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Everything posted by LockheedFix

  1. 18. Ordered military members to wear reflective belts 24/7 for all operations. He quickly reversed his decision two days later when he realized how ridiculous this made his military look, and also that no one had been hit by a vehicle indoors or in broad daylight in the history of the glorious Land of all Turkmen.
  2. My understanding is that Ops tours will be the only ones that are not 4 years. But it should be easy to extend a flying tour to 4 years if you want to.
  3. I have considered trying to go to Safety School just to ask that same question. There has to be some way to look up that data with the access you have as a safety officer. I would be willing to bet that since this whole disco belt ridiculousness started, that there has not been a .01% decrease in the mishap rate of retards being hit by vehicles. What kills me is how the reflective belt has become synonymous with "combat." During Yokota exercises, reflective belts become mandatory 24/7. It's as though some dipshit shoe clerk said "All right guys, we gotta buckle down. THIS IS WAR! GET YOUR REFLECTIVE BELTS ON!" And whatever happened to looking professional in uniform? Wearing a neon yellow belt with your uniform makes us look like shit, yet somehow it's perfectly acceptable to wear one in the middle of the day.
  4. The 36 AS at Yokota has made a huge stride in this arena. We are breaking ground in a week or two on a brand new bar. We got a lot of support from the OG/CC and the SQ/CC as far as getting the funds in fall out money for it. It was snatched from the grips of shoe clerk death several times, but right at the end of the FY it was moved way up on the list and became a top priority for the base. KUDOS to those two commanders for fighting the good fight and also to this board's kenblankenship for doing the leg work for it.
  5. Bender, We are all now dumber for having read that post. I award you no points. May God have mercy on your soul.
  6. On his return from an area solo in one of the Western MOAs at CAFB, a buddy of mine somehow got a 150 heading from approach confused with a descent to 1500'. Forty+ miles from base. After buzzing the football stadium at Mississippi State and getting chewed out by the controller, he returned to find he was a recipient of the ever-popular RAPCON-directed "unsat".
  7. Awesome.
  8. Yes. At Ali Al Salem, even married couples are not allowed to enter each others quarters.
  9. But GO 1 does say members of the opposite sex may not be in each others private quarters. The UCMJ says you can't have sex in public, so if you're having sex somewhere that's covered by GO 1, you're breaking one of the two rules.
  10. Nice video. Reminds me of my nav from my last deployment. He would pop an ambien and stumble around like a drunk annoying people. But he fought the sleep too hard because he was enjoying himself so much that eventually the ambien would keep him awake and he'd show up to fly on 3 hours of sleep.
  11. I got married at the end of my first week of flying, which was by far the busiest part of the whole training program. It was no big deal at all. I left on a Thursday and showed up to fly on Monday. You'll have no problems getting your leave. Like others have said though, let your flight commander know as soon as you find out who he is. [ 22. September 2006, 04:15: Message edited by: LockheedFix ]
  12. This is NOT meant to start a flame war, just an honest question. I've always heard since way back in UPT that you do very little handflying in the C-17. And in the Herk world, you hear all kinds of anecdotes about C-17 drivers never actually getting to fly the plane. I've also heard what I'm sure is an urban legend of a former C-130 pilot that crossed over to the C-17 getting a downgrade on a checkride for turning the autopilot off. So, how much do you guys actually handfly your jet? On a normal point A to point B flight, do you turn on the autopilot immediately after takeoff and turn it back off on short final? And how often do the Tac qualified guys actually get to train on handlfying the plane on low levels, etc.? [ 27. September 2006, 13:59: Message edited by: Toro ]
  13. Whoever gave you that advice is an idiot.
  14. How important is keeping track of your military time when it comes time to apply for the airlines? Do you even need to transfer your mil time to a logbook, or can you just give them a printout of your militart sorties and say "Here you go"?
  15. Find that one in a dictionary for me. It's probably right next to "for all intensive purposes" and "ecspecially."
  16. If you're going through the AMC terminal, then you're on the Freedom Bird (L1011) straight to Yokota. By the way, your take off and land times don't make sense. 0430L in Seattle is 2030L in Tokyo. That means your flight is either 45 minutes long or 24 hours and 45 minutes long. Either way, you're breaking a couple of the laws of physics there. [ 02. June 2006, 01:05: Message edited by: herk28 ]
  17. Bendy, the rotator from Seattle to Yokota is an L1011 (Lockheed's version of the DC-10). It's nice because you don't have to catch the 2-4 hour shuttle from NRT when you get there. It sucks because AMC makes you show up 4 hours early for some reason, and then there are a million screaming babies on the plane. I wouldn't worry about jetlag, just get there and go to sleep. You have three years to see the damn place.
  18. Does anybody have a link where I can get the official details about these PHOENIX programs? I checked on VMPF but couldn't find any.
  19. Which shows how outdated they are. Thanks M2.
  20. Or at least let us wear white undershirts with a collar that shows instead of the John Travolta look with all your chest hair sticking out.
  21. I second LJDRVR, just go back to the cold war style uniforms, period. As gay as this whole fashion show looks, at least it shows they realize how stupid we look in our gay ass leisure suits. There's no way they're going with the high collar Billy Mitchell thing. Give me the Curtis LeMay style and I might actually not ***** about having to wear it once a year.
  22. ^^Nope, it won't let me do anything, it says it is unavailable in my region.
  23. Anybody have a different link to that file? putfile.com won't let me on to download it because I'm in Japan. I really want to see it.
  24. The process of shutting down Herks at Pope has already begun? I hadn't heard the details and didn't know if that had gone through yet. Is one squadron going compeletely before the other?
  25. Any truth to the rumor that a pilot rating and/or commercial license counts for some credit toward some ofthe ERAU Masters programs? (Sorry, too lazy to look it up myself.)
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