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Everything posted by busdriver

  1. Hydro, I don't feel like looking up regs but I can say with 100% accuracy that the only two terms used at Moody are push and roll. The fisrt being what Hoser called "switch" and the second what he called "go." I remember this being an issue during UPT as well, we had a prior WSO in my class who wanted to use the terminology she was used to versus what was being taught. I won't argue that we should all just agree on something to make life easier on the youngins, but in the end it doesn't really matter, given that it's all jibber jaber between you and two anyways.
  2. Teaching a student to deal with the so called "voice activated co-pilot" isn't so bad. Dealing with shitty co-pilots is really more an aircraft commander thing. Going through an undergrad CRM environment, new pilots should have to deal with a good co, with zero ambition. So you tell him to do X, he'll do exactly that and no more. So the student doesn't have to do everything themselves, but they have to be constantly aware of their co's progress on their assigned task.
  3. With the BUFF switching to more stand off munitions, what's the point?
  4. That go/push/switch/roll crap is community specific. In the 60 world, Push means no acknowledgement, no check in; Roll means acknowledge and check in. We don't have the other one.
  5. the 130 squadron at Moody has a ton of co's that don't really fly at all, while many guard/reserve bases have almost no co-pilots. Seems like a good idea to me. In the 60 world we've got a similar rent-a-co setup where we'll send co-pilots up to Alaska to fly with the guard there (albeit only a month at a time).
  6. I guess the JOG is a bit small of a scale for some of you flying "low level?" I don't really see much of a difference between a TPC and a sectional, if your brain is used to reading 1:500, whether you're using a TPC or a Sectional shouldn't really matter. To delve into that what I would do if I ruled the world area, why not produce sectionals for our overseas areas, with modern technology, it wouldn't be hard to keep them updated.
  7. who the hell actually uses TPC's? We should just dump the damn things and use sectionals.
  8. CRO go through the same school house that PJs do, training beyond that is unit specific. And in my experience, you're wrong in that CROs do everything PJs do. They do end up being the guy in charge on the ground vs. actually sticking people, but they're just as qualified as the PJs. my order would be CRO CCT/STO COMBAT WX/COMBAT COMM (tied) MX whatever my first choices are all tip of the spear types, then you get into MX, which is probably the most leadership intensive careerfield out there. [ 02. February 2006, 19:41: Message edited by: busdriver ]
  9. It's another H-19
  10. predator, and then I have no idea
  11. getting close, think smaller
  12. nope
  13. and both apache pictures are of the rear cockpit
  14. "Flying Through Midnight" by John T Halliday LtCol (ret) USAF, about his time as a FAC in Laos in a C-123.
  15. Here's one: The ground has a Pk of 1.0
  16. 60's at Moody here. Deployments tend to be pretty short and predictable.
  17. Question about the reduced amount of AFSOC drops directly out of UPT. Any hint that this is going to include helos as well? They planning on going back to the go to Hueys first to get "seasoned?"
  18. Flying at 50ft, 120kts on goggles while dodging trees.
  19. 0 knots, 600 agl
  20. ATC, ha. "Jolly XX cleared to land taxiway charlie, remain east of 18L cleared frequency change to ground."
  21. Line pilot in the 60s: 1700 rollcall (mass brief) how much before this you show is your call 1800 crew brief 1900 go grab a bite to eat 1930-1945 suit up 2000 In seats at the aircraft 2100 take off 0200 land mx debrief immediately (ac only) 0245 debrief (time for this depends on mission complexity, average about an hout) so 0345, out the door so call it a 11-12 hour day on average if you're flying.
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