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Everything posted by HeloDude

  1. The only rating I care about is the one I received when I got my wings. Ok, not that funny, but true though.
  2. The Lycoming T53-703. Check the website https://www.uniflight.com/huey.html
  3. The UH-1N burns 600 pph. We can carry 2003#'s with mains and aux. I know it's not saying much, but we can stop and hover and make a cool 'wap wap wap' sound.
  4. They opened the area to student solos with a cloud deck in the top half of your area? Where did you fly Tweets Bender? I remember at Del Rio if there were any clouds at all in the low areas, they wouldn't open it up to solo students...it had to be almost severe clear.
  5. Yeah, I saw 274 KIAS more than once on my area solos. Kind of gets the heart beating a little bit faster.
  6. I think Rucker has already received a few of these new Huey II's. Kind of funny, guys can go from a Tweet, to a glass cockpit Huey II, and then go to the N model Huey and be right back in the stone age.
  7. I have to agree though with the fact that you definitely get the college experience more out of going the rotc route than the zoo. I studied my ass off and got to go to UPT...but I gurantee I drank a lot more beer and hooked up with a lot more chicks than most academy guys did. But on the flip side coin of that argument is that a lot of my buddies I went to UPT with who were zoomies were a hell of a lot of fun to hang out with on the weekends in Acuna. So in the end, doesn't really matter.
  8. Don't forget about the helo track. I know most UPT instructors shy guys away from going to helicopters, but that's simply because most of them have no clue about the type of mission and flying they do. Trust me, they're a blast to fly and have some of the best people that you'll ever meet. My one buddy had great insight about track selects: "There's no such thing as a bad track...just bad drops"
  9. Does it really matter?
  10. Does anyone out there (Rotorhead possibly?) have any recent info on the progress of the CV-22, ie, when the first one will be delivered to Kirtland, when they will start shifting 53 or Huey guys to be trained, etc. I asked our assignments guy when he came here to visit a couple months ago and am checking to see if anyone knows of any updates. I know this will probaly start a thread of badmouthing the Osprey, but hey, I like it.
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