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Everything posted by HeloDude

  1. Make no mistake about it…if the Dem leadership/elites believe they will be better off/more powerful with Kamala as president before November then that’s what will happen. Does anyone for a second truly believe that Biden all of sudden realized that it’s best for him/his party if he’s not on the ticket? He was forced out by whatever coercion or backroom deal that was made. Love or hate Trump, it’s clear he cannot be controlled by the GOP or their donors, or at least not even as close to same way as the Dem politicians…hence one reason why the GOP old school types never wanted him in 2016 and weren’t quick to back him again last year. It makes you wonder how deep the corruption or backroom deals really go?
  2. Too young to have 1st Amendment rights, but old enough to tell school officials that she’s the opposite gender.
  3. I see comments on social media where the left is saying essentially that it’s no big deal and that Trump’s wounds aren’t worse than a kid getting hurt on the playground and needing stitches…this from the same people who said a few years ago that if you didn’t wear a mask that you were going to kill people.
  4. Well, when you literally call the guy Hitler, don’t be surprised when someone tried to take him out.
  5. HeloDude

    Gun Talk

    In Idaho of all places.
  6. And yet, this was from Putin himself: Putin says Biden is better for Russia than a Trump presidency And my apologies if I’m little more than skeptical when it comes to believing US intelligence officials after what they’ve done to Trump over the years… https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/putin-says-biden-better-russia-trump-presidency-rcna138942
  7. It somewhat appears that the left is staying with Biden?…unless they’re just waiting for the proper time for him to exit the race? If so, I imagine they’ll want to do it sooner vs later for state ballot reasons as well as to have all this figured out before their convention in August. The most interesting piece of this entire debacle is that maybe Trump seems to have learned an important lesson—keep your mouth somewhat shut and don’t interfere when your opponents are destroying themselves. I know this isn’t in Trump’s nature so it will be interesting to see how long he can keep it going.
  8. Didn’t Nsplayr talk about how much he thought Biden was doing an awesome job?
  9. Sounds like a good reason (they would believe?) to invade Taiwan…? Maybe? I think given Biden’s recent debate performance the CCP would be more likely now vs prior to last month.
  10. So it seems that many on the left (House minority leader, etc) today are saying support Biden being the nominee? I’m guessing they have to say this up until the exact point that Biden says he’s no longer running?
  11. If this means I’m supposed to believe that every verdict for a defendant has been good and correct, that every court ruling on whether or not a law is Constitutional has also always been good and correct, and lastly that every potential person that committed an alleged crime wasn’t let off the hook/not prosecuted (cough cough Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton), then I guess you and I have very different opinions of our justice system. Or you can just laugh now that Trump was convicted, but then you’ll also probably cry when he is elected President. His reelection is far from certain (I still wouldn’t be surprised if he lost given that the Dems do some weird and shady stuff when it comes to elections), but I think the odds are definitely favoring Trump than Biden—we shall see…if even Biden is still the nominee past August.
  12. Yeah, because the NY case against Trump wasn’t BS…
  13. Yeah, but you would think holding people to the same standard, I don’t know, meant that we were “uniform” or something. Oh well—I’m the old guy who is retired now.
  14. I’m old enough to remember when the standard was a “standard”.
  15. We have some mutual FB friends and several years ago I would see his social/political rants and my fiends’ pages —he’s a progressive leftist who truly believes that if you don’t agree with him then it’s because you’re stupid/not well educated. He thinks he’s part of the elite because he went to Harvard law school post AF. Let’s just say that if I agree with him on anything then it’s purely out of coincidence because he is a jerk, and that’s me putting it kindly.
  16. It’s simple really—I argue for liberty and you argue for coercion. I’m glad where I’m at on these issues. But hey, slavery also built many nations in the past so it also must be ok because look at what it was able to do!
  17. Are you suggesting that libertarians don’t believe in values or principles? Or wouldn’t fight for a country that also believes in them as well, if need be? I would argue people like Ron Paul cared more about our country than just about anyone—he just didn’t put up with all the nonsense and big government that wants to erode our freedom and liberty.
  18. It literally does. If it has the avenue to happen then eventually it will happen. And I would never trust any politician. Dude, we have differences of opinion—but mine are far more principled. You just like to retort with “You’re silly. Well the rest of the world does it this way. In the past we did it this way”. Just because something has been done in the past or occurs elsewhere doesn’t make it good or right. If enough people don’t want to voluntarily fight then have you ever thought that maybe the fight isn’t worth fighting? And yes, that includes an invasion on the homeland—if enough people won’t volunteer to fight then the country wasn’t worth fighting for in the first place. Besides, the rich, elite, and protected classes ALWAYS (by and large) find a way out of their “responsibility”. Just one of many examples below: “Those whose names were drawn in the draft lottery might be eligible for an exemption – especially if they were the sole means of support for a widow, aging parents, or motherless children. If such an exemption could not be obtained, the draftee could hire a substitute to take his place or pay a $300 commutation fee (which typically only the wealthy could afford) that allowed him to return home. Substitutes tended to be young men of 18 or 19 years who were old enough to serve but too young to be drafted.” https://billofrightsinstitute.org/essays/the-draft-and-the-draft-riots-of-1863#
  19. If the country can suspend your most sacred liberty and freedom (ie not to be conscripted to go fight and die when you don’t want to) then yes, you don’t have liberty or freedom. It turns out that we have privileges disguised as freedom that can be taken away when you haven’t harmed a single person. But hey, I guess I’m just being silly. As for my military service being a farce, well, if you truly look at the last 20+ years of what our military/government did and I think there’s a strong argument to be made on whether or not the US military protected our “freedom and liberty” in this country or not. Something about the military industrial complex? And as for other countries no and in history (since you keep asking) they don’t have true freedom or liberty either—did Covid teach you anything? Just don’t pee on my leg and tell me it’s raining.
  20. Yeah, I’m sure the people who got drafted into being in the infantry in Vietnam and lost lims just “weren’t happy”. I don’t know what freedom and liberty mean to you but if you don’t have the freedom and liberty to say no, I don’t want to have to be forced at the barrel of a gun to go to war, then we obviously have zero freedom and liberty and it’s all just a farce.
  21. What’s funny, is that if the AF/government put in stop loss, made you go on another 365, made you permanently go to a non-flying assignment you hated, your most hated base, etc most of you would be bitching up a storm how they were screwing you…but allow the government to grab some random 18 year old, force him to go to boot camp, serve in a war where they’re living like complete crap and getting shot out, and most of you are like, yeah, that’s fine.
  22. Forcing someone to do a job they don’t want to do and the one doing the enforcement dictates the terms. Slavery and conscription both meet these definitions.
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