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Everything posted by HeloDude

  1. Well, let’s put it this way, when the legal analyst from MSNBC has this to say you know it’s not going well: “Legal analyst Chuck Rosenberg said on MSNBC special coverage of the Georgia hearing on Fulton District Attorney Fani Willis’ eligibility in the election interference case against former President Donald Trump that it was not going well for the state and Willis should consider removing herself.” Here’s a link from the local Atlanta news on what happened: https://abc7.com/georgia-misconduct-hearing-nathan-wade-fani-willis-testimony/14428365/
  2. Anybody following the clown show wrt the Fulton County Prosecutor and her lover/Special Counsel she hired?…today was not a good day for them.
  3. Well, we must feel that the risk of them having one is less than the risk of working harder/attacking them to ensure they don’t have one.
  4. I’d say that’s one of the least problematic wrt declassifying. Just because the news would probably come out of Iran eventually. And besides, I wouldn’t say this news would be very surprising—it’s not like it’s news that Iran was wanting and trying to get to be a nuclear power.
  5. Alright man, I tried, probably against my better judgment. Good luck in Europe and stay safe.
  6. Ummm, yeah—let’s severely reduce our footprint overseas and bring those costs down as well. And again, I don’t worry about Russia attacking the US anytime soon. Here’s a novel idea: Allow Europe to defend…oh, I don’t know…Europe? You know what I do worry about…yep, there it is below again for you. https://www.usdebtclock.org
  7. Or maybe…your opinion is just that, an opinion, like mine. My opinion just costs less than your’s.
  8. I’m sure I read it at least to the extent you read the bill that just got voted on in the Senate less than 24 hours ago that you see in very much support of, along with your support of the the same original Senate bill. And Biden said for years there wasn’t a problem with the border, so he either believed that or was lying—either way, not good. And yes, I did read it, see below…that’s a big no for me. You can like this, I don’t. https://www.appropriations.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/emergency_national_security_supplemental_section-by-section.pdf
  9. You still don’t get it…I don’t care whether you like Trump or not. I think he did some good things and definitely did some not so good things. I am issues guy. The Senate border bill was junk—and since I can think for myself, I can tell you why if you’re interested. I have already explained why I am against more Ukraine funding. As I said, I am able to think for myself, but if you want to listen to a bunch of Senators, then that’s on you…thankfully our political class is so genuine (that’s sarcasm btw).
  10. Where did I call for more money for Israel? And with me, it most definitely has to do with fiscal policy, especially when it comes to spending on problems abroad vs in our own backyard. I’m against a lot of things in the world—that doesn’t mean I need to fund a force against such things, and yes, that includes Putin. I have also plenty of times said we should reduce defense spending, not increase it. This isn’t the 1950s, the 60s, and so on. And you are clearly not worried about our fiscal situation if you think certain spending policies shouldn’t even warrant the discussion—fiscal policies have harmed countries far more often than by being destroyed by countries half a world away. As for your issues with Trump, sorry man, but that’s on you. I think he did a horrible job handling Covid, the spending, you name it. If he’s right on the border issue then good on him. I’m an issues guy, not a politician guy. If you want someone to pick on, I mostly agree with Rand Paul and Thomas Massie, but not all the time.
  11. Here you go bro (link at the very bottom)—you need it. We don’t have an extra hundreds of billions of dollars between this bill and the other Ukraine funding bills when we can’t even prevent millions of people coming into this country illegally. My concern with Russia invading Ukraine, when an entire continent can support Ukraine if they wish, doesn’t come close to my concern for our country with what has been going on with our border/handling of illegal immigration over the last 20-30 years (and probably even before then). The GOP said no Ukraine funding without securing our border, and the GOP doesn’t believe that the Senate bill would have done that. Now if the Dems want to tie HR2 to Ukrainian funding then I have no doubt it would pass (though I personally would still be against the Ukraine funding for the debt clock reason below). So you’re right, this is about politics, on both sides—and fortunately it looks like the House GOP will finally at least take some sort of stand to what they said they believed in. If the country wants something different then they can change it in the next year. https://www.usdebtclock.org
  12. How did you split the time between you flying and the ground dude? 😉
  13. How dare I suggest each country/region focus on their own specific issues/threats before dealing with those across the ocean… I was in favor of invading Iraq in 2003 when I was in my early/mid20s-–I was wrong. And let me know when you want me to put up the debt clock again.
  14. Cool story—how much is the EU giving to the US compared to what we’re spending on their continent? I think it’s safe to say that Europe has a lot more to risk than we do…so yeah, let’s let them cover it. Unless the EU is trying to send billions of dollars to the US for our border security that I’m not aware of? Let me know when they stop their crazy socialism in order to provide more for defense of their continent…until then, the US is broke.
  15. That border bill out of the Senate was junk IMO…and the Senate refused to even take up the border bill passed by the House a while back. So let’s not pretend that politics is beings played in the House but not in the Senate. Does anybody really believe that the Democrats want to secure the border? Let Europe deal with the Ukraine issue wrt spending billions of dollars if they’re so concerned.
  16. That’s the only reason to be an airline pilot these days!
  17. Because the founders intended us to spend hundreds of billions of dollars that we don’t have protecting borders of other countries separated from us by vast oceans before protecting our own borders. Oh and you conveniently left out billions of dollars for Gaza, because we all know that money always goes to a good cause. If the House shuts this down then it will be one of the few things it has has done well lately.
  18. So if you kneel or don’t want to stand for the American National Anthem then the left thinks that’s completely fine and justified but if you don’t want to stand for the “Black National Anthem”, well then the left thinks that is really bad… https://www.foxnews.com/media/democratic-congressman-hits-super-bowl-fans-not-standing-negro-national-anthem
  19. I’d be surprised if Biden actually sent this…but one his handlers definitely might have?
  20. You guys are missing it…the AF is freaking out because of how much worse the forecast is wrt people getting out in the near future, not just because of how bad it is has been in the last 1-2 years. The only way this has any chance at working/providing any noticeable change (it probably won’t btw) is if enough people sign up to offset PCSs to other assignments which require long upgrades. For example, on the pilot side, if they could bring in a couple hundred prior T-6/38 IPs who only need a requal (or a full course with a lot of PAing) this would offset needing to send new C-17 ACs to a backed up PIT, where clearly a prior T-6 IP would do better. Now keep that C-17 pilot at their current base or PCS them to another C-17 base and the whole manning issue improved ever so slightly. This all being said, the AF screws up most things, especially when they’re trying to fix something…so I perceive things to get worse, not better. But they said diversity is our greatest strength so I think they should continue to focus their recruiting/retention efforts on DEI stuff while I cuddle up in my warm DD214 blanket.
  21. Is he trying to get a leave of absence approved with the airline or just going to quit?
  22. My concern is far less about what politicians do but is much more concerned what they are/aren’t doing which equates to horrible policy—what they say matters because it’s is very connected to the policy. We’re not where we are as a country with horrible laws and executive orders that leaves a border wide open, allows criminals to attack police officers and be let go, a massive debt, laws that incentivize the breakdown of the family, policies encouraging young children to take dangerous gender changing medication or surgery…on and on…all just because “politicians just say a lot of stuff”.
  23. Why would Putin release a journalist with no strings attached when you see what he was able to get Biden to do in order to release a female basketball player who was in jail for bringing in some basic drugs? If anyone honestly thinks Biden is better at negotiating than Trump then I really want to meet and talk…and perhaps try to negotiate with them myself.
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