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Everything posted by HeloDude

  1. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    So it sounds like I'm one of few guys on here who is actually still watching the show. Last night's was pretty decent as it was cool to see speed shooter Jerry Miculek shoot the semi auto against the full auto AK and almost win. I thought the chrome 1919 on the bike set up was pretty lame, but oh well. I guess it comes down to the fact that the only TV shows I really like to watch these days are on History, Nat Geo, Science, Fox News, and Family Guy...so when there's a once a week show of buidling and shooting guns (even if some are lame), I'll still sit down with a scotch and watch me some guns.
  2. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    Anybody watch 'Sons of Guns' last night on Discovery? Pretty damn good show, especially when compared to all the other crap on these days. I like how they focus a lot on the Saiga's....though after going to their website, I think that they're way overpriced.
  3. You have to be fisting me--I can't wear sandals when flying TDY if I'm in civis?? All this shit is just one of the 69 reasons that flyers put CGOC emails on auto-delete.
  4. The only good thing about hearing/reading these stories is that at least some these D-bags are getting caught...bittersweet.
  5. As I understand it--RAS does not necessarily (if at all) = Air Attache'. Air Attache's are the ones who fly C-12's (as their additonal duty while working at the embassies that fly C-12's)...the RAS program by itself is a totally seperate program. I'm going off the fact that my best friend is in RAS, and also, I recently went through the C-12 qual course at Dothan/Flight Safety with guys who are going to be Air Attache's flying the C-12...and these guys all confirmed what I wrote above. I know it gets confusing...but it's best to understand what you're asking for before you ask for it.
  6. But he's only got one hand, so it's alright...he has a waiver.
  7. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    Nice man! Did you get it off their law enforcement section? I love buying from buds and other online sites...much cheaper than the local shops, and even gun shows for that matter.
  8. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    Picked up this little one (SA85M, post ban) today!
  9. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    Not looking for validation, just looking for useful opinions/experience (positive and negative) before I buy something. I research all the firearms/accessories before I make a purchase. Fair enough man, your opinion, and I appreciate it. I would argue that this accessory is not the same as bump-firing using a rubber band or your belt loop. The effect isn't even really the same as a full auto is not commonly shot from one's belt loop--using this is as close to the real thing as you can get unless someone knows of another produce worth researching. Dude, I'm a single Captain, so $350 to me is a drop in the bucket for something I'd like to have--it won't hamper me in buying any other type of firearm or accessory. This isn't something I would use often, but would be enjoyable from time to time, especially when taking good friends/family out to the range and letting them try something new, so it's not like I'd be going through thousands of .223 ammo every week. Of course I do, hence why I do it--CCW course, shooting competitions, practicing at the range fairly often, etc. But if you can afford it, why not add something else to your collection that could also be considered fun? Got it, you think it's useless, I disagree, no worries. Again--appreciate the opinions!
  10. I've been delaying adding my thoughts on this issue, but I think now's a good as time as any. -First, the philosophy of a flying squadron vs a non-flying squadron: I love the tradition (what we have left) of being different than non-flying squadrons. I love that we still bars, can drink a beer while debriefing after a night line, can tease each other about stupid/silly things, and have strong relationships/camaraderie that stem from flying with each other in the aircraft, hacking the mission together, and putting up with all the crap together. I'm a big believer that 'excessive courtesy', though hard to avoid when flying with an O-6+, has a big negative effect on CRM in the aircraft (safety and mission wise), and can also hinder productive briefs/debriefs, etc. All this being said, believing that rank and customs/courtesies need not exist in the squadron hurts things more than it helps. It's all fun and games until your "buddy" who outranks you gives you a shit job because it's your turn and you feel he's being unfair, you have to counsel an FE for failing to follow directives (after being told times before), your boss picks someone else for the next upgrade, etc. Though I'm a big believer of having a fun place to work, good order and discipline can't be ignored, and if you think that as a Captain you don't have a salute a bro who's a Major, then how will things go when it gets a little ugly? Things are different in the flying world, but you're still in the military--don't look like crap in your uniform because you don't care, don't act like you're so important you can blow things off because everyone's 'cool with each other', and for crying out loud, have a little pride in what you do. You can still have fun and be an awesome pilot/aircrew member while continuing to be a professional. -2Lt's not saluting 1Lt's I think this is the least of our problems in the Air Force...but it does make for an interesting argument. I was also told this as a young 2Lt at UPT, that 'Lieutenants shouldn't salute other Lieutenants'. I remember saluting 1Lt FAIP's and getting laughed at sometimes, but oh well, it put a smile on face to make someone else laugh...and it was much better than dealing with that one ass 1Lt FAIP would chew us out for not doing so. As for me, I never cared if a 2Lt saluted me as a 1Lt--maybe I should have, but I was definitely going to make sure that I wasn't in the wrong as a 2Lt. Also, like others have said, what does a 2Lt do when a 1Lt gives a directive--if you don't think the 1Lt is any different than you, you probably won't execute as well--attitude has everything to do with it. As you an see, this is a much bigger than just rendering salutes. -Something else to ponder: What example does it set for Senior Airman who are in charge of A1C's? They're both 'Airman' right? You'd be surprised how much they see what goes on, whether in a flying squadron or not (we have 3 stripe ARMS troops in charge of 2-stripers), and in the end, it sets a bad example to just blow things off...again, I'm not focusing on the saluting part of it per se, just the overall impression that people close in rank are 'the same'. I guess what really got me going was when some of you guys said it was cool for Captains to not salute Majors and that it's all about 'crew position', even when it has nothing to do with flying, preparing for a flight, or the brief/debrief. This is foul IMO. In the past, I've witnessed instructor FE's/Gunners treat student pilots like crap and be disrespectful because they were instructors and the student was unqualed, which I always believed was uncalled for...fortunately I've seen this improve over the years, but it still exists. In the end, take your job seriously, treat people fairly and with mutual respect, and have fun doing the best job in the world!
  11. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    I'm not disagreeing that shooting in a 'full auto fashion' will waste ammo and wear through your barrel much more quickly....but sometimes, you just want to do something different to have a little fun, and this new stock allows that to happen. There's also something 'boyhood cool' about getting to shoot an AR like a full auto, especially since it's super expensive to get my hands on a full auto...not to mention the legal hoops you have to jump through. I agree that spending time/money on training is quite important, and I do that most of the time (drawing my CCW, moving and shooting, etc)...but like I said, sometimes it's just fun to go shooting and tear shit up! Fortunately the private range I belong to allows full auto. So again, anyone else have any info/thoughts on the new stock and/or want one?
  12. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    I'm one step ahead of you man (or rather the company is). Here's also the link I hear you though in reference to the Atkins Accelerator--that's why I'm thinking of getting one of these sooner rather than later after I do more research. Just like my recent interest in Saiga's...I don't trust the BATF anymore than (fill in a cool cliche'), especially given who currently runs the DOJ. So now is maybe the time to get some of these cool toys, while they're still available. So again...any thoughts/information?
  13. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    So I was looking online at more places that sell Saiga's (I think I'm slightly obsessed), and came across one of these: I'm sure guys like M2 have seen this, but this is first I've heard of such a 'bump fire' stock--pretty impressive if you ask me. M2 (and anyone else)--any info on the Slide Fire Solutions Stock? I have a fairly new Rock River AR that I haven't done too much too, but it seems that this SSAR-15 might be better used with a cheaper AR since it might cause damage to the gun if you are always using it for 'rapid fire'. I also read on a few other forums that they're developing one for the AK...we shall see!
  14. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    Great info M2--thanks! It's annoying that a law abiding firearms owner has to jump through all those hoops just to legally put a 10rd magazine in a Saiga 12...but, I guess we're just lucky that we're able to import the Saiga's in their true configuration. "...the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."
  15. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    It's straight out of the Saiga box. I have a feeling that the BATF will eventually ban these straight imports and I want mine while I still can. I found a decent place to buy 2 additional more, so in the end my plan is to have 3 total...1 to modify and shoot, and 2 to put away just in case. Here are a few questions I have for you M2 (and anyone else who has SA on the subject): -The Saiga shotguns that are imported can be sold as is, ie 100% Russian and not changed at all once they enter the US. Are the Saiga 7.62x39 'sporting' rifles (AK format) the same way--100% Russian and not changed at all in the US? -With the Saiga shotguns (and perhaps the Saiga rifles) that come straight from the Russian factory with the 5rd mags...if I slap a 10rd mag on it and take it to the gun range to go plinking--am I breaking the law? I've been reading up on 922r compliance and read something to the effect that anything greater than a 5rd mag on an import 'sporting/hunting' shotgun is illegal because it no longer falls into that category, and thus, to be legal, you have to comply with 922r and change out enough import components to make it legal to shoot--is this correct? -If the above is in fact true and someone were to slap a 10rd mag on the Saiga 12 and take it to the gun range, do you think that person could (or be likely) to slapped with charges from the BATF? I'm learning that you have to be careful with even slight modifications to certain firearms and would like to know exactly what I can and can not do.
  16. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    I have to ask M2--how many firearms does this make for you? I'm getting my new Saiga 12 tomorrow and my S&W 442 later in the week. Love me some guns!
  17. Maybe he needed to log another approach?
  18. According to the new GPA rules of requiring a 3.0, you'll have to apply for a waiver. I had a buddy last year (when they raised the GPA requirement) tell me that the research he did led him to believe that they were reluctant to grant GPA waivers, hence probably the reason the AF raised the requirements in the first place. However, if it's something you really want, submit the package and ask for a waiver--what's the worst they can tell you?
  19. No boobs....but classic all the same. Plus he's a helicopter pilot!
  20. Good job boys!
  21. Rog. Well, look around man. General rule of thumb is don't live anywhere south of Zuni just outside the base. SE of the base near Eubank and Juan Tabo can be a decent exception to that rule. In ABQ, find a decent place, in a nice area, and be willing to spend a little extra to keep you, your wife, and your belongings safe. Also, if you don't have one, get a gun and learn how to use it...a good rule for wherever you live IMHO.
  22. Dude, that's awfully close (if not in) to the 'war zone'. Do some research on crime statistics in ABQ and you'll see what I'm talking about and probably reconsider. Do one of the two things: 1) Stay at billeting...they're pretty nice and a lot of the rooms are more like small 1 bedroom apartments (minus the kitchen). 2) Show up to ABQ, get a room at billeting, and talk to some of the studs currently there and ask those living off base where they stay.
  23. From the "DoD Financial Management Regulation" dated June 2010: "A member may not carry forward a leave balance of more than 60 days into a new fiscal year except during the period October 1, 2008 through September 30, 2013, when 75 days may be carried forward or when entitled to Special Leave Accrual (SLA), as outlined below..." Link So as I read this reg, you currently have until 30 Sep 2013 to bring your leave balance down to 60 days. As always, if I have misread something, please let me know--especially being that I have 15+ days of use/loose on top of my 75 days.
  24. You must have not read the article: AFT also ran the story saying that the guy was already planning to retire, so he is not getting 'discharged' under the classical sense. He is also not getting a 'free pass' out of his ADSC--don't know where you came up with that one. As for nature of the incident, he needed to be disciplined and I'm sure the punishment could have been much more severe. I'm not a lawyer, and correct me if I'm wrong...but you always have the right to refuse a CC's Article 15 and go before a Court Martial.
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