all of us goes with every pilot we lose. EDIT: I didn't come up with this, I don't know who said it, but I'd read it before. It's cheesy but appropriate when people start arm chair quarterbacking, which is probably what's going to start up soon.
  7. Rainman, your problem is you aren't thinking outside the box. The V-22 can fly high enough that the bad guys will be more likely to see and target one of the dozens of helos stuck flying around low. So in some ways it can overfly the threats out there, as long as there's plenty of suckers willing or forced to fly lower to decoy for them.
  8. The PFPS thread is born again. I bought an eTrex Legend Cx, which has a USB type connector, but I'm having problems getting it to talk to PFPS and the Handheld AWE program? Anyone got any ideas? I tried all the COM port settings with no luck.
  9. I have it on my own rumint that most of the US AF fighter pilot culture is "borrowed" from the RAF vintage WW2. That being said, I can honestly say that I giggle like a retarded school girl when the fighter types say container instead of box, so who's to say who is more immature?
  10. With all of the above being said, why dont' you think being a pilot is for you?
  11. New Castle And wouldn't you drink Fat Tire if you could get a pitcher for 5 bucks?
  12. Yes it can be done, one of the pilots up at Alaska is a prior A-10 pilot. I know Moffet is looking for pilots right now, probably as good a place as any to start looking. https://www.flyingsquadron.com/forums/index...showtopic=10690
  13. The OV-10 and the A-7
  14. That whole twice the sound wave thing doesn't make sense to me. If the ear works by having a bunch of little hairs that vibrate along with the sound waves, and you hear nothing, that means the little hairs aren't vibrating. Hearing loss is a result of "breaking" those little hairs by vibrating them too hard(sts). Furthermore, the way ANR works is by creating opposite sound waves that cancel each other out, so no more waves at all.
  15. Sorry guys, I forgot to mention I'm talking helicopters here.
  16. Just messing around. Say if I were to start a decel at 1nm from an lz starting at 110, to arrive over the lz at 0, etc. I'm thinking about how this could pertain to a self contained approach. EDIT: I figured it out, by messing with speed changes and using slowdown by time, I got it close enough (ie slowing from 110 to 5 at 5 kts per second takes 21 seconds, converted to min=.35, etc.)
  17. Is there a way to calculate a start point for a decel at a set rate? Example: 110knot cruise I want to slow to zero at 5 knots per second to arrive over a waypoint with zero ground speed at what point prior do I have to start my decel?
  18. Leading from the front. Commanders who are badasses. "Decentralized execution" Leadership that cares more about killing the enemy than getting the next promotion.
  19. She has applied for an honorable discharge from the Guard, she said, and the application is pending. This is the key point in this whole stupid fiasco. She has her sights set on things way beyond the AF. She knew damn well she was gonna get booted, and she knew she could make a big stink and get into the papers. This is 100% a publicity stunt, with the goal of making personal gains at the expense of the air force, bitch.
  20. Read This Keep in mind it was written in 1989.
  21. From what I gather, the gist of this crap is to save a bit of money by painting everything gray. If that's really the case and this actually saves some cash then ok by me. If this is some attempt to make UPT into some tactical something or other that we all know it isn't then it is dumber than shit.
  22. anyone have actual experience with the program? Would it be feasible to remove the wing swivel hardware later in a future block mod and install pressurization equipment?
  23. dmeg, just imagine how much gas we'd be sucking ifthe AF buys the chubby cheeks conformal aux tanks..... come on you know they will, hell we'd be carrying a fleet of armored buggies and about 50 pjs on every sortie if we got the 47
  24. Make the squadron spouses club the technical owners of the snacko fund. Problem solved.
  25. Go talk to a finance guru on base, however I think it depends on your statis at your det. After I graduated from the Zoo, I was PCS'd to the academy for close to a year, versus being casual? The gist being I got DLA when I finally moved to my UPT base, where as those who went straight there did not. Clear as mud?
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