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You’re right…the media really should post the person’a seniority number when things like this happen so the rest of us can truly appreciate the depth of the situation.
On the bright side, the Captain and FO now have a good “Tell me about a time…” story on their next interview.
Nice first post…what else do you have to offer the forum? We’ll moderate until it’s more substantive.
The left would find this totally reasonable if conservatives were the ones getting called out for being at a protest supporting hate/violence and subsequently getting told on/fired for it. Want another fun one with the hypocrisy of the left: They’re against Israelis building settlements in the West Bank (which is part of Israel)…and yet they’re totally ok with, and in fact support, illegal in immigrants coming in to the US and wanting to stay here permanently.
Nixon voluntarily resigned…so yeah, your argument has nothing to do with this realistic potential that I proposed…unless you think Trump would win in 2024 and then resign. As for the process to remove Trump…ok, do you think that if Trump were to win in 2024 that the House would vote to impeach him and the Senate remove him after January20th, 2025 because he has been convicted in a state court? And as for the 25th Amendment, yeah, that won’t happen either. Like I said man, our differences on this issue are simple: You believe that if Trump were to win in 2024 that he won’t physically be in the WH come January 20, 2025 due to being in prison, and I disagree. We’ll have to wait and see…though Trump would still need to win in 2024 and as I said the other day, I give him a 40% chance, though the current polling has him winning vs not. But I think the majority of the polling is junk, so I don’t give it much credibility. As for your additional hypothetical that if Trump would win and would be in a Georgia prison on January 20th, 2025, do I think a January 6th situation would occur?…oh, it would be much, much worse. But it would be a “mostly peaceful protest” that the left supports lol.
I literally said it’s the same reason why elites are rarely held to the same standard of regular day folks…or do you disagree with that as well? Throw that in with the basic idea that the country wouldn’t stay together if their elected president couldn’t be the president, and well, there’s my answer. You can disagree and call me stupid, but I seriously doubt I’m the only one on this forum who thinks in such way…or are we all stupid? I get it…you don’t like Trump. I also don’t like him, just for different reasons I’m sure. And if you think Trump’s biggest reason for running is so he doesn’t have to go to jail, then we disagree on many things (shocker). He actually believes he was cheated out of 2020 and he actually believes that he would do better than the other people running. He’s a jerk and a narcissist, no doubt. But his policies were overall much better than his predecessor and his successor. As for you believing it’s irrelevant whether the country survives or not…kind of makes the rest of the argument moot if it doesn’t, right? Feel free to quote me on this in the future: If Trump is the GOP nominee (likely, unfortunately) and wins in November 2024 (I give him 40% chance at this point), if he is still alive on January 20th, 2025, then he’s is physically in the White House…regardless if he’s a convicted felon in Georgia or anywhere else.
I literally said that if Trump wins, do you think he’ll go to prison if convicted or remain in prison if previously convicted before the 2024 election…and your answer is yes, and my answer is no. And your response to that is that I’m stupid. So again focus on the actual prison piece not whether or not he is charged or convicted. My money is that if Trump wins in 2024, he will be in the White House come January 20th, 2025, regardless of any state court outcomes. You can disagree and call me a stupid, but do you really think the country would survive with an elected president being in a state prison? Now as for Trump winning, I definitely have my doubts (and would much rather see someone else), but looking at the current polls and how bad Biden is doing, it’s definitely not out of the realm of realistic possibilities. As for comparing Joe military person to the president…ummm, it’s the same reason why Hillary won’t be charged/punished for her crimes with mishandling classified information, but airman snuffy would. Same applies to state crimes. The elites are rarely charged for their crimes, especially compared to everyday folks.
I very much disagree. If this was the case, any state can pass some silly law and charge a president for violating it. And as much as I dislike Trump personally, there’s a decent chance we may find out in a little over a year. Also if you think every other President has been squeaky clean (to include our current one) then I guess we’ll again have to agree to disagree.
Just so I understand you clearly…you honestly think that if Trump were to win in 2024, that a state would take him in and put him in prison? Or, if he was already in prison, not release him?…and I’m not asking about an article, I’m asking you what you personally believe would actually happen. Likewise what would happen if tomorrow South Dakota charged Biden with a crime…do you actually think Biden would stand trial as a sitting president, as well as be allowed to be put in state prison if convicted? Even as the libertarian here, I’m discussing what we believe would actually happen…not what the Hamas loving Harvard folks write about.
So what you’re telling me that a state could charge Biden with a crime tomorrow, arrest him, prosecute him, convict him, and then put him in jail?
So what do you think will happen if Trump wins the 2024 election? A state can’t imprison a sitting president.
Abbas has already cancelled his meeting with Biden because of it. I’m sure the progressives at our universities will definitely protest as well.
Unfortunately I’m referring to all administrations and political parties/Congresses, as well many high ranking military brass. Some are just a lot worse/more blatant than others. And yes, this administration doesn’t receive any high marks for defending the Constitution either.
Ugh. And I didn’t know that the Army owns the ammo plant.
Just remember that supporting the Constitution meant that it was ok to imprison American citizens just because of their ethnic background. Also, Milley supposedly supported the Constitution and said he wouldn’t the follow orders of the President and told our (supposed) enemy this as well. One has to wonder if the Constitution doesn’t mean much anymore when it can be “interpreted” to suit an individual/group when desired.
Oh I’m well aware of what is acceptable and what is not. As I have said many times, I don’t approve of what the guy did at all and find it very immoral. But if someone thins that this is unacceptable but aborting a 7 month unborn baby is…well, there’s the rub.
Dude, you totally shot and missed wrt the actual biggest threat we face… Climate Change So get rid of that gas stove, that big gas guzzling SUV or truck, and stop eating meat. You’ll eat bugs and you’ll like it. https://nypost.com/2023/01/31/biden-says-global-warming-is-bigger-threat-to-humanity-than-nuclear-war/amp/
Can’t you survive and live a healthy life without eating meat? Also we should ban hunting because sometimes you can’t find the animal you’ve shot and they only go on to suffer in the wilderness…maybe we should only be able to eat meat that’s raised on a farm to ensure no additional suffering? Are you also against fishing for fun?…or do you enjoy luring in fish (no pun intended) just to trick and harm them by piercing their mouths only to throw them back in the water when you’ve had your fun? Sometimes their mouths get pretty torn up if the hook it tough to remove…all for just our human enjoyment.
Yeah, I definitely don’t support this…but let’s pretend that France has freedom of speech, or many of the other liberties we have in the US.
Yeah…a leftwing progressive site. Why am I not surprised? But “echo chamber”…or something. https://nypost.com/2022/03/14/amnesty-international-is-no-longer-a-human-rights-group-its-just-another-progressive-lobby/
The only support for Hamas and the Palestinians is coming from the left, correct? Let me know if you need some examples…or does highlighting the worst of a group only work when the left does it to the right?
Israel can (and should) do whatever Israel believes they need to do. Now as to the question of US direct involvement…I think that would be a mistake. Which is why I think Biden is bluffing as I don’t see him authorizing an attack to support Israel. So just like Obama’s “red line”…it’s stupid to say this if you’re not going to do anything when it’s crossed. Side note—where are our resident leftists on this forum? Aren’t they all about democracies being able to defend themselves when attacked? Or does this just apply to when Russia is the aggressor?