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Everything posted by czecksikhs

  1. I submitted 5 files that were just .jpeg files renamed to "Czecksikhs essay 1-5.doc" for my capstone class. I was just hoping for an extension by making the professor think the files were corrupted, but got all A's. The professor even commented on my "insightful discussion of the topic."
  2. I don't know if an essay is the best medium for "innovation in the USAF." A tweet would probably be more appropriate.
  3. Whatever. I wanted to drop the 82nd in pitched battle, but had to settle for tac arrivals to 8,000' runways dodging Hadji's silly attempts to down an aircraft. I had an engineer who made some video, but we didn't set it to music and post it online.
  4. Because the AF makes more of the "money" you speak of having the newest and greatest toy show up to air shows.
  5. That is what the AFPC website has said for the past 4 years. The C-130 functional doesn't update anything on either AFPC's sharepoint/website or the AMS website.
  6. Anything is possible, but you'll probably be sequencing direct to the next waypoint and heating up Hot Pockets for the pilots/engineer while playing a lot of Angry Birds on your phone......in the C-130.
  7. Huh? Not quite the same, since prostitution is illegal in Thailand and it is against the UCMJ in all cases for military personnel.
  8. Meh. We add $1 billion to the national debt every 7 hours, so WGAS? I say we spend a trillion if it is easier to use than LOGMOD, which is the ######ing devil.
  9. What could possibly go wrong?
  10. At least he got the order right. Never go ass to mouth.
  11. https://www.nypost.co...CRfOyJhODIuCcfM The New York Post needs to fire their research department, since everybody knows "per diem" is from the Latin "to pay for hookers and booze." Also, they should never, ever send any of their intrepid reporters on assignment to Pattaya or Angeles City.
  12. We probably should have seen it coming. First, the 7 day option turned into the 3 day option. A zero day non-option is an even more efficient reduction. I can see the OPR bullets now...
  13. From the upcoming edition of the AF Enquirer: https://militarytimes...ir-force-times/ Once I accepted that things are jacked beyond repair by anyone in any position of authority EVER, I was able to find happiness and humor in things like this.
  14. I admit, mixing chocolate with booze might normally be reserved for chicks, but this is amazing. It's definitely not a liquer or a cordial(I am looking at you, Tennessee Honey), it is a good bourbon with a hint of chocolate and it has been dessert over ice all week long.
  15. I am not sure how I feel about this.
  16. Prior Permission Required.
  17. Or 10 years of inflation.
  18. Maybe they didn't get the FCF about fuel conservation...
  19. I wish the Air Force would quit giving me desert.
  20. He was replying to an illiterate poster asking about commuting on the ANG forum using his own imitation teenager text-speak. Dunce.
  21. This whole affair should be instructive on deciding when and how to go to war. If nuking the enemy's cities, salting their earth, and peeing on their corpses leads to outrage and falling on your fainting couch, the nation is probably better off staying home and playing Madden 12.
  22. I find marine scout snipers peeing on dead Hadjis less offensive than that letter and whoever wrote it.
  23. Amplifying info: Treasury raids TSP G fund I've pencil-whipped the occasional approach or other event for the semi-annual, but I've never pencil-whipped $56 Billion. Tremendous.
  24. Didn't see this tidbit posted anywhere else: Treasury stalls debt ceiling breach by witholding interest from TSP G fund So, if you have money invested in the TSP G fund, the treasury can take interest that is supposed to be paid to you and run some fuzzy math to shave a few million off the national debt. Not to worry, your principal and interest payments will still be made available by law. I wish I could run my checkbook like these clowns.
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