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Everything posted by slacker

  1. The NAFs' only job is to simulate the enemy during peacetime.
  2. Baseops' Godwin's law- The longer the thread, the more likely an UAV/CAS argument will ensue.
  3. slacker

    Gun Talk

    It's hard to go wrong at $350!! That's a great price.
  4. slacker

    Gun Talk

    Yeah, but $257 for a Remmington 700 scoped, NIB is pretty damn good. I think I'd buy it.
  5. 6:25 and charlie didn't get killed? video fail.
  6. Buy a laser, make millions in 5 or 10 years with the future tsunami of regretful tattoos. I took the rug-rats to a waterpark a few weeks back- we were the only folks with out tats. There were 4 year olds with tribal band smoking marlboro reds. I think our future is looking bright!
  7. when in doubt, find a picture of a hot chick (with guns = bonus), make a poster = positive reaction, and positive rep points. Your way = negative and full of fail
  8. slacker

    Gun Talk

    It also looks like you are non-current for a haircut, retirement must be nice. I can't wait to not shave.
  9. Congrats on the save and the ability to fly again another day. Like Herkdvr, I've lost many engines but always had more than enough. Welcome to Baseops.
  10. slacker

    Gun Talk

    So "HK 45" should still be available in GA. Maybe I'll get it for the wife's swagger wagon, she'd love that. Side note- Put about 60 thru the HK. Shoots nice, the sight picture is a little different that other guns I have owned, the HK is a dead on / cover up hold. The DA trigger pull is stout, It might take a little getting used to. The SA is smooth and nice.
  11. Reason 1,487 other services make fun of the Air Force.
  12. 2
  13. How about the 5 plasmas in the MPF that have been sitting in their boxes since April? I bet they're still sitting in the same place in another 6 months. There's money well spent. How about the need for a new computer every 30 minutes. Or the giant waste of flying aeromed trainers, can't they just train in a FUT? I mean, if you can teach pilot initial C-130J training sim only, it would seem that you could train aeromeds in a FUT with a few guys shaking it. The list goes on and on...
  14. slacker

    Gun Talk

    I just meant a naked Mossberg- no tactical accessories, yet. I've got a bunch of 2 3/4" buckshot, I'll probably keep buying the 2 3/4" variety- because my Remmington 1100 can use it too.
  15. slacker

    Gun Talk

    Here's one of today's purchases, HK USP .45ACP Compact. Looking forward to shooting it. ETA- also picked up a Mossberg 500 Persuader, nothing special. I'll post a pic after some mods.
  16. slacker

    Gun Talk

    Anyone ever shoot an FN 5.7? I was getting the serious upsale by a guy at the gun show. It felt pretty good, but a little on the high side of my $ range. I think I'm leaning to the S&W MP .45 right now, the guy said he'd make me a great deal on the FN. It just seams like a small caliber to me. I guess I need to do some reading.
  17. slacker

    Gun Talk

    Well, I'm in the market and I was fairly set on the XD 45, now I'm torn. Finally sold my Colt Python and I've got some cash burning a hole in my pocket. Thinking of an XD and a new HD 12 gauge.
  18. slacker

    Gun Talk

    So anyone shot an SA XDM yet? I fondled one today at the local gun shop, wonder if it's worth the extra cash?
  19. I imagine they'll have to recruit folks getting off active duty from LRF to fill some of the slots. Especially if this turns into a temporary squadron.
  20. I always say, "We all make our career choices." That shuts them up too.
  21. Ahhh...then I withdraw my smartass "safe bet" comment to be used at a later date.
  22. If I wasn't in the military, I might call that congressman a giant douchebag.
  23. That's a pretty safe bet.
  24. Sweet bike. Don't chip a tooth riding a hardtail. I'm looking for bobber-style, with a little more comfort. A hardtail would have been sweet 10 years ago, now I'm too freaking old.
  25. holy crap. that's a healthy payment.
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