I guess I'll weigh in on this issue since this is the airframe I'm currently in. Hueys are a lot of fun to fly and from what I've heard from people who have flown multiple airframes, pretty tough to fly since we don't have any of the newer systems that the other helos have (it's all hands). Having said all that, the mission is where the Huey lacks. We are the only MWS that does not deploy, ie you can spend your whole career in a UH-1N and never go overseas. Other than the school houses, the only missions for the Hueys are space/missle support, flying DV's around DC or Tokyo, or flying for the survival school and doing civil SAR (I'm biased but by far the best Huey assignment). The leadership here at the survival school (who are all tactical helicopter guys) always tell us to get out of the Huey. They tell us of you want to make rank, have a chance for upper level staff posistions and commands, etc then you need to crossflow to a tactical airframe or another airframe.
On another note, a lot of Huey pilots I've spoken to love the flying (flying a helicopter is a blast regardless) and love being home almost every night with their family as well.
So basically it all depends on what you want to do. A lot of us in the Huey community are keeping our fingers crossed for a tactical crossflow. Others as I've just mentioned are perfectly content with bouncing around the other Huey bases, never seeing anything overseas or being involved in anything tactical, and being content with the fact that it will be tough to make O-5.
Hope some of this helps. A lot of the information the other guys have given is great info as well, not to mention most of them have been in many years longer than I have. I just thought I'd give my $0.02 as well.
[ 24. February 2006, 15:35: Message edited by: HeloDude ]